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作者 標題 [外絮] Woj:公牛正尋求交易魔術的Afflalo過來
時間 Sun Jun 22 07:15:32 2014
Sources: Bulls pursuing trade for Magic's Arron Afflalo
By Adrian Wojnarowski
The Chicago Bulls are pursuing a trade for Orlando Magic swingman Arron
Afflalo, league sources told Yahoo Sports.
Yahoo Sports得到的消息指出公牛目前正在尋求交易魔術的Arron Afflalo過來。
Afflalo, 28, has two years left on his contract – including an Early
Termination Option (ETO) provision next summer – and front office executives
believe the Magic are prioritizing a trade for Afflalo over working to extend
his contract.
It is unclear how the Bulls' pursuit of Afflalo would impact the franchise's
free-agent interest in New York Knicks forward Carmelo Anthony.
公牛追求Afflalo會對追求Carmelo Anthony有何影響目前尚不得而知。
The Bulls are searching for shooting to surround the returning Derrick Rose,
and Afflalo is coming off his best offensive season, averaging 18.2 points
per game on 45.9 percent shooting.
公牛正在尋求一名射手與即將復出的Derrick Rose搭檔,Afflalo上賽季能繳出平均
Chicago owns the 16th and 19th overall picks in the draft, and assuredly one
of those selections would be included in a possible package with the Magic.
Orlando has the fourth and 12th picks in Thursday's draft and a rapidly
developing young core of talent, including guard Victor Oladipo and center
Nikola Vucevic.
4和12順位的籤和一些快速成長有天賦的年輕核心球員,如Victor Oladipo和Nikola
The Bulls have shown a strong interest in moving one of their top picks in a
deal and have been open to trading the 19th overall pick for a future
first-round selection, league sources said. The Bulls are trying to be
careful to preserve salary cap space for July free agency and are leery of
two rookie-scale first-round picks on the roster, sources said.
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※ 編輯: thanos (, 06/22/2014 07:24:36
推 :阿福不錯1F 06/22 07:39
推 :砍將一枚2F 06/22 07:41
推 :阿福挺不錯的,這季增加了不少低位進攻技術3F 06/22 07:54
推 :Rose,Afflalo,Butler,Gibson,Noah 這樣的陣容還不錯4F 06/22 08:23
推 :Booooo要忘記我~~~5F 06/22 08:30
推 :這樣對魔術有甚麼好處 阿福這種優質SG才換16順位?6F 06/22 08:35
→ :後面講魔術有Oladipo跟Nicola是要再貼人嗎 一廂情願
→ :後面講魔術有Oladipo跟Nicola是要再貼人嗎 一廂情願
推 :阿福自用交易兩相宜 幹嘛只換#16籤8F 06/22 08:39
推 :這隻很棒9F 06/22 08:58
推 :就幹王一隻10F 06/22 10:02
推 :樓上你真的知道她是誰?11F 06/22 10:23
推 :樓上應該很熟他在魔術的幹功吧 就陪練順便顧身價啊12F 06/22 10:46
推 :aq13F 06/22 10:50
→ :好像看太快了
→ :好像看太快了
→ :一場出手不到14次就算幹王了 是新定義嗎15F 06/22 10:51
推 :阿福是很棒的團隊球員,而且物超所值16F 06/22 10:51
推 :阿福有點像年輕的Ray17F 06/22 10:56
推 :好咖一隻18F 06/22 11:00
→ :公牛如果要阿福光送出#16籤是不夠的 還會送出其他19F 06/22 11:04
→ :球員 這樣就可能會影響追求甜瓜的計畫
→ :球員 這樣就可能會影響追求甜瓜的計畫
→ :聽說是BOO+Snell+14 <-> Afflalo+MaxielL+Price21F 06/22 11:07
→ : 16 1
→ :然後再用Gibson+Butler <-> MELO or LOVE
→ :不過公牛交易看看就好 每年都雷聲大雨點小
→ : 16 1
→ :然後再用Gibson+Butler <-> MELO or LOVE
→ :不過公牛交易看看就好 每年都雷聲大雨點小
→ :唔 Gibson+Butler<->MELO or LOVE 薪資還是不匹配啊25F 06/22 11:14
NBA Trade Machine - ESPN
NBA trade machine, make player trades ...
NBA trade machine, make player trades ...
NBA Trade Machine - ESPN
NBA trade machine, make player trades ...
NBA trade machine, make player trades ...
推 :這換成就是Noah Afflalo Hinrich + (Maxiell MELO or27F 06/22 11:21
→ :LOVE Dunleavy) 替補MaxiellorDunleavy Price ROSE
→ :LOVE Dunleavy) 替補MaxiellorDunleavy Price ROSE
推 :結果換完 甜瓜還是去那專職PF29F 06/22 11:28
→ :Boozer我覺得大家都想等公牛特赦撿便宜...30F 06/22 11:30
推 :某人就是愛酸而已 無知31F 06/22 11:44
推 :酸什麼 又不是沒在看他打球 他到那就是變那樣啊32F 06/22 11:58
推 :AA不太算幹王吧= = 他助攻也不少....33F 06/22 12:24
推 :某人不只愛亂翻球員名字 評論也.........34F 06/22 12:58
推 :幹王? 可笑至極, 多看幾場魔術比賽再來說嘴吧!35F 06/22 12:59
推 :低調猛人之一36F 06/22 13:05
推 :如果阿福是幹王~那一堆出手比他多的叫做?37F 06/22 13:07
推 :有三分 防守好 團隊配合度高 沒什麼好挑剃的38F 06/22 13:25
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 73
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