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看板 NBA
作者 skymay (隨遇而安)
標題 [情報] 2013-14賽季值得關注的里程碑
時間 Sun Aug  4 14:27:31 2013

2013-14赛季,有很多球员可能达到自己新的高度,科比、KG、纳什、皮尔斯、特里、阿伦,他们有哪些即将到来的里程碑值得关注呢? ...


The 2013-14 NBA season is less than three months away and excitement levels
are already high. LeBron James has his eyes on a third straight championship,
Dwight Howard will try to prove doubters wrong, and the Brooklyn Nets aim to
make a deep playoff run with their new squad. But for many of the long-time
veterans in the league, this upcoming season is a chance for them to further
etch their names into the record books.

2013-14賽季還有不到三個月就要開始了,LeBron瞄準了三連冠, 霍華德希望回擊質疑,

Here are seven players who have milestones in their sights:


Kobe Bryant – Points, Assists, Free Throws

Bryant will face his biggest challenge this summer as he attempts to
successfully rehab from a torn Achilles’ tendon suffered in mid-April. But
when he does return, he’ll have multiple milestones in clear sight. The most
important milestone for Bryant is points as he needs only 676 points to pass
Michael Jordan for third all time. It will take Bryant nearly 300 more games
than Jordan played to pass His Airness, but that doesn’t diminish the
milestone’s significance.  Bryant also needs 113 assists to become only the
30th player in NBA history to reach 6,000 and 532-free throw attempts to
become only the fifth player to attempt at least 10,000 free throws. The
other four who’ve done it: Shaquille O’Neal, Wilt Chamberlain, Moses
Malone, and Karl Malone. That’s okay company.

Kobe Bryant:

1、得分可能超越Michael Jordan上升到歷史第3,不過可能要比MJ多花了快300場

Kevin Garnett – Field Goals, Minutes, Rebounds, Blocks

It’s easy to understand how one of the most dominant players in the league
for the past 18 seasons is on the verge of multiple milestones. He needs 363
field goals to pass Moses Malone, George Gervin, Dan Issel, and John Havlicek
for 11th all time. After playing 58 minutes next season, he will pass Wilt
Chamberlain for sixth all time to join the elite company of Moses Malone,
Elvin Hayes, Jason Kidd, Karl Malone, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Then he’ll
also need 399 rebounds to reach ninth all time and 30 blocks to reach 2,000
for his career. All four of these milestones are attainable if he stays
healthy and soon he’ll be able to add Hall-of-Fame inductee to his list of

Kevin Garnett:

1、還差363個field goals就能升至NBA進球榜的第11位

Steve Nash – Assists, Turnovers

The almost 40-year-old Nash is close to two significant milestones for next
season. He is only 86 assists away from passing Mark Jackson for third all
time and he needs just 90 turnovers to move into 10th all time. The turnover
milestone may seem like a bad thing, but it shows its importance when you
look at the nine players who will be in front of him: Hakeem Olajuwon, Isiah
Thomas, Kobe Bryant, Artis Gilmore, Julius Erving, Jason Kidd, John Stockton,
Moses Malone, and Karl Malone. It doesn’t get much more elite than that.

Steve Nash:

1、和歷史助攻榜第3的Mark Jackson僅差86次

Andre Miller – Assists

Miller has been one of the best distributors in the league for most of his
14-year career, but his lack of flashiness has caused him to be consistently
underrated. However, if he can collect 44 assists next season he will reach
8,000 for his career and join Gary Payton, Isiah Thomas, Oscar Robertson,
Magic Johnson, Steve Nash, Mark Jackson, Jason Kidd, and John Stockton as the
only players to reach the milestone.

Andre Miller

還差44次助攻就突破8000大關,將加入Gary Payton, Isiah Thomas, Oscar Robertson,
Magic Johnson, Steve Nash, Mark Jackson, Jason Kidd, 和 John Stockton這些球員

Ray Allen – 3-Point

Unlike all of the other milestones mentioned, Allen has already reached the
top of the statistical category and now he’s just extending his lead. It
will take a good season for him to make 143 3-pointers, but if he does he
will become the first player in NBA history to reach 3,000 3-pointers and it’
ll make his record even more difficult to pass.

