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作者 標題 [外絮] The 10 Dirtiest Players in NBA History
時間 Sun May 12 00:38:43 2013
The 10 Dirtiest Players in NBA History
By Kelly Scaletta http://0rz.tw/wZ7I8
The 10 Dirtiest Players in NBA History | Bleacher Report
Dirty NBA players come in all shapes and sizes. Dirty play comes in different forms too. There’s blatant dirty and sneaky dirty. There’s tough dirty and mouthy dirty... ...
No. 10 - Kobe Bryant
Highlight: http://0rz.tw/dy8k6
Kobe Bryant has softened a bit in his old age, but that doesn’t mean
the stuff he did in his youth never happened, nor does it mean he’s still
not just a little bit dirty.
Bryant is the classic “sneaky-dirty” player. His foul rate doen't indicate
how dirty he is, because most of what he does, he just gets away with.
Whether it’s hitting someone in the face with the follow-through on his
jump shot or elbowing someone in the throat trying to make room for a shot,
Bryant is the master. In fact, he's likely to draw a whistle in his favor
when he commits a dirty play.
或者用肘擊防守者來替自己清開進攻空間。 KB是這方面的大師級人物。
Kobe loyalists will argue that it’s just incidental contact, but the same
things that make him great work against that argument. Bryant’s legacy isthat of an athlete in total control of his body. He’s perfected every aspect
of his game and honed every muscle movement through hard work and repetition.
Do you really think he didn’t know what he was doing with his elbow?
Or forearm? Or fingers?
I don’t. I respect him too much for that. I respect him enough to
acknowledge that he is dirty.
這也是KB偉大的因素 正好反駁了那(支持者辯護)理由。
No.9 - John Stockton and Karl Malone
I decided to include this combination as a single entity rather than as
two separate slides because of the overlap between two of the greatest—and
dirtiest—teammates in NBA history.
As the most infamous elbow-thrower in NBA history, if Karl Malone were given
a dollar for every time he connected with another man's head, he would have
made more than his NBA salary.
Karl Malone是NBA歷史上最惡名昭彰的飛肘高手。
John Stockton was the master and commander of the sneaky, scratching, clawing,
hip-checking, dirty point guards. Everyone since has just been a cheap
John Stockton是一位在"偷抓","偷拉","偷摸臀",的綜合技能大師與領導者,
Playing in Utah was a nightmare for NBA teams. If every foul the Jazz committed
had been called, they would be out of players before the first half ended.
Instead, they were generally ignored.
Back in the day, playing in Salt Lake City was like the scene in Hoosiers where
Hickory High played Terhune, the team of thugs.
If you went to play Utah, you knew there would be some cuts and bruises
the next day, and most of them wouldn’t be rewarded with trips to the
charity stripe.
No.8 - Reggie Evans
Reggie Evans Grabs Chris Kaman's Private Parts - YouTube
Reggie Evans reaches from behind and grabs Chris Kamans private parts while fighting for the rebound in the Western Conference First Round of 2006 (Nuggets-C...
Reggie Evans reaches from behind and grabs Chris Kamans private parts while fighting for the rebound in the Western Conference First Round of 2006 (Nuggets-C...

Want to know what Reggie Evans' favorite ballet is? The Nutcracker.
想知道 Reggie Evans最喜愛的芭蕾舞劇嗎? 是胡桃鉗。
There are certain things that go beyond the realm of dirty.
They start entering a realm where, if the other guy turns around and
breaks your jaw, he shouldn’t even get called for the foul.
Evans reaching into the nether regions of Chris Kaman and squeezing certainly
qualifies as that.
而Evans對Chris Kaman的所作所為,就與這些事情相符。
Now, the question we have to ask ourselves is this: Do you think this is the
only time something like this has happened?
Was it a sudden impulse that Evans had? Or was it more likely that this is
something he had done before?
現在,我們必須捫心自問一件事情: 你認為這只是單一偶發事件嗎?
那只是一個Evans突然衝動的行為? 或者更有可能的是他故技重施?
那只是一個Evans突然衝動的行為? 或者更有可能的是他故技重施?
Somehow I have to think it’s the latter. If another man’s pearls aren’t
off-limits, what is?
No.7 - Charles Oakley
I would actually be afraid of compiling this list and not including
Charles Oakley for the simple reason that he might be so offended that
he would come over to my house and personally instruct me on just how
much pain he inflicted in a game.
