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※ 本文為 kumakichi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-04-07 01:29:19
看板 Wallpaper
作者 xd332923 (咬我)
標題 Re: [分享] 大家來分享自己的桌面
時間 Sun Sep  8 16:16:14 2013






看得出來兩張貓咪的動作不太一樣嗎? 哈哈



下台一鞠躬 <(_._)>

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
mesto:ICON好特別..1F 09/08 18:19
showzoo:可請分享字型和ICON嗎?  感謝~2F 09/08 20:15
clivezzz:cool3F 09/08 20:26
hukunamatata:左上方開始可以分享嗎@@?4F 09/09 11:20
frank80911:可以分享左下角和貓咪圖嗎?  謝謝~5F 09/09 11:42
maniasnow:真棒的桌布~~~ !!6F 09/09 12:45
hadespluto:推7F 09/09 20:05
xd332923:http://ppt.cc/sesv 字型8F 09/09 20:45
One Constant - Free Font
Download free One Constant font from SearchFreeFonts.com. Preview One Constant font by typing your own text, write comments, or add to favorites for later download. Available for Windows and Mac. ...

xd332923:http://ppt.cc/bB2m ICON9F 09/09 20:47
Harmonia Pastelis Icon Set by Raindropmemory on deviantART
Hello~! My 6th icon set is here! I made this icon set almost 100% digitally (except for an outline) Different approach, yet the same icon design by me! ... ...

xd332923:http://ppt.cc/HWnX10F 09/09 20:49
Windows 7 Start Orb Domo by D347hR107 on deviantART
It's a Domo Start Orb! For anyone who doesn't have the windows 7 start button changer: [link] ...

xd332923:上面是開始的ICON11F 09/09 20:49
xd332923:http://ppt.cc/Bdju 貓咪圖
xd332923:http://ppt.cc/qHHC 左下角
BarCode_TIME rainmeter by hpluslabels on deviantART
Barcode_Time ----------------------------------------------------------------------- + Color = White, Black + Variants = Celcius and Fahrenheit for both... ...

hukunamatata:推一個!!!!14F 09/09 22:55
mesto:感激不盡15F 09/10 00:44
w2002116:想請問一下 貓咪圖適用Rainmeter弄得嗎?16F 09/10 14:52
xd332923:是的沒錯 是rainmter17F 09/11 00:59
frank80911:謝謝分享^^18F 09/11 16:16
w2002116:那你給的是GIF檔 該怎麼使用呢?謝謝19F 09/11 17:03
xd332923:就跟你一般用RAINMETER的方式一樣 ^^20F 09/11 21:17
LonyIce:多謝分享21F 09/12 12:32
kmuba:推推22F 09/20 00:48
Comebuy:推個!23F 09/20 05:36
earoo:超可愛的桌面  可以請問桌布在哪下載的嗎?24F 09/25 13:14
FromWood:超棒,可以請問右下角的天氣和CPU嗎?謝謝~25F 09/27 17:30
HareGun:那個ICON作者有好多好棒的主題喔(大心) 多謝分享!!26F 10/14 22:24

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