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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-16 10:18:35
看板 Knicks
作者 skymay (隨遇而安)
標題 [外電] JR擁有的繁忙暑假
時間 Fri Jun 15 23:26:14 2012

D'Alessandro: For J.R. Smith it's another busy summer, but in a good way

Life isn’t supposed to move this fast in the offseason, but in the last
eight days, he has been arrested in Miami Beach for failing to show up at a
trial last year (his misdeed: driving a scooter without a license), he’s
been linked to an internationally known pop singer named Rihanna, and then he
turned New York atwitter by inviting 20 strangers to go on a bike ride around
Manhattan at 2 in the morning.

灘因為去年的爛攤子被捕(無照駕駛還放法官鴿子), 和國際知名流行歌手蕾哈娜

The first two sound like ... what? The trappings of fame, let’s call them —
 something J.R. Smith hasn’t always been very good at managing, he readily


That third event, though, is either a weird byproduct of his irrepressible
charisma, or merely an inspired mobilization of twitter pals who share his
spontaneity and insomnia.


“That was my idea,” the Millstone native and St. Benedict’s Prep product
said. “It was kind of random — we ended up buying these folding bikes in
Miami, and my brother was like, ‘We should ride them in the city.’ And I
said, ‘Let’s ride tonight.’ So I put it on Twitter, and soon enough,
people started showing up.”

“這是我的主意” JR說,“就是無意之中——我們在邁阿密買了這些折疊自行車,

Right. But 2 a.m.?


“I have trouble sleeping, so ... why not exercise, you know?” he figured. “
I didn’t think that many people would be up at that time. I know New York
never sleeps, but I thought these people on Twitter would sleep.”

“我睡不著,所以….還不如起來做運動,是吧?” JR說“我不覺得這時辰了還有

Just proof that wherever J.R. goes, things happen. Contrary to popular
consensus, some of it doesn’t eventually require a court appearance.


For example, we found him associating with a solid class of people Wednesday
at Weequahic Park Golf Course, where his foundation joined with The First Tee
of Essex County, a terrific youth development initiative that provides
educational programs and golf instruction for 120 school kids, most of them
from Newark.

譜的人在一起。JR自己的基金會和The First Tee共同參與了一個很棒的高爾夫青

(譯者註:JR Smith青年基金是JR 05年在新澤西註冊的一家非盈利性慈善機構。
似沒有網站之類的。宣傳沒跟上,不過也符合我JR 一貫隨性的作風,網站什麼的
當然都遜暴了。The First Tee就牛多了,也知名多了。他們就是為全世界的小朋

We were sitting in the facility known as the Charles W. Johnson Clubhouse.
They just cut the ribbon on a new wing known as the Youth Learning Center,
which has a classroom, computers, a golf simulator, and a carpet for putting.
And to think, only a few years ago, there was a garbage dump on this site.

我們當時坐在Charles W.Johnson俱樂部裡。他們剛剛為一個青年學習中心落成剪

“This is the greatest thing, what they turned this into,” the Knicks’
 free-agent swingman said. “I love golf — I’ve had a fascination with golf
the last three years. My dad was trying to get me into it when I was 13, 14. I
’d never play it. But I played one time with Moses Malone, and couldn’t put
it down.”

想讓我學高爾夫球,但是我都沒去。但是摩西 -馬龍帶我我玩過一次以後,我就再

Smith shot an 88 that day in Houston, three summers ago. “And I haven’t
come close to it since,” he said, with a mixture of irony and disgust. “I
shoot 99s now.”

能打出那樣的成績了。” JR說“我現在的成績都99桿。”

He had just come in from the course with the aforementioned dad, the
redoubtable Big Earl, and Knicks assistant coach Jim Todd. Outside were the
men who helped build this facility, who had come to kick off the First Tee
summer season — former Assemblyman William Payne, County Executive Joe
DiVincenzo, et al. In a few minutes, Smith would address the kids before they
commenced with their chips and putts.