當我列這張清單時,我十分懼怕沒有把Charles Oakley列在其中。
If there was ever a player not to be messed with, it was Oakley.
There was no foul that was too hard for him.
He is a man whom Jalen Rose once called a "dark alley" guy.
That's a perfect way to describe him. Charles Oakley was dark-alley dirty.
Even if you were Charles Barkley, you didn’t mess with Oakley
and get away with it.
他是曾經被Jalen Rose稱為"暗巷中的傢伙"。這是一個非常貼切的形容。
就算你是Charles Barkley,你也無法"得罪了方丈"還能跑。
Oakley sneers at the softness of today's players.
If there were an NBA version of the Octagon, he would be the
last man standing.
如果有一部NBA版本的"The Octagon"電影,那他會是最後存活的人。
No.6 - Rasheed Wallace
Rasheed Wallace: Trash Talking - YouTube
the Detroit Pistons talk about Rasheed Wallace and his trash talking
the Detroit Pistons talk about Rasheed Wallace and his trash talking

With most players, when you talk about the game being technical,
they think of X's and O's. With Rasheed Wallace, you think of the
inordinate number of technical fouls he committed over the course
of his career.
但若是Rasheed Wallace,你會想到在他的職業生涯中,毫無節制地犯下無數次技術犯規。
He got T'd up a whopping 317 times, an NBA record. He had one season,
He got T'd up a whopping 317 times, an NBA record. He had one season,
2001, where he got called for 41. That’s also an NBA record.
Over a three-year span, he was called for 106 of them.
That’s almost 12 Bulls-Heat games!
He took trash-talk to a whole new level.
And then when he got slammed for it, he took whining to a level
that even a five-year-old would be ashamed of.
- 一個五歲小孩都會覺得羞恥的層次。
All the while, he was dishing out some cheap shots—
the reason behind a good number of the aforementioned technicals.
If you ask Wallace, though, he would probably tell
you that he never committed a foul.
Sorry, Sheed. Ball don't lie.
抱歉,Sheed。 球是不會騙人地。
No.5 - Dikembe Mutombo
ESPN has a list of 25 injuries caused by Dikembe Mutombo swinging his elbows,
and it's only updated through 2004.
Need I say more?
No.4 - Dennis Rodman
Dennis Rodman, more than any player in the history of the game,
is in the Hall of Fame almost exclusively for two reasons:
defense and rebounding.
And you don’t do those things as well as he did without knowing
how to get a little dirty.
Dennis Rodman因為防守與籃板能力,是造就他能夠比其他出眾並進入名人堂的原因。
Rodman was the expert banger. He mastered every trick of the trade,
every tool of the craft, to determine how to get positioning to get
the rebound. He outfought countless men who were bigger, stronger and
heavier than himself.
He did so by using elbows, fingernails, teeth, hair,
flatulence and whatever else he could to gain position.
There was no kind of dirty off-limits to Rodman.
No.3 - Kevin Garnett
Kevin Garnett Ball Taps Channing Frye HAHA -- Boston Celtics vs. Phoenix Suns - YouTube YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE WHOLE THING TO ACTUALLY LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF!!!!!! :-)

Kevin Garnett is the “vino” of dirty. The older he gets,
the more he compensates by adding to his dirty repertoire.
He has reached a dirty level only two players in history have eclipsed.
Kevin Garnett的髒就像喝廉價酒的酒鬼一樣。
No one—I repeat, no one—has taken trash talk to the level Garnett has.
You think you’re tough? You think you’re thick-skinned?
Five minutes alone with Garnett and he would have you crying like a schoolgirl.
He’s the NBA version of Hannibal Lecter when it comes to getting in your head.
沒有人任何能夠,我再強調一次沒有人能夠 - 將垃圾話境界升級到 Garnett的程度。
你覺得你很硬? 你覺得你夠厚顏無恥?
It would be one thing if it ended there, but it doesn’t.
He has a rich bag of tricks too. From the relatively clean blocking shots after
the whistle, just so you don’t see it go through the net,
to the downright disgusting, like slapping players in the man parts as they
go up for jump shots, Garnett is dirty on levels most don’t even consider
There is no need to defend him either. Garnett would be proud of his
placement here,
if not offended that two rank higher. He does still have time on his contract
to move up.
No.2 - Bill Laimbeer
How bad was Bill Laimbeer?
Bill Laimbeer有多壞呢?
Let's put it this way.
