Continental Drift: Alfred Wegener Song by The Amoeba People - YouTube The Amoeba People present "The Posthumous Triumph of Alfred Wegener", the sad but true story of a scientist and his hypothesis.


強瘋來習-地球科學02-韋格納大陸漂移說動畫 - YouTube
強瘋來習各種課程安排如下 地球科學------------------------------------------------------------ 01天文星球;02板塊地貌;03地質岩石;04天氣氣候; 05天災人禍。 國中生物--------------------------------------...


大陸漂移:韋格納之歌 - YouTube
這是阿米巴人樂團(the Ameoba people)的歌,我把它加上中文字幕,讓大家用輕鬆愉快的方式,3分鐘認識大陸漂移學說^^ 英文歌詞 In the year of 1910 there was a scientist Whose name was Alfred Wegener He noticed tha...



n the year of 1910 there was a scientist
Whose name was Alfred Wegener
He noticed that the continents looked just like
Pieces of a broken puzzle

By 1915 he called it Continental Drift
It caused a rift
With his fellow scientists (who sang)

Ha! Ha! Alfred Wegener!
You are a crazy man!
Ha! Ha! Alfred Wegener!
You are a crazy little man!

They reminded him he had no proof
For how or why the continents could do this
And until you show just how or why
You merely have one interesting hypothesis

Until this evidence we see
You don't have a theory

Ha! Ha! Alfred Wegener!
You are a crazy man!
Ha! Ha! Alfred Wegener!
You are a crazy little man!

In the year of 1930
On an expedition to Greenland
Wegener got caught in a blizzard
When they finally found him
It was much, oh much too late
And they buried him in an icy mausoleum

30 years after he died
A new idea came to light
Plate Tectonics, Plate Tectonics
It changed the way geologists saw the world
And brought Continental Drift back to life

Now everybody sings:

Yee haw! Alfred Wegener!
You are a brilliant man!
Yee haw! Alfred Wegener!
You are a brilliant, brilliant man!

Continental Drift!
Alfred Wegener's theory!
Continental Drift!
Alfred Wegener's theory!
Continental Drift!
Alfred Wegener's theory!
Continental Drift!
Alfred Wegener's brilliant theory!
released January 1, 2012
words and music by Ray Hedgpeth



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