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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-11-21 08:37:14
看板 WoT
作者 hipponi (熊吉)
標題 [情報] 11/20 Q&A
時間 Thu Nov 21 08:14:00 2013

- Q: “Why is it possible to actually destroy a tank by shooting it in its
commander’s copula?” A: “It’s possible to destroy a tank by a shell
penetration, by the penetration of shell fragments or by fragments of its own
armor in the area behind armor. Commander’s copula provides direct access for
the shells and their fragments to the area behind armor. So the logic is there.
It’s like to complain that a house is also accessible via chimney, not just
via door. It’s possible – not easy, bot possible”.
囪進去一樣,它是可能的 - 不容易,但卻可能"(這段翻得不太好,建議看原文囧)

- regarding the above question, when asked how come parts that do not provide
such access (such as AC48 rangefinder) do cause vehicle damage too: “Well, the
tracks don’t repair in real life 6 seconds either, in real life the barrel can
bend when crashing into trees… you know what I mean”
懂得"   (Join the Army Please)

- SU-100Y has two AP shells. The AP shell with increased power (gold shell)
loses the penetration a bit faster over distance than the regular one, but the
difference is negligible

- HESH shells in WOT are simply HE shells with increased penetration

- SerB states that the Vbaddict site map winrate statistics are “very far”
from the truth

- SerB states that the LFP of King Tiger COULD have been 120mm on some pieces,
WG decided that the 100mm “paper value” is “more correct”

- there is no data on a King Tiger (E-75) turret, that could hold the 105mm
沒有資料顯示虎王(E75)砲塔能裝105mm L/100

- there are enough ideas in WoT for 10 major (0.8.0, 0.9.0 etc.) patches

- about time limits: WoT is limited by appearance of smoothbores, WoWp is
limited to the first generation of jets, WoWs is limited to the point when
battleships lost their importance, eg. roughly the same time period

- SerB has not watched the “Megafactories” show on WG yet

And from developer blog:
- Veider: there will be a new award (Top Gun, Confederate style) for damage
done in battle: top damagers (under certain conditions) in the losing team will
recieve the same amount of credits and XP as if they won
Veider:會有一個新的獎勵(類似Top Gun跟Confederate)關於傷害:輸方最高傷害者(在一定

- Sniper medal will be significantly reworked

- apparently, older collision models of suspensions will be reworked to
feature a “hole” in the middle, like this:
顯然的,舊的履帶碰撞模組會被重做成中間有洞,像這樣: (原網址有圖)

- Sturer Emil will not recieve a better stock gun (“And what tank you can’t
penetrate with 169mm on tier 7? Stop smoking that already”)
Sturer Emil不會拿到更好的白板砲 ("然後有哪台T7坦克你無法用169穿打穿的?別抱怨了")

- no plans for destructable (changeable) terrain for now

- Havok will bring destructable spaced armor (parts of it torn off)

- only some tanks will have optional hulls

Tanitha (SEA server) on roaming punishment: “Its likely or at least possible
that any rule violations on a non home server, will result in the roaming
feature of the player being switched off permanently. Breaking the rules on
another server, isn’t a good option.”

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
udm         :好奇,真實的戰車會沒事去撞樹碾樹嗎?1F 11/21 08:28
udm         :另外...你要攻擊一棟房子,會有人刻意攻擊煙囪嗎?QQ
udm         :不知道現實有沒有戰車因為被攻擊車長塔而陣亡的案例.
udm         :                       只^

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