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作者 標題 [情報] Danny Green 廣播上談哈登 西門交易案
時間 Thu Mar 10 23:13:31 2022
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4.7k votes, 574 comments. Danny Green shared a deeper look into the Sixers locker room during the Ben Simmons saga on sports radio. Here are some of … ...
4.7k votes, 574 comments. Danny Green shared a deeper look into the Sixers locker room during the Ben Simmons saga on sports radio. Here are some of … ...
●Ben Simmons changed his phone number without telling anyone. Danny reached
out personally, sent a bunch of text messages over a few weeks, but Ben did
not responded. Others tried checking in on him and nobody talked to Ben until
he showed up at practice.
(交易前) 西門沒有告訴任何隊友換了電話號碼
Green有試著去聯繫他 但沒有任何回覆
●Players in the Sixers locker room would discuss who they’d trade Ben away
for. They didn’t expect to get a big asset like Harden.
●The role players in the Sixers locker room joked about being traded away a
potential Ben Simmons deal as nobody felt safe on the team.
●James is a workaholic and his party habits are grossly overstated. Tyrese
is a also workaholic. Danny green forces him to stay out of the gym. Great
positive energy. A lot of guys would fold, or take on that kind of pressure.
He’s the perfect fit.
●Joel and Karl Anthony Towns mended their beef after the tragedy of COVID
and now those guys say hi to each other in the street
鉛筆跟唐斯已經和好了 他們現在在街上遇到會打招呼
●Everybody circled their calendar for the Nets game. Nobody in the 76ers
organization is surprised that Ben isn’t playing.
●Danny feels bad for Westbrook. He's doing the same thing he did in
Washington. You can't blame him because he can't fit – Westbrook didn't make
the decision to put the team together. He was brought in to play with the
team and sometimes it doesn't work out well. You cannot just put it all on
one person.
效果不好 不能只怪他一個人
明天籃網 76人就要開打了
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YAXMUML (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1646925214.A.595.html
推 : 全隊對西門不上場感到不意外 可憐1F 03/10 23:15
噓 : 蠻可憐的,果然說是下一個LBJ的都沒什麼好下場…西2F 03/10 23:17
→ : 門..楊懷樂…
→ : 門..楊懷樂…
推 : 西門氣氛達人欸4F 03/10 23:17
推 : dg在湖人有段時間也被嘴很慘 感同身受5F 03/10 23:17
推 : 街上遇到會打招呼WWWW6F 03/10 23:19
推 : 不過大家都對西門不上場表示不意外 hahaha7F 03/10 23:20
→ : 莫雷捏了這麼久居然換到鬍子8F 03/10 23:20
推 : 哈登是訓練狂也不意外吧 不然身材怎麼這麼壯9F 03/10 23:20
推 : 糖跟筆明星賽就有互動了10F 03/10 23:21
推 : 記得是糖抱著小孩跟筆閒聊11F 03/10 23:22
→ : 鬍子訓練狂應該是季中限定吧,暑假就放飛了12F 03/10 23:22
→ : 鉛筆跟KAT和好最意外XDD13F 03/10 23:24
→ : 沒甚麼好意外的 季中KAT就關心過鉛筆得武肺14F 03/10 23:30
推 : 丹尼綠也被死亡威脅過15F 03/10 23:31
推 : 龜龜自己不是很急著叫巫師老闆讓他去 怎麼變成他是16F 03/10 23:31
→ : 被找的
→ : 被找的
→ : KAT母親住院的時候鉛筆就有發推挺了18F 03/10 23:33
推 : 訓練跟去夜店不衝突,很多人很愛強調他愛去夜店,殊19F 03/10 23:33
推 : 不意外wwwww20F 03/10 23:33
→ : 不知,去夜店根本不影響他的訓練跟他的比賽表現21F 03/10 23:34
→ : 夜店跟訓練又不衝突阿 你訓練要訓練整天?22F 03/10 23:34
→ : 所以他就算愛去夜店,還是年年繳出MVP數據23F 03/10 23:35
推 : 鬍子去夜店已經變成一個哏了啦 不然他又沒結婚又沒24F 03/10 23:37
→ : 家庭要顧下班時間多的是
→ : 家庭要顧下班時間多的是
→ : 有先天氣喘不是訓練狂怎麼站穩NBA26F 03/10 23:39
→ : 他去夜店就跟其他人下班在家看電視一樣,就只是放鬆27F 03/10 23:39
→ : 實在沒啥好批評的
→ : 實在沒啥好批評的
推 : 重訓除了打籃球以外,對性能力也是很有幫助29F 03/10 23:41
推 : 別忘了NBA全部都是天才 能出頭的一定都是天才又努力30F 03/10 23:43
推 : 幫龜龜講話準備被追殺31F 03/10 23:44
推 : 也不算幫龜講話吧 他也沒說他不爛 他說一樣(爛)32F 03/10 23:45
→ : 一直臭A33F 03/10 23:46
推 : 龜龜那個,我猜很多事情大家都是心照不宣啦,他又34F 03/10 23:46
→ : 不是第一個弱化的
→ : 不是第一個弱化的
推 : 去夜店跟訓練不衝突但跟比賽有衝突36F 03/10 23:48
→ : 不然怎麼從雷霆到現在都有前晚去夜店隔天比賽落賽
→ : 的新聞
→ : 不然怎麼從雷霆到現在都有前晚去夜店隔天比賽落賽
→ : 的新聞
→ : 樓上, 就找件事情怪啊39F 03/10 23:55
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