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作者 標題 [外絮] 灰狼的板凳會更有深度且危險
時間 Sun Oct 9 21:52:24 2016
Timberwolves' bench could be deep and dangerous
Timberwolves’ coach Tom Thibodeau is still getting a feel for much of his team, but one thing he already knows: He likes his second unit. “It has play ...
Timberwolves' bench could be deep and dangerous
Timberwolves’ coach Tom Thibodeau is still getting a feel for much of his team, but one thing he already knows: He likes his second unit. “It has play ...
作者 By Jace Frederick | jfrederick@pioneerpress.com
Timberwolves’ bench could be deep and dangerous
Timberwolves’ coach Tom Thibodeau is still getting a feel for much of his
team, but one thing he already knows: He likes his second unit.
“It has played very well, so far,” Thibodeau said. “Now, once we get to
games, we’ll see if that carries over. But I like the depth.”
“Depth” and “Timberwolves” haven’t been paired in the same sentence for
quite some time, unless you were commenting that Minnesota didn’t have any.
But a second unit that could feature players such as Kris Dunn, Shabazz
Muhammad, Brandon Rush, Nemanja Bjelica and Cole Aldrich is at least
但現在的灰狼二陣有一些像是Kris Dunn, Shabazz Muhammad,
Brandon Rush, Nemanja Bjelica and Cole Aldrich等等很有特色
Dunn was a Top 5 pick in last spring’s NBA Draft, and Muhammad averaged 17
points for the Wolves last April. Brandon Rush started 25 games for Golden
State last season, and Bjelica was the 2015 EuroLeague MVP. Aldrich, posted
some of the best numbers in the NBA for the time he spent on the court for
the Clippers last season.
And that doesn’t even mention guys like Tyus Jones, a first-round draft pick
in 2015, and Jordan Hill, another veteran signing for Minnesota this
Dunn said Bjelica and Rush are some of the easiest guys to play with because
of how well they can space the floor with their outside shooting. Thibodeau
suggested that unit could be difficult to guard if it pushes the ball up the
Dunn是今年的第五順位,Muhammad去年4月可以拿平均17分,Brandon Rush去年
而我們還埋有提到2015年第一輪選到的Tyus Jones,以及另外一個在今年夏天跟
“We’ve really been playing well as a team, and just doing the things that
coach has been trying to tell us,” Muhammad said. “… I can’t wait to get
out there and start playing with these guys.”
Thibodeau said adding depth was one of the team’s primary objectives this
offseason,You want a balance. You don’t want to be too young, you don’t
want to be too old,” he said. “But the experienced guys, they still have to
be able to play. If you’re old and it’s hard for you to contribute every
day in terms of practicing and playing, I don’t think it has the same
Starting point guard Ricky Rubio called Minnesota’s depth “amazing.”
“As better as our second unit is, we’re going to be a better team,” Rubio
said. “So, that’s what we’re looking for pushing forward to a long season.
It’s 82 games, we’re going to need depth and a bench.”
That’s something Rush discovered during his time in Golden State. Sure, the
Warriors had stars in Steph Curry, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green, but the
players around them weren’t bad, either.
“It’s very important for the guys to know that they need their supporting
“It’s very important for the guys to know that they need their supporting
cast to be those type of star players, to have big games when things aren’t
going right for them,” Rush said.
That was one of the main reasons the Warriors thrived throughout a long NBA
season, winning the title in 2014-15 and an NBA-record 73 games last season.
Rush said Golden State chemistry throughout the roster that “paid out pretty
well for us.”
Karl-Anthony Towns said the veteran free agent signings this offseason have
helped build “a great locker room.”
“They give us that intensity, that passion also, and that love of the game
is awesome,” Towns said. “That’s what we needed and we made some great
signings. … We have a team that’s built around winning tradition.
“We all understand that we’re in this together. No matter if you play 40
minutes, you play one minute or you don’t play at all, we’re all giving our
best whether it be in practice, game, being a great teammate. That’s what it
all comes down to.”
