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you're all highness Megan Markel
0:02congratulations to you both
0:03thank you can we start with the proposal
0:06and the actual moment of your engagement
0:07when did it happen how did it happen
0:10it happened a few weeks ago this month
0:14here at our cottage standard we're doing
0:21just roasting chicken and chicken and it
0:26was just just an amazing surprise it was
0:29so sweet and natural and very romantic
0:33he got on one knee yes yes as a matter
0:38of fact I could barely let me finish
0:39proposing how can I say yes ma'am let me
0:42finish and then those hugs and I have
0:45the ring in my finger and I was like can
0:47I can I give you the ring she's all yes
0:48the ring so no resume it was a really
0:51nice moment we're just the two of us and
0:52I think I managed to catch some ketchup
0:54by surprise as well yeah and this is how
0:57long after you first met oh it would be
0:59a year and a half - which for most
1:04people would be quite a whirlwind is
1:07that how it felt to you I don't think
1:10that I would call it a whirlwind in
1:12terms of our relationship obviously
1:14they've been layers attached to how
1:15public it has become after we had a good
1:20five six months almost with just privacy
1:22which was amazing but no I think we were
1:27able to really have so much time just to
1:30connect and we never went longer than
1:32two weeks without seeing each other even
1:34though we were obviously doing a
1:35long-distance relationship so it's we
1:38made it work how did you first meet yes
1:42we first met we were introduced actually
1:44by a mutual friend who we will we should
1:47protect our privacy not too much of it
1:50and but it was it was actually it was
1:53through her and then we met once and
1:56then twice back-to-back two dates in
2:00last July yes I can even July and then
2:04it was I think about three maybe four
2:07weeks later that I managed to persuade
2:10her to come and join me in Botswana and
2:12we we camped out with each other under
2:16the stars and we spent coming join for
2:18five days out there which was obviously
2:19fantastic so then we were really by
2:22mm-hmm which I which was crucial to me
2:24to make sure that we had a chance to get
2:26to know each other but the friend who
2:28introduced you was she trying to set you
2:29up yes it was definitely a set of a
2:31blind date and it's so interesting
2:35because we talked about it and now and
2:37even then I you know because I'm from
2:39the States you don't grow up with the
2:41same understanding of of the royal
2:44family and so while I now understand
2:47very clearly there's a global interest
2:49there I didn't know much about him and
2:52so the only thing that I had asked her
2:54when she said she wanted to set us up
2:55was had one question I said was he nice
2:57because if he wasn't kind it just didn't
2:59it didn't seem like it would make sense
3:01and so we went and had a mat for a drink
3:05and then I think very quickly into that
3:08we said what are we doing tomorrow we
3:10should again represent or let's meet
3:12again and then it was like write Diaries
3:13we need to get the Diaries out and find
3:15out how we're gonna make this work
3:16because I was off to Africa for a month
3:18she was working and we just said right
3:20where's where's the gap and the gap
3:23happened to be the perfect place how
3:26much did you put her II know about Megan
3:28had you seen her on TV no I'd never
3:31never even heard about her until this
3:33friend said make a mark was like write a
3:36cake give me give me a bit of background
3:39so no I'd never I'd never watch suits
3:42I'd never heard of Megan before and I
3:45was beautifully surprised when I walked
3:48into that room and saw her and there she
3:50was sitting there I was like okay why
3:52grow up my dad shot good shot I think
3:58for both of us so it was it was really
4:00refreshing because given that I didn't
4:03know a lot about him everything that
4:05I've learned about him I learned
4:07through him as opposed to having grown
4:09up around different news stories or
4:11tabloids or whatever else anything I
4:12learned about him and his family was
4:13what he would share with me and vice
4:15versa so for both of us it was just a
4:17really authentic and organic way to get
4:21to know each other and was that quite
4:22refreshing for you in the way that
4:24you've been brought up you know with a
4:26lot of people knowing a lot about you
4:28was it refreshing thank you very much no
4:32hugely refreshing to be able to get to
4:34know someone who isn't necessarily
4:36within your circle doesn't know much
4:38about me I don't know about much about
4:40her so to be able to start almost afresh
4:42right from the beginning and getting to
4:44know each other step by step and then
4:46taking that huge leap of only two dates
4:49and then and then going together in the
4:52middle of nowhere and you know showing
4:54it showing attempt together and what
4:56kind of stuff it was there was it was
4:58fantastic it was absolutely amazing to
4:59get to know her as quickly as I did and
5:03starting a long-distance relationship
5:04you were working on suits you had I
5:06imagine a packed filming schedule you've
5:08got lots of commitments of your own how
5:10hard was it to keep things going it was
5:15just a choice right I think that very
