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作者 標題 [外絮] 若LBJ留在熱火能再次奪冠嗎?Wade:我不
時間 Fri Dec 24 12:30:40 2021
On a recent episode of “Jalen Rose: Renaissance Man,” Miami Heat legend Dwyane
Wade gave his authentic opinion on if he believes the Heat would have been titl
e contenders had superstar LeBron James stayed in Miami in 2014.
“I don’t know,” Wade responded when asked how many more championships he thin
ks they would have won if James stayed in Miami. “I don’t know. That Golden St
ate [Warriors] team was right on our heels. I really don’t know. I wasn’t in m
y prime anymore. I was outside of my prime about 2014. So, that would have made
it hard for us to really win if I was still going to be a big part of it. Chris
Bosh not knowing what he was going to be dealing with later, he was in his prime
and LeBron was in his, but I wasn’t in mine anymore. And it would have made it
tough to keep going, so I would have really had to find health in a big way ver
y quickly to keep competing at that level and because my body was going through
so much.”
James opted to leave Miami to go back to the Cleveland Cavaliers during the free
agency period of 2014. The Cavaliers faced the Warriors in four consecutive fin
als from 2015 to 2018 as sharpshooter Stephen Curry started his dominance in the
LBJ在 2014 年選擇離開邁阿密回到克利夫蘭騎士隊。 騎士隊在 2015 年至 2018 年連續四
次面對勇士隊,因為神射手咖哩開始了他在 NBA 的統治地位。
Furthermore, the Warriors added supernova Kevin Durant during the 2016 offseason
. The Cavs’ only series win against the Warriors during that four-year stretch
came in 2016.
此外,勇士隊在 2016 年休賽季增加了超級球星KD。騎士隊在那四年中唯一一次對戰勇士隊
的系列賽勝利發生在 2016 年。
As for Bosh, he played his last basketball in 2016 and was forced to retire earl
y, as health issues sadly walloped his career. Wade retired from the NBA in 2019
至於Bosh,他在 2016 年打了他的最後一場籃球比賽,但由於健康問題影響了他的職業生涯
,他被迫提前退休。Wade於 2019 年從 NBA 退休。
Dwyane Wade unsure Miami Heat would have won more titles if LeBron James stayed: 'That Golden State team was right on our heels' - Heat Nation
On a recent episode of "Jalen Rose: Renaissance Man," Miami Heat legend Dwyane Wade gave his authentic opinion on if he believes the Heat would have b ...
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噓 : 窩不知道.JPG1F 12/24 12:31
→ : 窩不知道2F 12/24 12:31
推 : 2016季後賽的Wade應該還可吧4F 12/24 12:32
推 : 我不知道5F 12/24 12:32
→ : 不行吧6F 12/24 12:33
推 : 窩不知道7F 12/24 12:33
推 : Curry沒統治過8F 12/24 12:33
推 : 這評論要給幾分?9F 12/24 12:33
推 : LBJ 真的很敏銳10F 12/24 12:34
推 : 窩不知道12F 12/24 12:34
→ : 所以姆斯走惹13F 12/24 12:34
推 : 2014的LBJ嗅覺還很敏銳,現在變老漢組的腿也不行了14F 12/24 12:35
→ : 姆斯知道不能 才走了15F 12/24 12:35
→ : 品腿界GOAT逃真快16F 12/24 12:35
推 : 窩不知道17F 12/24 12:35
→ : 哪邊有水草 皇就飛往哪18F 12/24 12:36
→ : 腿19F 12/24 12:37
推 : 就是沒戲唱了 才改唱回家戲碼20F 12/24 12:38
推 : 14年結束後熱火就看起來不行了21F 12/24 12:39
推 : 窩不知道22F 12/24 12:39
噓 : 絕對不可能,不轉隊,腿老了,無年輕腿,就無法奪冠23F 12/24 12:40
→ : 那個已經沒用了 酸24F 12/24 12:40
→ : ,已經實實在在證明了這點25F 12/24 12:40
推 : Wade:我給LBJ的決定9分26F 12/24 12:40
→ : 轉隊那年的騎士比勇士和舊熱火強 可惜拆手和傷病27F 12/24 12:40
推 : 窩不知道28F 12/24 12:40
推 : 魏艾倫29F 12/24 12:40
推 : 先問今年吧30F 12/24 12:40
推 : 騎士連季後賽都進不去32F 12/24 12:41
→ : 然後隔年勇士超進化73勝 然後就沒有然後了33F 12/24 12:41
推 : 當然不知道啊 因為他不會留啊34F 12/24 12:42
推 : 先看看Bosh身體吧35F 12/24 12:42
推 : 他也沒心待熱火陪各位繼續努力36F 12/24 12:43
→ : 在座的各位….
→ : 在座的各位….
推 : 跑了39F 12/24 12:45
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