There was a video game made for Super Nintendo entitled Bill Laimbeer's
Combat Basketball. The game was a kind of a cross between Death Race 2000
and basketball.
It didn't just contain violence, it encouraged it.
Laimbeer was the baddest of the Motor City Bad Boys,
and he offered no apologies for it.
He just did what he had to in order to win.
You can't argue with the results. He has two rings.
No.1 - Bruce Bowen
Bruce Bowen had a famous habit of slipping his foot underneath a player
as he went up for a jump shot. That’s about the worst thing a player can
possibly do.
Bruce Bowen有個出名的習慣,就是當別人跳投時,把腳偷偷放在他的下方等他落地。
Landing on top of feet has destroyed seasons and careers;
it’s really nothing to be toyed with. You do that a few times and opposing
players have it in their heads.
When you’re worried about coming down on someone’s foot, you’re worried
about coming down wrong.
When you’re worried about coming down wrong, it affects your shot.
Bowen was a great defender apart from his dirty tactics, but there's a big
difference between “tough” dirty and “malicious” dirty,
and the San Antonio Spurs' stopper was the latter.
Threatening someone’s career is just morally wrong,
and there is no justification.
! Are you talking to me?
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :小蟲嗆老史髒 全世界的人都笑惹1F 05/12 00:40
推 :KB隨著年紀變大已經比以前軟一些。但這不代表他年輕2F 05/12 00:42
→ :幹過的事情並未曾發生,
→ :幹過的事情並未曾發生,
推 :no foul that was too hard 那句翻得不對4F 05/12 00:42
收到,謝謝推 :甚至在公牛與熱火的比賽中就被吹了至少12次。5F 05/12 00:43
收到,謝謝推 :頗中肯的 這十一個人真得髒爆了6F 05/12 00:43
推 :Rasheed That’s almost 12 Bulls-Heat games那裏翻7F 05/12 00:43
推 :拜能要加油了..8F 05/12 00:43
→ :錯了9F 05/12 00:44
→ :我要說的跟hump 大一樣10F 05/12 00:44
推 :沒Larry Bird?11F 05/12 00:44
→ :是他單季106次的T是上次那場比賽的12倍12F 05/12 00:44
收到,謝謝推 :老包稱第二 沒人敢喊第一XD13F 05/12 00:45
推 :推翻譯 尤其是KG=NBA漢尼拔那段我笑了14F 05/12 00:45
推 :沒有世界和平??15F 05/12 00:45
推 :我就知道第一名是馬刺之光16F 05/12 00:46
→ :KOBE球迷那段有一句翻錯了 不是最佳辯護 是"那些使得17F 05/12 00:46
推 :MWP Bynum KD 都沒在榜上 失敗18F 05/12 00:46
推 :推19F 05/12 00:46
推 :MWP還好吧 榜上這幾個都是一時之選20F 05/12 00:46
→ :kobe偉大的因素 正好反駁了那(支持者辯護)理由21F 05/12 00:46
收到,謝謝→ :KG真的髒到爆22F 05/12 00:46
推 :世界和平不是還有禁賽整季的聯盟紀錄 這不上榜有點23F 05/12 00:47
→ :可惜啊...
→ :可惜啊...
