
The South Korean ferry disaster which has almost certainly claimed hundred of lives is all the more tragic given the heroism off some and the cowardice of others.

Park Ji-Young, a 22-year-old crew member and cafeteria worker, was on duty that day. Most of the ship's passengers were with her in the ship's third-deck recreation area.

The person at the helm was an inexperienced 26-year-old third mate named Park Hyun-kul. This was her first time navigating this route.

Meanwhile, captain Lee Joon-seok had gone back to his quarters when disaster struck.

Terrified students recalled how Park helped them find their way to safety as the ship began to sink, telling them to head for the the fourth deck.

As the ferry rapidly took on water, captain Lee told passengers to stay where they were. Trusting the crew, many passengers heeded the advice and waited for rescue even as the water rose.

But Park gathered life jackets for the high schoolers and got many of them to rescue boats. They pleaded for her to join them. "After saving you, I will get out ... the crew goes out last," Park told them, not keeping a life jacket for herself.

Meanwhile Captain Lee and the young woman piloting the ferry scuttled themselves of the doomed ship onto the safety of rescue boats.

Park went back inside. There were still nearly 300 people who hadn't found a way out. But it was too late. The ship took less than two hours to fully capsize. Those people remain trapped. Authorities believe most have either drowned or suffocated.

Rescue crews pulled whoever they could from the water, dead or alive. Ji Young Park was found floating face down. She was dead.

Four of the ship's crew including the captain Lee and the third mate are under arrest and will face charges for failing to help passengers. A doctor at the rescue base says the captain identified himself as a passenger after his rescue.

Hoping that Park Ji-Young's name is remembered long after Lee's is forgotten, some South Korean web users are asking the government to allow Park to be burried in the National Cemetery, a place normally reserved for past presidents and war heroes.


助學生脫險 韓22歲女船員自我犧性



哥哥幫妹妹穿上唯一的救生衣 權赫圭 權智姸 - ott板 - Disp BBS





Rescue teams are battling bad weather conditions as they search for around 290 people who remain missing after a South Korean ferry capsized and sank.

Nine people have already been confirmed dead and the death toll is expected to increase sharply in what could be the country's worst maritime accident in two decades.

The dead include a female teacher, a female member of the crew and three male school students.


































上午9點零7分,二年級四班的班主任進入聊天室,問道“現在情況怎麼樣??”讓學生們安心,A女同學回复“現在還沒有同學受傷”,9點10分學生們開始擔心老師,金某男同學問“老師您沒事吧??”,班主任回說“同學們~都別亂動啊~能穿救生背心的就穿上”,讓學生做好準備以防萬一。 9點16分水開始湧進船艙,金同學說“同學們,讓我們一起爭取活下去吧”,B同學回复說“我愛你們大家”。










Terrified Passengers Await Rescue



媽媽 我愛你




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