5:18early on when we realized we were going
5:20to commit to each other and we knew we
5:23had to invest the time and the energy
5:25and whatever it took to make that happen
5:26and so yes with the filming schedule it
5:30was not the easiest because it of course
5:34included a lot of travel back and forth
5:36but I don't think you had any idea what
5:38times only beyond the last year and a
5:40half no over here four days or week and
5:44then going back and then straight into
5:46filming the next day 4:00 a.m. wake-up
5:48calls and on Monday straight into set
5:50right off the plane and straight to say
5:52I'm just trying to just try to stay as
5:55close as possible but you know two
5:57different time zones and five hours
5:59apart does have its challenges but then
6:01you know Romania working and now we're
6:03here so in the case of your relationship
6:06unlike for most people there's this
6:08whole layer of what it means to get
6:10involved with someone from the royal
6:12family how much of a sense did you have
6:14Meaghan of the enormity of what you were
6:16getting into what it might mean for your
6:18I think I can very safely say as naive
6:21as it sounds now having gone through
6:23this learning curve in the past year and
6:26a half I did not have any understanding
6:28of just what it would be like I don't
6:31think either of us did that we both said
6:32that even though we knew it would be I
6:34tried to I tried I tried to warn I tried
6:36to warn you as much as possible but I
6:38think both of us were totally surprised
6:41by the reaction after the first five six
6:44months of when we had to ourselves of
6:46what actually happened from then so I
6:48think you can you can have as many
6:50conversations as you want and try and
6:51prepare as much as possible but we were
6:53we were totally unprepared for what
6:56happened after that the scrutiny well I
6:59mean I think also because there's a
7:03misconception that because I have worked
7:05in the entertainment industry that this
7:07would be something I would be familiar
7:08with but even though I've been on my
7:10show for I guess six years at that point
7:12and working before that I've never been
7:14part of tabloid culture I've never been
7:16in pop culture to that degree and and
7:18lived a relatively quiet life even
7:22though I focused so much on my job and
7:24so that was a really stark difference
7:28out of the gate but and I think we were
7:31just hit so hard at the beginning with a
7:32lot of mistruths that I made the choice
7:35to not read anything positive or
7:37negative it just didn't make sense and
7:38instead we focused all of our energies
7:40just on nurturing our relationship loss
7:43and some of that scrutiny and you ended
7:47up making a very public statement about
7:48if some of that scrutiny was centered
7:50around your ethnicity again when you
7:53realize that what did you think of
7:54course it's disheartening you know it's
7:57it's it's a shame that that is the
8:00climate in this world to focus that much
8:03on that or that that would be
8:04discriminatory in that sense but I think
8:07you know at the end of the day I'm
8:09really just proud of Who I am and where
8:11I come from and we have never put any
8:15focus on that we've just focused on who
8:18we are as a couple and so when you take
8:20all those extra layers away and all of
8:22that noise I think it makes it really
8:25easy to just enjoy being together and
8:29tune all the rest of that out but now
8:31that it is all official Prince Harry do
8:32you have that sense that the combination
8:34of the two of you your different
8:35backgrounds that you together represent
8:37something new for the royal family
8:40something new I think it's a you know
8:42it's a for me it's an added member of
8:45the family it's a it's another another
8:47team player as part of the the bigger
8:49team and you know for all of us what we
8:50want to do is be able to carry out the
8:53right engagement stereo or work and try
8:57and encourage others and the younger
8:58generation to be able to see the world
9:00in the correct sense rather than perhaps
9:03being just having a distorted view so
9:06you know the fact that I thought that I
9:08fell in love with Megan so incredibly
9:11quickly was a sort of confirmation to me
9:14that everything everything all the stars
9:16are aligned everything was just perfect
9:18it was this beautiful woman just sort of
9:20literally tripped and fell into my life
9:22I spun into her life and the fact that
9:24she III know the fact that she'll be
9:27really unbelievably good at their job
9:30part of it as well
9:32it's obviously huge relief to me because
9:35she'll be able to deal with with
9:36everything else that comes with it but
9:37um no you know we're a fantastic team we
9:40know we are and and what we hope to over
9:43time try and have as much impact for the
9:46things that we care about as much as
9:48possible and making given your your
9:51acting in the profile you had you'd
9:52already been involved in various causes
9:54you've been an ambassador for UN Women
9:56what about this new role I mean you're
9:59going to have a bigger platform a bigger
10:01voice what do you want to do with it I
10:03mean houses I think what's been really
10:11exciting as we talk about the transition
10:13of this out of my career but into the
