Serval Meets Savannah For The First Time! - YouTube
CHECK OUT ZEUS'S FACEBOOK PAGE FOR NEW AND UNSEEN VIDEOS!!  Zeus The Serval is 2 1/2 years old. Hera The Savannah is 5 ...

Jumping Serval Cat: Earth Ranger Meghan and Sammy visit Daily Planet - YouTube Animal Ambassador Sammy the Serval stopped by Daily Planet with his trainer Earth Ranger Meghan to show off his incredible jumping abilities. Servals are nat...






藪貓[註 1](學名:Leptailurus serval)是產於非洲的中型貓科動物,為藪貓屬的唯一成員。藪貓體長85厘米,尾長40厘米。平均壽命在12-20年。與其他貓科動物相比,它體型修長,腿長而尾短,耳朵又高又圓,距離很近。斑點有許多變種。





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