「呃,你有很多人可以選擇。Michael,David Robinson,Patrick Ewing,Dominique
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1N-akSIn (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1476021148.A.4B1.html
推 : 可是錫箔,你不是有名的先發操到爆?1F 10/09 21:53
推 : 但Thib習慣讓先發打40+min2F 10/09 21:53
PG Kris Dunn, 被看好可能是新人王
SG Shabazz Muhammad 去年翻掉勇士
SF Brandon Rush, Rush
PF Nemanja Bjelica 全歐洲MVP(去年打不好)
C Cole Aldrich 這隻就真的還好
→ : 錫箔:我的先發就是我的板凳!!!!3F 10/09 21:54
推 : 盧的投籃才是灰狼能走多遠的關鍵4F 10/09 21:58
推 : Dunn如果打替補,覺得ROY的機會就減低不少。5F 10/09 21:59
我也是這樣想 上場時間能分到20分鐘左右應該就不錯了如果老席保護RUBIO到28分鐘 把SG的位置拉一拉 那Dunn才有25分鐘左右可以
→ : 錫箔:我的板凳有先發的實力 因為我的先發打48min6F 10/09 21:59
※ 編輯: carotyao (, 10/09/2016 22:01:07推 : 灰狼板凳陣容是不錯 只是Thib前科太多 先聽聽就好7F 10/09 22:00
推 : 我猜本季看到Dunn先發是遲早的事8F 10/09 22:00
不太可能 除非隊長腳又爆炸但是隊長去年腳超勇健,而且打替補虐人Duun才有更好成長空間,
你讓他一出來就要把所有球餵給Lavine、wiggins、towns、dieng 他會很綁手
※ carotyao:轉錄至看板 Timberwolves 10/09 22:01
推 : Dunn打替補才有球權阿9F 10/09 22:01
而且DUUN其實可能要擔心小瓊斯會不會冒出來xdd※ 編輯: carotyao (, 10/09/2016 22:04:46
推 : 夏季聯賽MVP又要坐一年板凳10F 10/09 22:08
他去年打到消化試合才開始變強不知道試他自己的問題還是SAM是個智障...算了 答案很明顯
※ 編輯: carotyao (, 10/09/2016 22:09:13
→ : 今年的新人好像都是替補開始打阿 除了受傷的Simmons11F 10/09 22:12
→ : 目前新人王還是Hield機率最高吧 有球權可以刷分
→ : 目前新人王還是Hield機率最高吧 有球權可以刷分
推 : 要看Lavine and Wiggins處理球的成長才能決定灰狼可13F 10/09 22:14
→ : 以走多遠。Rubio已經定型,禁區Kat一定可以抗住甚
→ : 至有主宰力,Dieng進攻大概也就這樣,看防守可不可
→ : 以再進步。
→ : 以走多遠。Rubio已經定型,禁區Kat一定可以抗住甚
→ : 至有主宰力,Dieng進攻大概也就這樣,看防守可不可
→ : 以再進步。
→ : Hield的表現的確很亮眼 尤其他的投射穩定度17F 10/09 22:14
→ : 如果能稱起來的話 會很是很驚人的即戰力
→ : 如果能稱起來的話 會很是很驚人的即戰力
→ : Hield是熱身賽進步很多 夏聯其實很鳥 命中率很低19F 10/09 22:14
推 : 我狼 終於要起飛了嗎20F 10/09 22:16
推 : 起飛啦!!21F 10/09 22:22
推 : 你Rush跟Shabazz的位置排反了吧22F 10/09 22:26
推 : 灰狼天份爆表都不知道幾年了...23F 10/09 22:32
推 : 每年都很危險24F 10/09 22:34
推 : 非常期待新球季的灰狼,希望我狼重返季後賽!!25F 10/09 22:36
推 : 替補陣容看起來的確滿不錯的,不過防守.....26F 10/09 22:38
推 : 推這群少年狼27F 10/09 22:38
推 : 灰狼好久沒有能看的二陣了...就算從KG時期算也是28F 10/09 22:38
推 : 當然是親去年的Sam是腦x...29F 10/09 22:39
推 : Cole不錯啊 看好他被養起來30F 10/09 22:48
推 : 先跟我說Rubio在嗎31F 10/09 22:49
推 : 蠻看好Dieng的32F 10/09 22:51
推 : 把板凳操到場均40分鐘....33F 10/09 22:52
推 : Dieng 和Towns 應該要部份錯開 吃滿48min....34F 10/09 22:53
推 : 可是灰狼 你的教練是錫箔ㄚ 板凳只是花瓶而已...35F 10/09 22:55
推 : 我記得前幾年也有二套先發過丫…love還在時36F 10/09 23:17
→ : 結果 整隊輪流痛痛
→ : 結果 整隊輪流痛痛
推 : 我狼真的天份爆表+板凳深度夠 教練終於不是顆西瓜38F 10/09 23:20
→ : 現在就看錫伯能否把防守帶出來 那就飛天啦!
