trailers 於 2012-02-06 上傳
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Release Date: 6 April 2012
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Joel Murray, Tara Lynne Barr, Mackenzie Brooke Smith
Directors: Bobcat Goldthwait
Writer: Bobcat Goldthwait
Studio: Magnolia Pictures

Loveless, jobless, possibly terminally ill, Frank has had enough of the downward spiral of America. With nothing left to lose, Frank takes his gun and offs the stupidest, cruelest, and most repellent members of society. He finds an unusual accomplice: 16-year-old Roxy, who shares his sense of rage and disenfranchisement.


“God Bless America” [Trailer]
Posted on April 3rd, 2012 by Grace

It is very clear that many people in our society believe culture is on a downward spiral. This may, of course, have a lot to do with the obsession of reality television and the fascination with every waking move that people with absolutely no skills make. God Bless America does what many people probably have wished at one point or another would happen.

Frank (Joel Murray), a single man with no job, is “terminally ill.” He is a man with absolutely nothing left to lose and so decides to kill off “the stupidest, cruelest, and most repellent members of society.” He gets help from an unlikely accomplice, 16-year-old Roxy (Tara Lynne Barr), who has just as much rage about the direction of the country as he does.

Stand-up comedian Bobcat Goldthwait is the mastermind behind this truly beautiful and disturbing piece of work. He penned the screenplay and directed what is sure to be a laugh riot. The film releases in limited theaters on May 11, 2012. With any luck, it will have enough of a following to make it to many more theaters across the country. Anyone who is tired of the dumbing down that is consistently increasing in this society will greatly appreciate this truly dark and hilarious film.


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