推 :髒男人果真現役最髒25F 05/12 00:48
推 :讓Bowen防守的人心理壓力絕對超大的...26F 05/12 00:49
因校正翻譯內容,若誤刪推文,抱歉!※ 編輯: KenRock 來自: (05/12 00:56)
推 :說真的藍比爾第二 誰敢說第一??27F 05/12 00:49
推 :還好張苞退休了,不然小咖哩打完這個系列賽就要退休了28F 05/12 00:50
→ :如果熱火有一個藍比爾 今天公牛敢這樣打嗎??29F 05/12 00:50
推 :Laimbeer有印象,真的是超級髒的30F 05/12 00:51
→ :MWP跟老包是同一類型的阿 殺人兇器耶 怎能不上榜31F 05/12 00:51
推 :張包退休後 馬刺還沒拿過冠軍 頗ㄏ32F 05/12 00:51
→ :藍比爾這種根本就是大魔王等級 KG根本是小混混33F 05/12 00:52
推 :GC沒看過藍比爾完整賽季別妄言肯定說他比老包髒34F 05/12 00:54
推 :那也是以前聯盟可以容忍Laimbeer這種打法吧35F 05/12 00:54
推 :怎麼沒有火車男孩?36F 05/12 00:54
推 :太好笑了XD37F 05/12 00:54
推 :看來又有人在鍵盤時空旅遊38F 05/12 00:55
→ :如果到現在這種尺度Laimbeer根本無法生存 一下就犯滿39F 05/12 00:55
推 :還蠻好笑的 XDDDD40F 05/12 00:55
→ :以前要看整個賽季還蠻困難的 你能看完整個賽季嗎?41F 05/12 00:55
→ :藍比爾的時代 台灣的轉播好像只有三台才有
→ :藍比爾的時代 台灣的轉播好像只有三台才有
推 :給老大一點尊嚴好嗎 腿都斷囉 爽歪歪 呵呵呵呵43F 05/12 00:56
→ :所以你憑啥說藍比爾一定比老包髒 好笑44F 05/12 00:56
→ :老包讓人報銷的戰績有輸藍比爾喔
→ :老包讓人報銷的戰績有輸藍比爾喔
推 :包溫的絕子絕孫踢目前已經失傳了46F 05/12 00:57
推 :超討厭一堆鬥牛學kobe的 揮肘先不提 那個用腳踢防守47F 05/12 00:58
→ :者,超令人不爽
→ :者,超令人不爽
推 :胡桃鉗我大笑49F 05/12 00:58
推 :老大不是第一 這篇文章沒有參考價值50F 05/12 00:59
推 :Bowen第一段應該是指別人跳投時51F 05/12 00:59
收到,謝謝。(我應該是被腦袋中的天蠶腳所誤導了XDD)※ 編輯: KenRock 來自: (05/12 01:00)
推 :藍比爾現在應該三分鐘就下場了52F 05/12 00:59
→ :沒howard53F 05/12 01:00
推 :魔獸那種別人小動作一下就搞毛他的,要進榜還早54F 05/12 01:00
→ :羅德曼是軍火專家....你當你在看電影嗎 ( ̄ー ̄;)55F 05/12 01:01
推 :除了老大的部分以外 其他都很贊同56F 05/12 01:01
→ :to BADGAME,我想很久,承上下文得這樣翻出來57F 05/12 01:01
→ :你有沒有比較好的建議呢?!~
→ :你有沒有比較好的建議呢?!~
推 :MWP年輕時那叫做腦衝界線過低59F 05/12 01:02
→ :學KG非法掩護的也不少
→ :學KG非法掩護的也不少
推 :kobe連場外的作為也加入比較的話,應該就有前3髒了。61F 05/12 01:03
推 :KG和Kobeu一樣髒 都偷對手那里 妨礙出手62F 05/12 01:03
推 :Rodman的髒是沒有極限的 XD63F 05/12 01:03
推 :這篇好中肯,而且能上榜的都是防守悍將64F 05/12 01:04
推 :不過Sheed肢體沒那麼髒 只是超碎嘴 同意應該讓MWP上65F 05/12 01:05
推 :Resheed那裏我說錯了 是三年裡拿了106次T SORRY~~66F 05/12 01:05
→ : A
No Problem! 謝謝你的熱心。→ : A
※ 編輯: KenRock 來自: (05/12 01:07)
推 :包叔果然是犯規界的Michael Jordan!68F 05/12 01:06
推 :包叔:看我的地雷腳~~69F 05/12 01:07
→ :Raggie Even最愛的芭蕾舞劇請直譯「碎蛋」,謝謝!70F 05/12 01:07
→ :我有去查典故 ,但還是不知道這個舞劇真正涵義71F 05/12 01:08
→ :我打那麼多字 怎麼才32P XDDD 怎麼下注拉~~ TOT
→ :我打那麼多字 怎麼才32P XDDD 怎麼下注拉~~ TOT
推 :PUSH73F 05/12 01:09
推 :就是碎蛋擊 XD74F 05/12 01:10
