※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-10-18 06:12:15
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 今天的一大堆消息
時間 Sun Oct 17 08:54:49 2021
@cavsOFFICIAL: #Cavs convert the contracts of Tacko Fall and RJ Nembhard into Two-Way Contracts.
OFFICIAL: #Cavs convert the contracts of Tacko Fall and RJ Nembhard into Two-W
ay Contracts.
騎士用雙向合約簽下Tacko Fall
@shamscharaniaThe Clippers are keeping center Isaiah Hartenstein for their final open roster spot, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Hartenstein averaged 7.5 points, 5 rebounds, 3.5 assists and 1.8 blocks in four preseason games.
The Clippers are keeping center Isaiah Hartenstein for their final open roster
spot, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Hartenstein averaged 7.5 points, 5
rebounds, 3.5 assists and 1.8 blocks in four preseason games.
快艇留下Isaiah Hartenstein(並裁掉Harry Giles)
@wojespnGuard Dennis Smith Jr., will make the Portland Trail Blazers' opening night roster, source tells ESPN.
Guard Dennis Smith Jr., will make the Portland Trail Blazers' opening night ro
ster, source tells ESPN.
@wojespnThe Bulls are converting F/C Tyler Cook’s deal to a two-way contract, sources tell ESPN.
The Bulls are converting F/C Tyler Cook’s deal to a two-way contract, sources
tell ESPN.
公牛用雙向合約簽下Tyler Cook
@shamscharaniaThe Brooklyn Nets will sign training camp guard David Duke Jr. on a two-way contract, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.
The Brooklyn Nets will sign training camp guard David Duke Jr. on a two-way co
ntract, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.
籃網用雙向合約簽下David Duke Jr.
@wojespnThe Memphis Grizzlies are waving guard Kris Dunn, sources tell ESPN. That gets the Grizz roster to 15 for opening night.
The Memphis Grizzlies are waving guard Kris Dunn, sources tell ESPN. That gets
the Grizz roster to 15 for opening night.
灰熊裁掉Kris Dunn
@keithsmithnbaOfficial Boston Celtics waivers:
Chris Clemons
Luke Kornet
Garrison Mathews
Theo Pinson
Boston now has 16 players under contract. 15 standard deals, 1 Two-Way deal. One Two-Way spot remains open for the Celtics.
Official Boston Celtics waivers:
Chris Clemons
Luke Kornet
Garrison Mathews
Theo Pinson
Boston now has 16 players under contract. 15 standard deals, 1 Two-Way deal. O
ne Two-Way spot remains open for the Celtics.
青賽裁掉Chris Clemons、Luke Kornet、Garrison Mathews、Theo Pinson
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XQtHYUE (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1634432098.A.78E.html
推 : 謝謝整理1F 10/17 08:59
推 : DSJ成功留在開季名單了,有點意外,希望他把握機會2F 10/17 09:02
→ : 熬出來啊
→ : 熬出來啊
推 : Kris Dunn!4F 10/17 09:02
推 : 騎士是想……?5F 10/17 09:02
→ : Dunn...6F 10/17 09:03
推 : 騎士到底要多高的陣容7F 10/17 09:03
推 : 死亡五大(X),留著賣票(O)8F 10/17 09:04
推 : Giles 又被裁了9F 10/17 09:04
推 : 騎士到底是想怎樣10F 10/17 09:06
推 : 推11F 10/17 09:07
推 : Merrill成功搶下灰熊15人名單,能上場打的果然是大12F 10/17 09:12
→ : 於躺著的
→ : 於躺著的
推 : Fall上場的時候歡呼聲比贏球還大啊 XDDD14F 10/17 09:14
推 : fall最後一場熱身賽打不錯15F 10/17 09:16
→ : 第二節有幾分鐘內直接主宰攻防兩端
→ : 留下來當特殊的戰術兵器其實不壞
→ : 第二節有幾分鐘內直接主宰攻防兩端
→ : 留下來當特殊的戰術兵器其實不壞
推 : Fall是騎士的吉祥物,受到當地觀眾的喜愛18F 10/17 09:17
→ : 先發級:Allen,Emo,Markkanen,禁區替補:Love,Wade,
→ : Fall,Ed Davis
→ : 滿滿的禁區戰力
→ : 先發級:Allen,Emo,Markkanen,禁區替補:Love,Wade,
→ : Fall,Ed Davis
→ : 滿滿的禁區戰力
推 : Giles來亞洲打應該可以雙二十吧22F 10/17 09:25
推 : 騎士高層:籃球就是高個子玩的運動23F 10/17 09:25
→ : 推24F 10/17 09:29
推 : Dunn好用欸,感覺會再有球隊撿25F 10/17 09:44
→ : Dunn現在在養傷,短時間大概很難上場了26F 10/17 09:51
→ : 哈騰讚讚27F 10/17 10:04
推 : Dunn還有5M左右太貴了 灰熊要省錢正常28F 10/17 10:05
→ : Fall吉祥物、Ed是長人導師的角色吧 之前在籃網應該
→ : 就跟Allen同隊過
→ : Fall吉祥物、Ed是長人導師的角色吧 之前在籃網應該
→ : 就跟Allen同隊過
→ : DSJ加油31F 10/17 10:10
推 : 裁Kris Dunn省不到錢吧,要省錢要裁Merrill32F 10/17 10:26
推 : 恭喜DSJ,希望他能持續加油!!!33F 10/17 10:34
推 : Fall當初在綠賽也是吉祥物啊34F 10/17 10:38
→ : 上場還會有人喊MVP那種
→ : 上場還會有人喊MVP那種
推 : Dunn 那傷很嚴重欸 已經不好用了36F 10/17 10:42
→ : Dunn??37F 10/17 10:44
推 : DSJ加油啊 還能打38F 10/17 10:47
推 : 蛤Giles打的不差吧39F 10/17 10:53
→ : Dunn沒人要了啊?40F 10/17 10:54
推 : Giles和Dunn完全可以打吧...41F 10/17 10:59
推 : Dunn又下去了…42F 10/17 11:11
推 : Giles沒人想撿看看嗎43F 10/17 11:21
推 : 馬刺要不要修修看44F 10/17 11:40
推 : 推45F 10/17 12:25
推 : Giles居然輸給哈坦46F 10/17 13:38
→ : DSJ加油!!!!
→ : DSJ加油!!!!
推 : DSJ加油48F 10/17 13:45
推 : Giles當初在國王不壞阿 怎麼會被丟49F 10/17 17:08
推 : Dunn才27歲 首輪第五順位就這樣被丟了50F 10/17 17:16
推 : 竟然留哈坦丟giles51F 10/18 03:35
→ : 缺內線的一定會撿來用的
→ : 缺內線的一定會撿來用的
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 87
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