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看板 iPhone
作者 kyle5241 (kyle)
標題 [情報] iphone 5內建1GB RAM
時間 Sun Sep 16 14:01:31 2012

Apple iPhone 5 features 1GB of RAM, A6 is a custom SoC

Unsurprisingly, Apple left us in the dark regarding some specifics of the
iPhone 5 upon its release. Thankfully, the good folks over at Anandtech have
done a bit of digging into those numbers you see bordering Apple's Apple A6
SoC, definitively figuring out that Cupertino's latest phone packs in a total
1GB of Samsung-sourced memory. The site clocks the DRAM inside at 1,066Mhz,
noting that it's comprised of "two 512MB dies in a dual-channel LPDDR2 package
with 32 bits per channel." Further, Anandtech

lists the the speed of the iPhone 5's memory at 8,528MB/sec -- an ample 33
percent boost over the 6,400MB/sec rating for the RAM in the iPhone 4S, but
well below the 12,800 MB/sec needed to drive the new iPad's bandwidth-hungry
screen resolution.
iphone 5 RAM的運作速度是8.528GB/s,比4S快了33%,但仍然遠比新iPad的12.8GB/s低

Beyond that, the site believes that the A6 is Apple's first truly in-house
creation, as it's using math units too new to be found in a ARM Cortex-A9
architecture (like the A5 or A5X) but reportedly isn't a match for the
soon-to-be-released Cortex-A15. If true, the implication is significant --
it suggests Apple is taking the more aggressive path of a chip designer like
Qualcomm and custom-tailoring large parts of its processor designs to get
the speed it wants on a more exacting schedule. That's a quick
summation of the details; hit up the source links below if you want the
explanation in full geek speak.
另外,A6處理器顯然不屬於A5系列的ARM Cortex-A9,可是偏偏也不是即將發表的

補充幾點:三星S3的RAM是2GB,而且年底他們就會有LPDDR3的產品。可以期待iphone 5S

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◆ From:
a0683g10:明年應該就能看到超強的A15+LPDDR3 1G+SGX 61F 09/16 14:04
zx09192939:晶片設計三星似乎用了蠻多心力2F 09/16 14:06
MRBLUELAN:原本也是只期望iphone5的速度能跟ipad2差不多3F 09/16 14:13
MRBLUELAN:機器大小差距太大 要拼贏new ipad太困難了
m0535:那touch? 512MB?5F 09/16 14:17
orange7:歐爺~ 4S等5S剛好有接到~6F 09/16 14:36
MRBLUELAN:所以現在買iphone5真的有像當初大家買iphone4的感覺7F 09/16 14:55
MRBLUELAN:拿3GS 4可以換一換 拿4s的可等明年
lordmi:確定不是A15的話,又有名嘴要說"唉呀不過是舊架構炒冷飯"..9F 09/16 14:58
WindowsXP:完了完了  酸民會不會酸DDR210F 09/16 15:03
SicInfit:touch用的是A5,應該512MB沒錯11F 09/16 15:18
asdfghjklasd:我是3G-->4-->準備買5,因為iOS6不支援4...12F 09/16 15:30
whitehusky:身邊也蠻多用3GS跟4的朋友要換513F 09/16 15:31
watermore:4還是可以升級到iOS6,只是很多功能被閹割了。14F 09/16 15:37
richjf:不意外 ...15F 09/16 15:40
kyle5241:蘋果如果會用最好的設備才是新聞吧~16F 09/16 15:41
kyle5241:一台iphone 5的成本才$170元
Andruw0819:樓上你的成本前面要加幾個字…18F 09/16 15:49
Andruw0819:我看錯了,沒事  囧
fbiwbi:S3是1G ram20F 09/16 16:03
imgkiller:S3是2G ram 不知道樓上怎麼查資料的21F 09/16 16:07
petercoin:S3台灣版不是1G嗎? 韓國那邊的是2G22F 09/16 16:09
a0683g10:S3只在客製機的部分搭載2G記憶體23F 09/16 16:11
pure2249:S3 日版是2G Ram24F 09/16 16:13
siro0207:http://tinyurl.com/9n9csx8  不知道某樓怎麼查資料的25F 09/16 16:15
viva5559:反正屏果硬體永遠輸三星啦 畢竟零件都三星給的26F 09/16 16:20
viva5559:蘋果賣的就是IOS迷 和免費更新IOS的爽
victoryss:原來iOS很弱喔 ˊ.ˋ  那爽迷就快去買三星別在這酸了29F 09/16 16:27
TypeZero:Apple A6與cortex-A9 相差甚遠,架構較接近cortex-A1530F 09/16 16:31
lordmi:真意外某樓沒攻擊A6架構,酸民改戦略了?31F 09/16 16:33
TypeZero:Cortex-A9 : VFPv3 |  Cortex-A15 : VFPv432F 09/16 16:44
TypeZero:令外 Apple 早早就購買A15的授權
TypeZero:合理推論蘋果不會再直接購買授權後貼上Cortex至Ax SoC
dreamcwli:Apple A6 是跟 Snapdragon S4 類似作法?35F 09/16 16:50
TypeZero:可能沒高通改那麼大而已36F 09/16 16:56
zenoho:不能怪某樓..因為S3可能要2g ram才能跑的跟4s一樣順~ Lol37F 09/16 17:23
TankPal:有沒有一樣順還是個問號38F 09/16 17:51
TypeZero:流暢度iPhone 4, A4 Chip,就可以打爛S3了(留個1G rom)39F 09/16 17:56
a0683g10:3GS應該可以跟S3持平?40F 09/16 18:02
excelsior:總要留個產品定位給器材控買41F 09/16 18:11
afalcon:我佩服的是ios不用太強的硬體就可以打掛一堆安桌系統42F 09/16 19:03
mos888tw:我今天去玩htc one 其實蠻順的43F 09/16 19:39
mos888tw:我覺得玩晶片控沒啥不對阿 從任何角度可以獲得樂趣
andyan207:很多硬體控都是半調子吧,裝個監控軟體就自以為得講一些46F 09/16 20:54
mos888tw:跑來酸人的就用板龜制裁就好了50F 09/16 21:05
ohha0221:安卓是因為google上層用java去包裝 否則他底層核心是51F 09/16 21:32
ohha0221:Liunx 絕對比Unix類的iOS強大 可惜上面那坨垃圾拖慢他
ohha0221:一堆Linux的開發者 都被google挖去開發安卓核心了
ohha0221:Linux 3.0也要把安卓核心內的東西納進來 這麼強大的核心
ohha0221:卻只有這種效能 就是因為中間有層可怕的轉換系統搞爛效能
asdfghjklasd:你在說人話嗎?!56F 09/16 21:51
james732:Liunx 絕對比Unix類的iOS強大 ← 這是哪門兒話呢?57F 09/16 21:55
dreamcwli:Android 中介層是 Dalvik 不是 Java,Java 只是寫軟體時58F 09/16 22:06
dreamcwli:另要 Linux kernel 並不一定效能比 Mach kernel 好,講
dreamcwli:還有 Linux kernel 開發者一直對 Android 抱持著懷疑,
dreamcwli:事實上這兩邊的互動並沒有那麼緊密,更不要挖走 Linux
dreamcwli:kernel 開發者這件事了
sugoichai:Linux比Unix強大...真的是最近聽到最大的奇蹟了@.@a....65F 09/16 22:28
dreamcwli:目前 Unix 是勢微了沒錯…66F 09/16 22:32
YouCantGetME:是老李 (菸67F 09/17 00:25
imgkiller:台版的s3被閹割了? 我還真的不知道XDDDD68F 09/17 02:06

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