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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-04-04 21:55:23
看板 NBA
作者 wilsonkoo (捲毛)
標題 [外絮] MVP之爭, 結束了嗎?
時間 Sat Apr  4 16:06:40 2015

來源: ESPN http://goo.gl/I8O3NV
Is MVP race already over? - TrueHoop - ESPN
According to our ESPN Forecast, the MVP race isn't as close as you might think. ...


作者: Ethan Sherwood Strauss 2015/4/3

Is MVP race already over?

What had been looking like the best MVP race in years may not even be
competitive at this juncture. Based on our ESPN Forecast survey results, the
award will go to Stephen Curry, barring a miraculous end to the season by
James Harden. Furthermore, it appears Russell Westbrook has little shot at
the trophy.

根據ESPN的調查顯示, 最終的MVP會是Curry, 不過Harden此時殺出了程咬金,


When asked this question -- “Who WILL win the MVP?” -- 80.5 percent of
respondents voted for Curry, 18.3 percent voted for Harden and 1.2 percent
for Westbrook. Harden garnered more support on the question of “Who SHOULD
win the MVP?” -- getting 32.9 percent of the vote to Curry’s 52.4 percent.
It appears that many of those who believe Harden to be deserving, even after
his 51-point performance against Sacramento on Wednesday night, also believe
that Curry will win anyway.

但有趣的是, 當問題是「你覺得誰會的MVP」, 80.5%的人答Curry, 而Harden則只18.3%

但是被問到「誰應該要是MVP」, 32.9%的人答Harden, 而Curry則有52.4的支持率. 這顯示

即使Harden最近拿新高51分, 他的MVP支持者還是認為Curry會奪得MVP, 即使他們意屬


How did this happen? It’s mostly about what Curry and the Warriors are doing
of late. In the month of March, the Warriors lost only two times -- one loss
coming on a Jarrett Jack game winner and the other attributable to Kerr
resting starters against Denver. In that same month, Curry hit 75 3-pointers
in a mere 17 games, doing so at a staggering 51.7 percent clip.

但究竟是甚麼原因讓Curry殺出重圍? 一個很大的原因是Curry帶領勇士在三月只輸兩場

比賽, 其中一場還是先發輪休( 也就是Curry帶領之下只輸一場 ). 更誇張的是同月Curry

只在僅僅17場比賽內就轟下75顆三分球( 一場4.4顆 ), 而且命中率還是逆天的51.7%.

The Warriors claim the best point differential since the 1996-97 Chicago
Bulls to go along with a 10.5-game lead in the Western Conference. The Most
Valuable Player award traditionally goes to a top-seeded team, and Golden
State is having a historically great season. Harden has the edge on Curry in minutes played but lags slightly in advanced
statistics such as PER, real plus-minus, win shares per 48 minutes and net
rating. There is an argument to be made that Harden’s aggregate stats amount
to more because he plays more minutes. The counterargument is that Curry
shouldn’t be punished for missing 16 fourth quarters on account of the
Warriors killing the competition.

歷史上的MVP傳統來說出在聯盟戰績最好的隊伍, 而本季勇士隊位居金字塔頂端, Curry


其實, 哈登在多項數據是稍稍超越Curry的, 如PER, win shares等, 但比這些數據對

Curry並不公平, 因為Harden上場的時間較多, 而Curry時間少是因為常常在比賽的

前三節勇士就把對手打爆, 所以Curry有16場比賽在第四節坐板凳.

It’s difficult to find bad things to say about Harden’s fantastic season,
but this might be slightly hurting his MVP push: Before his 51-point
explosion against the Kings, he was on a 21-game streak of hitting fewer than
half his shots. Of course, Rockets fans -- and GM Daryl Morey, who declined
to comment on these recent poll results -- would be quick to point out that
their candidate usually makes up for off shooting nights with free throws and

Harden本季幾乎是無可挑剔, 但在他得51分之前的比賽, 他已連續21場命中率

不到五成, 當然他的支持者GM Daryl Morey還有有火箭迷不會在此著墨, 他們會說,

即使命中率差, 但Harden還是靠三分球跟罰球拿很多分阿.

In any event, such arguments are probably moot. MVP voters reward the primary
player on historically successful teams, with few exceptions. Harden has had
a fantastic season, but as impressive as winning 50-plus games with an injury
depleted roster is, it’s likely not enough in this particular season. Unless
he has a few more 50-point games in him, the Beard is likely stuck at second.

歷史上的MVP所在的隊伍成績都要很好, 很少例外. Harden帶領本季傷兵滿營的

火箭拿下50場以上的勝利, 不過這卻不夠, 除非他再拿幾場50分, Harden本季很有可能


心得: 哈登也很努力了, 雖然他打球不好看, 但本季的拚勁的確值得掌聲.

