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標題 Allergic to mobile phone: UK violinist Michael Nield kills himself
時間 2012年11月08日 Thu. PM 03:37:24


Allergic to mobile phone: UK violinist Michael Nield suffers from electro-sensitivity, kills himself

Updated: 07 Nov 2012

Read more on electro-sensitivity patient   Allergic to cell phone   Mobile phone allergy  

A TALENTED Oxford graduate killed himself because he was tortured by an allergy to MOBILE PHONES, an inquest heard.

Tragic violinist Michael Nield, 36, suffered from a condition called electro-sensitivity, which caused a painful reaction to all sources of electric fields including mobile phones and phone masts.

His condition was so severe he wore a special micro-mesh body suit - similar to those used in medieval coats of armour - when he was out of the house and slept with a microfibre tent over his bed to reduce his exposure to electric waves.

He claimed mobile phones gave him a “constant zapping” in his head. His family even moved 150 miles from Herefordshire to the remote village of Wardy Hill, Cambs, in a bid to escape the signals.

But despite his parents’ efforts Michael was so plagued by the condition that he committed suicide on June 3 by downing a deadly cocktail of drugs and alcohol.

His body was found in his car by his devastated father Clive parked on a grass track near his family home.

Speaking at the inquest into his death, Michael’s mother Barbara - who also suffers from a mild form of the condition - said her son had “tried everything” to improve his quality of life.

She said: “Unless people have electro-sensitivity they just don’t realise what sort of effects it has.

"He tried everything to get better. He sought help, he ate a specific diet and he tried so hard.

"He would just get constant zapping in his head. I know the feeling as I get it myself, although not on the level that Michael did.

"That’s why we moved to Wardy Hill as it’s so remote. He did still sleep with a microfibre tent over his bed though, which did help.

"We saw it as a positive step but looking back it was his way of making a last-ditch attempt to be normal and put his illness aside. But that was obviously something he couldn’t do.”

Electro-sensitivity is not recognised by the NHS and there are no known biological markers or diagnostic tests for it, but growing numbers of people claim to suffer from the condition.

But research is increasing into the mystery condition and charities are fighting to get the bizarre ailment officially recognised.

Sarah Dacre, a trustee of the charity ElectroSensitivity UK, said: “It’s extremely upsetting to hear of Michael’s death. I knew him having received a number of emails from him.

"Sadly the condition is not recognised by the NHS but is very real, and we get an average of one suicide a year among those on our books.”

SOURCE: thesun.co.uk



BBC Inside Out South - 25/02/2013 Electrosensitivity 'Wifi Refugees' - YouTube More quackery being promoted by the BBC. More reading:  


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