說這話的時候,JR剛和尼克隊的助理教練Jim Todd,歌手Big Earl和他傳說中的老
爸一塊兒從高爾夫球場上回來。窗外,修建這座場館的人們正在準備為The First

It’s a busy summer for Smith, and summers have brought some terrible things
to his young life. He lost his best friend, Andre Bell, in the summer of 2007
because of his own vehicular mistake. He served two weeks in Monmouth County
Jail for repeated driving violations in the summer of ’09. Now he has more
positive pursuits planned for his offseasons. His foundation is still helping
Hurricane Katrina victims, and he’s funding two scholarships to St. Benedict
’s this fall.

因為JR自己的過失,他在2007年的夏天失去了自己最好的朋友Andre Bell。09年夏
天,JR在Monmouth縣的監獄蹲了2個星期,因為他再次違反交通法規。現在 JR在休

He spoke of the importance of keeping the parochial schools solvent, “
because it’s crazy now,” he said. “There are so many kids in our area with
so much talent, who need places to go — kids from Elizabeth, Linden, Newark.

JR 談到了關於保留教會學校的重要性,“因為現在情況很糟”,他說,“現在在我
們這個地區,——伊麗莎白區,林頓區和紐瓦克,有那麼多有天賦的小孩, 他們需

But at 26, it’s still unclear where Smith himself is heading.


He could return to the Knicks by opting into a deal that pays him $2.44
million next year, and as he put it, “I got money now. ... It’s all about
winning. Whatever is the best situation and the best fit really.”

JR 明年可以選擇拿2.44M留在尼克。他說,“我現在有錢了….我只想贏球。哪裡

Judging by their presence on Wednesday (Herb Williams and a publicist were
also here), the Knicks know he’s best qualified to fit the role as their
primary punch guy off the bench — yes, despite that ghastly .316 stroke he
flashed in the Miami series.

從星期三的情況來看(尼克另一位助理教練Herb Williams和一位公關經理也在場),

But he wants to stay in NYC because it’s close to his folks in Monmouth
County, and despite the recurring weirdness he propagated with such gusto
from New Orleans to Denver, the theory goes that he may encounter less
trouble closer to home. Big Earl, for one, is on the record as saying he
wants J.R. to stick around.

惹得麻煩越少。Big Earl就說了,他希望JR就在附近不要走遠。

And it was good for the entire family to look on as he spoke to kids about
(quoting the program here) “the life-enhancing values of the game of golf.”

而且對整個家庭來說,看著JR有“提高生命品質的比賽” (JR對孩子們說的話) 是

That stuff eludes us, but then, we don’t golf.


“Discipline,” J.R. explained, almost matter-of-factly. “Golf teaches
discipline, more than anything.”

“紀律” JR實事求是地解釋說“高爾夫最重要的就是教會你遵守秩序和紀律。”

A good lesson. One we can all embrace.


D'Alessandro: For J.R. Smith it's another busy summer, but in a good way | NJ.com
Smith, a free agent this summer, is keeping busy with his foundation and other endeavors ...


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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
osape:之前一直有傳言說JR破產、有財務危機,到底是哪來的消息?1F 06/15 23:57
skymay:我也不知道XD  不過我也有印象有看到JR很需要錢的消息XD2F 06/16 00:00
osape:或許是要營運這些基金會和獎學金? @@+3F 06/16 00:03
janejane:哈雷那是誰啦XDDD4F 06/16 00:13
jayelva:JR真的很奧妙5F 06/16 00:23
※ 編輯: skymay          來自:       (06/16 00:24)
osape:JR的緋聞女友又上緋聞了.夜店打架的兩位是蕾哈娜的前男友們6F 06/16 06:43
drcula:不會是parker去的同一間吧?8F 06/16 07:28
skymay:呼~ 沒事就好,幸好JR沒去XD  話說那個蕾哈娜怎麼這麼多前10F 06/16 08:47
skymay:http://instagr.am/p/L6ODxhtfJT/ 昨晚JR應該是在坐飛機XD
teamswish's photo on Instagram ...
skymay:http://instagr.am/p/L6lqZaprYZ/  香波剛的推特更新 XD13F 06/16 09:06
is_21_nykallday's photo on Instagram ...

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