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[外絮] MVP之爭, 結束了嗎? - 看板 NBA - 批踢踢實業坊
 來源: ESPN  作者: Ethan Sherwood Strauss 2015/4/3
a5566291    : 即使命中率差, 但Harden還是靠三分球跟罰球拿很多    04/04 16:08
a5566291    : 分啊1F 04/04 16:08
cat0806     : 鬍子今年沒拿  明年就更困難了2F 04/04 16:08
nagisanoff  : 戰績迷們要高潮了3F 04/04 16:12
WADE0616    : WADE最強的一年 被LBJ搶走MVP了 哭哭4F 04/04 16:13
WADE0616    : 哈登會不會也同樣被搶呢
ddban       : 必須是curry6F 04/04 16:14
hei566      : Harden>>>>Curry7F 04/04 16:15
iamchyun    : 科科 拿wade比哈登?你在羞辱wade?8F 04/04 16:16
iamchyun    : wade除了06季後賽 有被酸過要飯?
jerrys0580  : 就不要最後真的是鬍子拿了10F 04/04 16:16
pusufu      : 明顯就是CURRY了阿 哈登怎麼比11F 04/04 16:17
tonyparker18: 忍者龜如果可以帶領雷霆讓勇士一輪遊就扳回顏面了12F 04/04 16:17
freedom8879 : 鬍子又沒差wade很多13F 04/04 16:19
LAKobeBryant: 有開始過??? 不是早就curry莫屬14F 04/04 16:21
icou        : 老美英雄主義 就喜歡哈登這類型的15F 04/04 16:22
Aggro       : 戰績差太多吧 無解16F 04/04 16:23
WADE0616    : 雖然我是老偉迷 但哈登現在實力真的不容忽視了17F 04/04 16:23
WADE0616    : 招式也多 只是罰球太難看XD
miha80425   : 再怎麼都會有遺珠 何況MVP19F 04/04 16:26
h94588      : Curry>>>>>>Hardan 拒看乞丐MVP20F 04/04 16:27
andremasterp: 覺得Harden會得到一些票 不過MVP還是Curry21F 04/04 16:28
linceass    : Curry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Harden <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Wade22F 04/04 16:30
HellFly     : 不用爭了 幾天前就結束了23F 04/04 16:33
abcd1234    : 希望Curry能真的拿MVP24F 04/04 16:34
andremasterp: 現在看到像AD,Wade,Mark Jackson都支持Harden拿MVP25F 04/04 16:37
andremasterp: 也代表鬍子這季真的打很好了
jjkk        : Curry>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>harden27F 04/04 16:41
cacacacat   : Curry拿到MVP的話會被說從哈登那偷來的嗎?28F 04/04 16:56
ansiverson3 : 這篇在寫啥? 不管是PER還是WS/48 Curry都比較高好嗎29F 04/04 16:59
chinhan1216 : MVP差點要被玷汙了30F 04/04 17:00
hiro1221    : Curry明明在進階數據都還贏31F 04/04 17:01
hiro1221    : PER也比鬍子高,這篇是印象派嗎?
rbking21    : 頂級球星還在看per36 per48喔= = 又不是替補或新秀33F 04/04 17:02
rbking21    : 自high 上場時間久就是貢獻阿
hiro1221    : 鬍子只有平均得分跟籃板小贏,其他幾乎全敗阿35F 04/04 17:02
Fezico      : 鬍子私生活形象太差了wwwwwwww36F 04/04 17:02
hiro1221    : 鬍子罰球大勝,平均每場10.2 FTA Curry只有4.437F 04/04 17:05
zed9104     : 保證是Curry 沒啥好爭的了38F 04/04 17:06
zed9104     : 就算火箭西區第二 離第一勇士勝差不小 就在這分勝負
zed9104     : 畢竟MVP看戰機看得很重
nakinight   : 我鬍如果沒罰球 連MVP的邊都沾不到41F 04/04 17:07
a109250405  : 那都不要罰球好啦42F 04/04 17:15
tim1112     : Curry沒三分 也拿不到MPP43F 04/04 17:15
tim1112     : mvp
tim1112     : 罰球跟三分一樣都是合法的得分手段
lngygy123   : 萌帥>乞丐46F 04/04 17:17
lngygy123   : 笑死  一個靠裁判  一個靠手感
andy22ss    : 給要飯的拿  還得了48F 04/04 17:20
AngelNo13   : 還是支持我鬍勇奪MVP49F 04/04 17:24
bernie741   : 鬍子要mvp應該只能來sbl了50F 04/04 17:25
Gief        : 鬍子比較像MVP,戰積其實太靠隊友51F 04/04 17:33
Allenichiro : Paul也被搶過52F 04/04 17:42
DimitriPuff : 支持Curry啦53F 04/04 17:50
jerryngu    : 隊友強ㄧ點也多了十勝左右阿54F 04/04 18:06
noahlin     : 戰績差太多了啦 勇士現在可是朝著21世紀戰績最佳而55F 04/04 18:27
noahlin     : 去 數據也是各有勝負頂多小輸
noahlin     : 剩下的硬仗就馬刺灰熊各一場 拿5-2就追平 6-1就是
noahlin     : 後MJ最佳戰績
peter7258   : Curry前三節打爆,決勝節完爆,mvp能不給?59F 04/04 18:41
yeustream   : 拜託最後一定要給Curry60F 04/04 19:47
lushadow    : LBJ61F 04/04 20:36
versace     : Curry的表現已經逆天啦62F 04/04 21:14
allizon     : 還好Curry還是最大熱門,鬍子的FG跟FT讓人選不下去63F 04/04 21:17
haha248787  : 好險有curry…64F 04/04 21:30
kurt28      : 罰球MVP 鬍子無誤65F 04/04 21:50

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