→ : 現在就看錫伯能否把防守帶出來 那就飛天啦!
→ : Cole不用期待了40F 10/09 23:27
推 : 蠻看好的41F 10/09 23:34
推 : 我狼威武42F 10/09 23:40
推 : 值得期待43F 10/09 23:42
推 : Towns20歲,別隊洗洗睡44F 10/09 23:43
推 : 每年都講起飛不膩阿45F 10/09 23:44
→ : 希望今年真的能進季後賽46F 10/09 23:52
→ : 板凳這麼危險,不會買沙發? 受傷怎麼辦?47F 10/10 00:08
噓 : 每年都在期待 是要期待多久?48F 10/10 00:08
噓 : 打出來再說49F 10/10 00:12
推 : 這陣容是幾年了嗎 從圍巾來也才正進入第三年50F 10/10 00:42
→ : 唐詩也是去年才第一季 天份報表也不過兩年
→ : 唐詩也是去年才第一季 天份報表也不過兩年
推 : 這陣容 今年就算沒進季後 應該也不會再是倒數的了吧52F 10/10 01:12
推 : 板凳是不錯 不過稀薄你不會用呀 搞屁53F 10/10 01:30
推 : 推特王如果保持健康應該是ROY領跑者54F 10/10 01:53
推 : Bjelica去年季初一開始打得還不差 不過後來就沒打出55F 10/10 02:06
→ : 歐洲MVP的身手了 看今年會不會比較好
→ : 歐洲MVP的身手了 看今年會不會比較好
→ : 印象中每隻號稱可以排兩套先發的 季後賽都走不遠57F 10/10 02:09
→ : 能排兩套先發 換個方向也代表先發沒比板凳突出到哪
→ : 能排兩套先發 換個方向也代表先發沒比板凳突出到哪
噓 : 每年都好危險,差點就進季後賽ㄎㄎ59F 10/10 02:28
推 : 控衛換我豪直指冠軍60F 10/10 02:45
推 : 聽了12年了61F 10/10 05:22
推 : 每年都說年輕狼群 開季前都很期待 像公鹿一樣 後來62F 10/10 05:39
→ : 就還好...
→ : 就還好...
推 : 明年可以再說一次…後年也可以…64F 10/10 05:54
推 : 所謂的每年最多也就兩年......65F 10/10 06:51
推 : 每年日常 聽習慣了 無感了啦 打出戰績再來說危險吧66F 10/10 09:09
推 : 先發被操壞以後就換板凳有危險了 (誤)67F 10/10 09:26
推 : 真的,已經期待好幾年了,連季後賽邊都沒摸到68F 10/10 10:26
→ : 天賦滿滿,還是一直輸
→ : 天賦滿滿,還是一直輸
推 : 老席講的聽聽就好 他不愛用的會冰到你長痔瘡 XD70F 10/10 10:30
推 : 每年都深不見底啊 湖人也是71F 10/10 10:31
噓 : 危險了不知道幾年了 今年再抽個狀元就更危險了XDDDD72F 10/10 11:03
噓 : 每年都在那邊起飛 看好咧73F 10/10 11:12
推 : 是說板凳是有比較好吧 因為先發下去都敗光分數74F 10/10 11:23
推 : Aldrich去年在快艇撐得很好好嗎....75F 10/10 11:49
推 : 難得只有四樓一人還在嘴rubio的投籃得分76F 10/10 11:53
推 : 已經十幾年都沒進季後賽了(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ 天賦超滿77F 10/10 12:00
→ : 能不能先衝擊一下 再跟我說板凳危險ˋ(′_‵||)ˊ
→ : 能不能先衝擊一下 再跟我說板凳危險ˋ(′_‵||)ˊ
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