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看板 NBA
作者 chauncey817 (Chauncey)
標題 [情報] Portland Trail Blazers waived Ezeli
時間 Sat Jul  1 05:24:33 2017

消息來源: https://goo.gl/KemiWh
Portland Trail Blazers waive center Festus Ezeli | OregonLive.com
The Blazers waived center Festus Ezeli on Friday, officially ending his Blazers career by declining to pick up the one-year option in his contract for ...


內容:The Portland Trail Blazers waived center Festus Ezeli on Friday, officially ending his Blazers career by declining to pick up the one-year option in his contract for the 2017-18 season.

Ezeli, who signed a 2-year, $15.6 million deal with the Blazers last July, never played a game for Portland. The Blazers had to waive Ezeli prior to 2 p.m. on Friday or his $7.73 million salary for next season would become fully guaranteed. He will be paid $1 million next season and that money will count as part of the Blazers' salary total for next season.

"We can't have that kind of a risk again to have a roster spot at a critical position for someone that ... we don't have a body of work with him," Blazers' President of Basketball Operations Neil Olshey said in April, indicating Ezeli's Portland career was already over.

Prior to training camp, Ezeli received injections of a bone marrow aspirate concentrate and Orthovisc in his left knee to ease pain and improve mobility. But he never got on the court outside of one practice in October.

He elected to have season-ending knee surgery in March and was not with the team for the final month of the season or the playoffs.

Ezeli will be an unrestricted free agent when the new league year begins on July 1.

The Blazers now have 14 players with guaranteed contracts on the books for next season and Pat Connaughton, whose contract becomes full guaranteed for the 2017-18 season on July 25.


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※ 編輯: chauncey817 (, 07/01/2017 05:25:16
kyubimon    : 勇士要收嗎1F 07/01 05:25
chauncey817 : 樓下推回勇士2F 07/01 05:25
※ 編輯: chauncey817 (, 07/01/2017 05:27:30
a3745521tw  : 來火箭啦3F 07/01 05:44
s425247     : 浪費錢了4F 07/01 05:49
ccrr1234    : 痛5F 07/01 05:50
JOGIBA      : 阿拓超強,連一場都沒打過的都可以中魔咒6F 07/01 06:07
etop        : 回勇士囉7F 07/01 06:10
dknymaster  : Myboy比他強多了8F 07/01 06:24
otter       : 勇士拒收,爛死了這隻9F 07/01 06:25
IE9434xx    : 我笑了...10F 07/01 07:24
Takasteric  : 他除了痛,一點都不爛11F 07/01 07:25
bkm1        : 這隻連開特力都守不住 底薪都嫌貴...12F 07/01 07:42
holyhelm    : 爽賺耶....13F 07/01 07:54
robertwu    : 本以為可以補強禁區,可惜啦14F 07/01 07:55
kiki1219    : 爛死了15F 07/01 08:03
ppo7741     : 我網快上16F 07/01 08:24
raistlee    : 問題就是痛啊…沒辦法上場還有什麼好談...17F 07/01 08:25
julian42    : 防守不错18F 07/01 08:41
zeches2001  : 痛也是爛的一種,不信問問CP2519F 07/01 08:42
hsin8535    : 他在來阿拓之前就受傷關阿拓魔咒啥事 不過阿拓賭失20F 07/01 08:50
hsin8535    : 敗被嘴只是剛好而已
demon616    : 痛也是爛+122F 07/01 09:06
pi020412    : 阿拓也才給他800萬 當抽福袋而已 沒多虧23F 07/01 09:23
kobelouli   : 簽來養傷的...24F 07/01 09:35
APC         : 椅子李,幫 QQ25F 07/01 09:39

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