推 :我後面那句沒錯阿你怎麼又改回去了XD75F 05/12 01:10
→ :幾乎是火牛戰的12倍
→ :幾乎是火牛戰的12倍
推 :3季106次吧77F 05/12 01:11
→ :可以注解啦 正著翻胡桃鉗真的很雙關78F 05/12 01:11
推 :藍比爾那時代只有中視偶爾有 我自己還要裝中小耳朵79F 05/12 01:12
→ :how much pain he inflicted in a game80F 05/12 01:12
→ :是說他在比賽中「造成」多少傷害 不是他受到多少
→ :是說他在比賽中「造成」多少傷害 不是他受到多少
推 :我還有一招 百年功力的天殘腳82F 05/12 01:13
推 :拜嫩勒83F 05/12 01:14
推 :Nutcraker也太好笑XDDD84F 05/12 01:14
→ :交易的技巧 ....GM嗎?85F 05/12 01:15
推 :看到Nutcracker那邊我笑翻了XD86F 05/12 01:16
推 :包叔!!87F 05/12 01:18
推 :包溫果然第一XDDDDDD88F 05/12 01:18
推 :Raggie Evans grabs Chris Kaman's nuts:89F 05/12 01:18
→ :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D69Q7TrZT0I
→ :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D69Q7TrZT0I
→ :未看先猜bleacher report91F 05/12 01:20
→ :應該翻成那是12倍的公牛對熱火的技犯數92F 05/12 01:23
推 :名單中肯 但馬龍應該排前兩名 他的霸王肘是真的會把93F 05/12 01:23
→ :人打得頭破血流 那不只是"髒"而已
→ :人打得頭破血流 那不只是"髒"而已
推 :第10名就兩個字--->金身95F 05/12 01:25
推 :原來CP3還這麼不到位喔XDDD96F 05/12 01:26
→ :rasheed那一段不是在說他106次是前幾天9次的12倍97F 05/12 01:27
推 :壞孩子第一代的打法搬到現在打乾兒子 第一節就全掰了98F 05/12 01:27
推 :有人有Stockton耍小手段的影片嗎?好像有點難搜尋99F 05/12 01:30
→ :rasheed那一段不是在說他106次是前幾天9次的12倍嗎?100F 05/12 01:31
→ :沒CP3?101F 05/12 01:32
噓 :KG該是第2...102F 05/12 01:32
推 :cp3應該是歸在十大戲子103F 05/12 01:36
推 :因為大部分當他犯行時,他都能全身而退。104F 05/12 01:39
推 :KG的超好笑,還人魔咧XDDDDDDD105F 05/12 01:40
推 :溪蛙那段 他在三年裡拿了106次T 相當於12場公牛VS熱106F 05/12 01:40
→ :火的比賽
→ :火的比賽
→ :可惜老史老馬排名低了點,說他們不夠髒還比較好笑108F 05/12 01:42
→ :cp3再髒個10年或許能上榜..現在還太早109F 05/12 01:47
推 :老包那是毒,不是髒了吧。最髒的藍比爾無誤110F 05/12 01:54
推 :1.2名已經拋棄一部份人性了111F 05/12 01:58
→ :髒包天殘腳流芳萬世112F 05/12 01:59
推 :名單蠻不錯的 中肯推113F 05/12 01:59
推 :非常認同他協調性與苦練,也因此,非常相信KB就是髒114F 05/12 02:03
推 :很中肯 尤其是Bowen榜首增加這榜單的說服力 沒有因為115F 05/12 02:05
→ :他不是球星 就忽略了被他噁心動作毀掉的球星們 事實
→ :他光無持球防守就足以在聯盟立足 卻培養這種習慣性
→ :動作.....真是令人噁心
→ :他不是球星 就忽略了被他噁心動作毀掉的球星們 事實
→ :他光無持球防守就足以在聯盟立足 卻培養這種習慣性
→ :動作.....真是令人噁心
推 :竟然沒有MWP?119F 05/12 02:21
推 :不覺得sheed髒耶 愛抱怨也算贓嗎?120F 05/12 02:25
→ :希蛙又不會傷人 這邊髒都是會弄傷別人的髒吧
→ :希蛙又不會傷人 這邊髒都是會弄傷別人的髒吧
推 :有KG給推122F 05/12 02:27
→ :不認為sheed髒+1
→ :不認為sheed髒+1
噓 :波文不是髒 是罪犯124F 05/12 02:30
推 :我一直以為MWP有前三的說125F 05/12 02:35
噓 :髒highlight比張苞長的 唯有KOBE了126F 05/12 02:37
