September 11 2001 Video. - YouTube
September 11 2001 tribute and a watch of what happend that horrible morning near World Trade Center buildings. Victims and relatives must have Peace and Just...




於 2006-12-29 上傳
September 11 2001 tribute and a watch of what happend that horrible morning near World Trade Center buildings.

Victims and relatives must have Peace and Justice. Never Forget.
標準 YouTube 授權


How the 9/11 terror attacks unfolded | Telegraph Time Tunnel - YouTube In this video, we examine how the devastating 9/11 terrorist attacks unfolded in September 2001, as the world prepares to mark the 15th anniversary of the tr...


9/11: The 102 Minutes that Changed America | CNN-News18 - YouTube CNN-IBN brings you the raw videos of the horror of 9/11 in association with the History Channel. About channel: CNN-News18 (formerly known as CNN-IBN) has be...


Inside The Twin Towers - YouTube
Aired on September 3, 2006 on The Discovery Channel 2007. Inside The Twin Towers. This film re-creates a minute-by-minute account of what happened inside the...






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