10:16role is that as you said the causes that
10:18have been very important to me I can
10:20focus even more energy on because very
10:22early out of the gate I think you
10:24realize once you have access or a voice
10:26that people are willing to listen to
10:28with that comes a lot of responsibility
10:29which I take seriously and at the same
10:32time I think in these beginning few
10:34months and now being boots on the ground
10:37in the UK I'm excited
10:38just really get to know more about the
10:41different communities here smaller
10:43organizations we're working on the same
10:44causes that I've always been passionate
10:46about under this umbrella and and also
10:50being able to go around to the common
10:51well if I think it's just just the
10:53beginning of that there's a lot to do
10:55there's a lot to do and it's an immense
10:58change you're you're getting a new
10:59country out of it as a husband obviously
11:03but also giving up giving giving up your
11:06career yes but I I don't see it as
11:10giving anything up I just see it as a
11:13change challenge it's it's a new chapter
11:16right and and also keep in mind I I've
11:18been working on my show for seven years
11:21so we were very very fortunate to be
11:24able to have that sort of longevity on a
11:26series and for me once we hit the
11:29hundred episode marker I thought you
11:31know what I have I have ticked this box
11:32and I feel really proud of the work I've
11:34done there and now it's time to as he
11:36said work work as a team but do you have
11:41that sense of responsibility Prince
11:43Harry for what you thought you were
11:44asking Megan to do of course that sense
11:48of responsibility was it was essentially
11:50from day one or maybe a couple of months
11:53in when I suddenly realized actually
11:54this is you know I feel I know that I'm
11:58in love with this girl and I hope that
12:00she's in love with me but we still have
12:01to sit down on the sofa and I stop and I
12:03still have to have some pretty you know
12:05frank conversations with her to say that
12:06you know what you're letting yourself in
12:08for is it is it's a big it's a big deal
12:11and it's you know it's not I wouldn't
12:13it's not it's not easy for anybody but I
12:16know that you know she she chooses me
12:20and I choose her and therefore you know
12:23whatever whatever we have to tackle
12:25together or individually will always be
12:27us together as a team so I think I think
12:30she's she's capable she's capable of
12:35and together as I said this there's a
12:37hell of a lot of stuff and work that
12:39needs doing at the moment for us it's
12:42going to be making sure that our
12:43relationship is always put first but
12:45know that both of us have passions for
12:49wanting to make change change for good
12:52and you know with lots of young people
12:53running around the cobble wolf that's
12:55where we're gonna spend I find another
12:56thing and it was really one of the first
12:57things we connected on it was one of the
12:59first things we started talking about
13:00when we met was just the different
13:02things that we wanted to do in the world
13:04and how passionate we were about seeing
13:06change I think that was um that's what
13:10got date 2 in the books probably plenty
13:13to talk about children no not currently
13:17no no of course you know that I think
13:19you know one foot one step at a time and
13:21if you will start a family in the near
13:24future I think you've met each other's
13:26families imagine yes his family's been
13:28so welcoming and and you're not going to
13:31feel I'm not sure I have on both sides
13:33of his family's mom side as well which
13:34has been really important to me too but
13:36yes the family has been great and over
13:39the past year and a half we've just had
13:41a really nice time getting to know them
13:43and progressively helping me feel a part
13:45of of not just the institution but also
13:48part of the family which has been really
13:50really special trying to track them down
13:53and make sure that they're around at the
13:54same time that she's popping in without
13:55telling too many people and we've
13:58actually done incredibly well to make
14:01sure the key people doesn't mean a lot
14:04of the time and that you've been
14:05together in this last year and a half
14:06you've been you've been at home a lot
14:08yes we'vewe've Wow yeah we had to
14:13reverse the whole process and cozy
14:16nights in front of the television
14:18cooking dinner with just the two of us
14:20by ourselves and a little cottage rather
14:22than going out for dinner and being seen
14:24in public so we have we reversed the
14:26whole process which is it's it's it's
14:29provided different opportunities and
14:30that has made us a hell of a lot closer
14:32in a shorter space of time like a champ
14:33that's you know we're not questions so
14:35you know if anybody else at home the
14:37sleeping baby won't slow down the dates
14:39and maybe spend more time home but I
14:41mean no it's it's for us it's it's an
14:44opportunity to
14:45to really get to know each other without
14:46other people you're looking or trying to
14:48take photos on their phones and all that
14:50kind of stuff you know with that that
14:51comes that comes comes with a comes with
14:53a job comes to the role but I'm
