Chile: Footage shows moment 8.3 earthquake strikes Santiago - YouTube An earthquake measuring 8.3 on the Richter scale struck Chile on Wednesday. The quake and aftershocks resulted in waves of up to 4.3m (13ft) hitting coastal ...

Chile: Arica residents flee as deadly earthquake forces 1m to evacuate - YouTube Residents in the coastal town of Arica walked towards higher altitudes after a tsunami warning was issued following the 8.3 magnitude earthquake that rocked ...


Santiago Earthquake, Chile, 9-16-2015 Raw footage - YouTube
Raw footage from the Santiago Earthquake in Chile 16/09/2015 Original Poster:


CCTV Video Compilación Chile 8.3 Terremoto #CHILE #Earthquake #la serena 16 9 2015 - YouTube A powerful magnitude-8.3 earthquake shook Chile's capital Wednesday night, causing buildings to sway and people to take refuge in the streets. Several strong...





智利位於納茲卡板塊(Nazca Plate)與南美洲板塊交界,是全世界地震最頻繁的國家之一。1960年5月22日下午,智利南部城市瓦爾迪維亞(Valdivia)發生人類有地震觀測記錄以來最強烈的地震:芮氏規模9.5。這個記錄至今尚未被打破。瓦爾迪維亞大地震造成5000多人罹難。




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