推 :科比偷打咖哩臉那球 超有印象的 黑哨裝死127F 05/12 02:37
推 :包溫最髒 滿中肯得
推 :包溫最髒 滿中肯得
→ :Rasheed那不叫髒吧129F 05/12 02:42
推 :這些人組成一隊 對手應該沒人敢切入吧 XDDD130F 05/12 02:46
推 :包叔是地雷王131F 05/12 02:47
推 :藍比爾跟馬龍一起 禁區變成死亡區域132F 05/12 02:48
→ :小蟲那種髒感覺只是毛手毛腳 比起馬龍的狠度差很多
→ :小蟲那種髒感覺只是毛手毛腳 比起馬龍的狠度差很多
推 :未看先猜第一名髒包134F 05/12 02:57
推 :MWP是打觀眾被禁,至少在他年度防守球員那幾年,沒135F 05/12 03:08
→ :看到有被他對位的球星嫌他髒,反而說他難對抗
→ :看到有被他對位的球星嫌他髒,反而說他難對抗
推 :其他人highlight多半是防守居多,唯獨老大是進攻居多137F 05/12 03:11
→ :被Kobe打到的當事人如Mike Miller都說Kobe不是故意的138F 05/12 03:12
→ :不知道旁人在喊什麼燒
→ :不知道旁人在喊什麼燒
推 :KO8E髒不意外140F 05/12 03:31
推 :雖說我是湖迷 但我真的覺得MWP小動作不少欸 像肘擊141F 05/12 03:38
→ :哈登那次
→ :哈登那次
推 :看到Reggie Evans怎能不提他在超音速的隊友Danny For143F 05/12 03:46
→ :Danny Fortson
→ :Danny Fortson
推 :在那邊說CP3的是小屁孩嗎XDD145F 05/12 04:25
推 :少列了MJ146F 05/12 05:37
推 :太讚啦XD 包溫真的不配稱為籃球員147F 05/12 06:03
推 :張苞148F 05/12 06:23
推 :包溫好糟糕149F 05/12 06:38
→ :KG最後一句似乎是說他還有時間讓排名上升150F 05/12 06:58
→ :呼應第一段說他越老越髒
→ :呼應第一段說他越老越髒
→ :胡桃鉗的另一隱意是蛋蛋爆裂者..就是打蛋蛋的人152F 05/12 07:38
推 :KG帥喔! 狼王真男人153F 05/12 07:40
推 :1跟3垃圾球員 不意外154F 05/12 07:58
推 :怎麼會有人提Bird?Bird防守並不髒啊 因為他不太防守155F 05/12 08:12
→ :他只是會跟在你身邊不斷的靠杯 而且是非常的靠杯
→ :他只是會跟在你身邊不斷的靠杯 而且是非常的靠杯
推 :有梗157F 05/12 08:26
→ :KB揮手應該只是要位不志在傷人..當然不小打到就算了.158F 05/12 08:50
推 : 建議 票選現役159F 05/12 09:04
推 :會被迷迷需 補血160F 05/12 09:33
推 :BOWEN不意外161F 05/12 09:38
推 :這作者把垃圾話的髒也算進排名 不然sheed最好贏兩老162F 05/12 09:42
推 :Bowen每次出腳都可能毀掉別人生涯 真的是最髒無誤..
推 :Bowen每次出腳都可能毀掉別人生涯 真的是最髒無誤..
→ :不志在傷人咧...影片裡面有多少小動作? sneaky foul164F 05/12 09:46
推 :飛踢實在太經典了 應該要直接出場的165F 05/12 09:46
→ :沒看到老大在對方跳投的時候摸蛋蛋? 要位還是要__?166F 05/12 09:48
→ :世界和平禁賽整季那次主因是出手打球迷167F 05/12 09:49
推 :168F 05/12 10:10
推 :這篇讚!169F 05/12 10:34
推 :好文我頂170F 05/12 10:35
推 :看到這篇文章 不用想也知道第一名絕對是髒包171F 05/12 10:44
推 :這篇笑著看完哈哈172F 05/12 10:50
推 :推真男人!173F 05/12 10:53
→ :美國陳志忠第一174F 05/12 11:14
推 :未看先猜第一名是天殘腳175F 05/12 11:16
推 :Rasheed的技術犯規很多是跟裁判不對頭 不認同他進榜176F 05/12 11:23
推 :天殘腳包溫果然是第一177F 05/12 13:04
推 :這個排名怪怪的=_= 天殘腳不能算髒吧 那是不入流178F 05/12 13:50
→ :另外爵士雙老的小妖精..能在那時代十餘年全身而退
→ :真該出本武學秘笈提攜後進的
→ :另外爵士雙老的小妖精..能在那時代十餘年全身而退
→ :真該出本武學秘笈提攜後進的
推 :第一名!!181F 05/12 14:53
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