14:54responsible yeah and we were able to
14:57really get to know each other that way
14:58but also then to go and have friends
15:00over for dinner or to go to his family's
15:02tea or any of those sort of things and
15:05even you know just to take the take the
15:08time to be able to go on long country
15:10walks and the Queen it's incredible I
15:21think you know a to be able to meet her
15:25through his lens not just with his honor
15:28and respect for her as the monarch but
15:30the love that he has for her as his
15:32grandmother all of those layers have
15:36been so important for me so that when I
15:38met her I had such a deep understanding
15:39and of course incredible respect for
15:42being able to have that time with her
15:44and and we've had really she's she's an
15:47incredible woman and the cool history
15:49straightaway it's 33 years been booked
15:53absolutely just laying on my feet during
15:56was very that has to be a good sign
16:00speaking of dogs have you brought yours
16:02I well I have two dogs that I've had for
16:05quite a long time both my rescue pups
16:07and one is now staying with very close
16:10friends and my other little guy is yes
16:13he's in the UK he's been here for a
16:15while okay let's hope he adjusts well I
16:17think he's doing just fine what was it
16:19like introducing Megan to your father
16:21and your brother was it like it was
16:27exciting I mean I you know I've been
16:29seeing her for a for a period of time
16:31when I literally didn't didn't tell
16:33anybody at all and then William was
16:36lying to me too and so is Catherine so
16:38you know they're being our neighbors we
16:40managed to get get that in a cup of well
16:42quite a few times now and Catherine's
16:45been absolutely
16:46wonderful amazing I says William as well
16:48a fantastic support and then my my
16:51father's already you know top of we had
16:54a handful of teas and meetings and and
16:57all sorts of gatherings over at his
16:59place as well so though the family
17:01together have been absolutely you know
17:03solid support and my grandparents as
17:06well have been having wonderful
17:08throughout this whole process and
17:09they've known for quite some time so how
17:11they haven't told anybody know that the
17:16whole family have come together and and
17:18have been a huge amount of so they've
17:20been amazing and making your parents do
17:22you think you know well very happy for
17:25you obviously do you think they have
17:27worried at all about the scale of what
17:28you're getting into
17:29well I'm sure at the onset both my
17:33parents and my close friends were
17:35concerned because we got very quickly
17:37swept up in a media storm that as a I
17:40shared was not part of my life before
17:43that but they also had never seen me so
17:45happy and and I think also once my
17:49friends excuse me we're able to to
17:52really meet Harry and my mom we would
17:55spend a lot of time with he was so much
17:58it was just you know it was just obvious
18:01that no matter what we were being put
18:05through that it was just temporary and
18:08that we were going to be able to get
18:10through that so everyone was really
18:11happy believe he's talked to my dad few
18:13times hasn't been able to meet him just
18:14yet but it's all been it's all been
18:18worth every effort your ring tell us
18:23about your ring the ring is is obviously
18:27yellow gold because that's her favorite
18:29and the main stone itself my source from
18:33Botswana and the the little diamonds
18:36either side are from my mother's jury
18:38collection to make sure that she's with
18:40us on this on this crazy journey
18:42together and it's beautiful and he
18:46designed it it's incredible yeah yeah
18:50make sure it stays on my finger
18:52thick what does it mean to you Megan to
18:55have those stones on your finger that
18:58once belonged to Princess Diana I think
19:01everything about Harry's thoughtfulness
19:05is and the inclusion of that and
19:08obviously not being able to meet his mom
19:11it's so important to me to to know that
19:14she's a part of this with us and and I
19:16think in being able to meet his aunts
19:18and and also to be like Julia and just
19:22different people who are so important to
19:23his mom I'm able to in some way know a
19:27part of her through them and of course
19:29through him and it's it's incredibly
19:31special and you know to be able to have
19:33this which sort of links where you come
19:36from and what's one of which is
19:38important to us and it's that's perfect
19:42what do you think your mother would have
19:43thought of Megan or said about Megan is
19:46there because there's without question I
19:50think she would be over the moon jumping
19:53up and down you know I was so excited
19:55for it for me but then as I said it
19:58would have probably been best friends
19:59best friends with Megan so now it's I
20:01you know it's it is days like days like
20:03today that when when I really miss
20:05having her around and miss being able to
20:06show that the happy news but you know
20:09with the ring and with everything else
20:10that's going on I'm sure she's I'm sure
20:12she's with us you know jumping up and
20:14down somewhere else that's Harry
20:17Megan well thank you both very much
20:19thank you so much




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