Ray Allen:


Paul Pierce – Points

Pierce’s first season outside of Boston could be a historic one if he is
able to score 979 points to reach 25,000 for his career. Only 21 players in
NBA history have reached this mark and Dirk Nowitzki, Garnett, and Bryant are
the only active players to get there. It would an incredible accomplishment
for Pierce who has faced and conquered many challenges during his 15-year

Paul Pierce:

離生涯25000分僅差979分,現役球員中達到這成績的只有Dirk Nowitzki、Garnett和

Jason Terry – 3-Point

Many people fail to notice how prolific Terry’s 3-point shooting has been
throughout his career. But with only 78 3-pointers next season he will pass
Jason Kidd to become third all time and join the special company of Reggie
Miller and Ray Allen. Consistency has been the key for Terry as his rookie
year was the only season during his 14-year career in which he shot below 34
percent from 3-point range.

Jason Terry:

再命中78顆三分就能超越Jason Kidd成為僅次於Ray Allen和Reggie Miller的歷史第3的

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◆ From:
ntusimmon   :LAODA的打鐵數早已超越MJ了  其他算啥?1F 08/04 14:30
Toool       :希望nash不要破失誤的紀錄2F 08/04 14:31
a82412      :terry 三分球投那麼多喔3F 08/04 14:33
lave70      :Ray Allen這個真的是個大紀錄4F 08/04 14:40
tom082626   :你沒說Kobe比Jordan多花了快300場5F 08/04 14:43
tom082626   :KG生涯2000鍋是差30個
※ 編輯: skymay          來自:         (08/04 14:49)
ggosiang    :Ray Allen !!7F 08/04 14:47
CRAZYFAN    :3000大概可以樹立一個障礙了8F 08/04 14:47
lave70      :雷槍退休時 三分進球累積數應該會像老史的助攻和抄截9F 08/04 14:48
lave70      :那樣是個障礙了
CRAZYFAN    :不過143可能要兩年11F 08/04 14:49
tom082626   :雷槍去年投了139顆 今年有機會12F 08/04 14:52
lave70      :以雷槍來講一季就有機會...13F 08/04 14:53
loveinmars  :terry好驚訝!!!14F 08/04 14:59
miha80425   :JET在小牛靠著人來瘋的三分 留下很多經典畫面阿15F 08/04 14:59
miha80425   :老鷹時期我就不清楚了
popstarkirby:Jet的三分真猛17F 08/04 15:11
lave70      :JET三分也是準備要上看2000顆18F 08/04 15:13
rock0077    :老大的打鐵次數早已超越mj了。19F 08/04 15:17
airbear     :老大的打鐵第一沒算在內?20F 08/04 15:24
yang50105   :老大打鐵第一還差多少?21F 08/04 15:28
kurenaiz    :雷槍障礙...可怕22F 08/04 15:39
satheni     :很沒良心的想問一下Kobe打鐵歷史地位www23F 08/04 15:40
hump        :原來Terry三分球進這麼多了24F 08/04 15:46
jcto04      :老皮也快加入2.5W分俱樂部了25F 08/04 15:56
NIKE74731   :Terry最讓人驚訝 原來他是All-Time等級的三分射手!26F 08/04 15:58
lave70      :超賽前三巨頭如果不那麼急著退休的話 都還可以再累積27F 08/04 15:58
lave70      :不少生涯數據
jkiop79315  :JET在小牛有段時間真的猛 只是在賽時 就....0.029F 08/04 16:05
bluewindwmg :咖哩如果健康的話,雷槍的紀錄應該有機會被破,但是30F 08/04 16:06
bluewindwmg :是建立在咖哩健康的情況之下......
lave70      :而且還要打的夠久...就算年年都能投進250顆 要到300032F 08/04 16:09
lave70      :顆也要12年
angubo      :老納失誤也算哈哈34F 08/04 16:31
mlmt        :第一段紀錄"薄"應該是紀錄"簿"吧35F 08/04 17:44
Allenichiro :老賽三巨頭36F 08/04 18:18
sandiato    :怎麼沒T.D37F 08/04 18:52
Gwendaline  :kobe距離登上打鐵之神的寶座只剩174球38F 08/04 18:54
lave70      :174...說不定20場就可達成...39F 08/04 18:55

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