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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-08-10 00:39:28
看板 WoT
作者 sunshinefish (羽織)
標題 [情報] 8/8 Q&A
時間 Fri Aug  9 03:08:11 2013

   第一次發 Q&A 文,翻得不好還請見諒。



-  confirmed: RU second medium branch will start from T-34 and end with T-54,
   Object 140 will be a tier 10, unlockable from T-54,

   已經確認蘇聯第二條中坦線會從 T-34開始並在 T-54 結束,而 Obj. 140 會從 T-54
   (換言之: T-34 -> A-43 -> A-44 -> Obj. 416 -> T-54 -> Obj. 140)

   Object 430 and the other T9 tank will come later
   Obj. 430 和另一輛 T9 坦克之後才會出現。
   (另一輛應該是 Obj. 430 的後置砲塔型)

 - penetration reduction with distance is set for each shell individually

 - both shells for VK3601 Konisch gun are basically historically subcaliber.
   SerB states that both have subcaliber normalisation, as far as he remembers

   SerB 表示他印象中兩種都有套用次口徑彈的轉正公式。

 - the only shells with different ricochet angle are HEAT shells

 - SerB states that T-50 has scout MM, because it is a lot better than the
   Covenanter or the T-80, T-50 won’t get reduced MM

   SerB 表示因為 T-50 的性能比 Covenanter 或是 T-80 好太多了,所以分房的時候用

 - SerB states that the way to catch fire is the same for both diesel and
   gasoline gas tanks, because it was roughly like that in real life

   SerB 表示柴油引擎與汽油引擎起火的機制基本上是一樣的,因為現實生活中兩種引擎

 - WoT engine BigWorld will support active objects on maps (such as moving
   trains), but this will be done only in minimal amounts, for example trains
   would introduce another random element to the game and that’s not what the
   developers want.

   Wot 的遊戲引擎 BigWorld 會支援地圖上的動態物件(像是會移動的火車),但是這些

   (平交道沒有停看聽被火車撞爆之類的 ?)

 - the main features that are being worked on will be disclosed soon

 - SerB confirms that if WoT intensity is taken as a base, WoWp game
   intensity is (WoT intensity + 1) and WoWs intensity will be
   (WoT intensity – 1)

   SerB 說如果 與 WoT 的遊戲刺激程度比較起來,WoWp 會比較刺激而 WoWs 比較不刺

 - WG was the biggest Belarussian IT export firm for 2012
   WG 是 2012 年白俄羅斯最大的資訊科技出口公司。

 - players being angry with T-50-2 removal? “How terrible…”
   "玩家對於 T-50-2 被移除很不爽 ?"

 - German A7V won’t be implemented for now
   德國的 A7V 目前暫時還不會做

 - SerB states that it’s technically not possible to completely eliminate
   all the arcade mode aim circle getting “stuck” somewhere: “Use the sniper

   SerB 表示技術上沒辦法完全解決瞄準圈偶爾會卡住的問題,唯一的解決方法是開鏡。

 - kill-per-battle statistic for tanks is being collected, but WG won’t

   disclose official numbers
   玩家每場擊殺多少敵人的統計有做,但是 WG 不會告訴你那些數字。

 - the mechanism where players (not tanks, but account) are able to select
   maps they don’t want to play was scrapped

 - Object 103 is not planned for forseeable future
   可以預期未來不會有做 Obj. 103 的打算。

 - SerB states that while WG generally doesn’t disclose tank weakpoints,
   SU-100M1 has weakspots on the mantlet close to the gun (not the gun itself

   SerB 表示雖然 WG 基本上不會告訴玩家坦克的弱點在哪,不過 SU-100M1 的弱點在主

 - currently, the crew model for the EU tree is that the nations can use only
   their tanks (for example Italians can use only Italian tanks), but this is
   not final, it will be sorted once the tree becomes actual.

   目前 EU 科技樹的組員只能乘坐自己國家的坦克(像是義大利人只能坐義大利車),但

   This model does NOT concern the other branches, eg. Soviet crews won’t be
   usable in German tanks etc.


 - ingame mission (event) status (SS: as in “you have killed 15 tanks out of
   30 needed for example) will be implemented, starting from 8.8

   8.8 會顯示各種遊戲任務的狀態(SS: 像是目前周年慶 30 殺任務你殺了15輛,會顯示
   成 15/30 之類的)。

 - SU-26 won’t be completely removed from the game (SS: player –“it’s so
   bad I can’t even watch it”)
   SU-26 不會被整個移出遊戲 (SS: 玩家表示: "它實在糟到我都看不下去了")

 - M6A2E1 is a promo tank, it doesn’t get the credit bonus like the regular
   premium tanks
   M6A2E1 是輛推廣用的戰車,不像其他金幣車有銀幣加成。

 - there are many tanks left that will be introduced to WoT

 - the M103 203mm frontal armor is the connection (weld) between armor
   plates, on other places the armor is thinner
   M103 的車身前裝甲只有裝甲板焊接起來的地方有 203mm,其他地方比較薄。

 - in real life, tankers could load the tank with more shells than it was
   proscribed. WG tested this as a perk/skill, but unsuccessfuly (trouble with
   crew transfers)

   現實中裝甲兵可以無視禁令攜帶更多的砲彈。WG 曾經想將這個行為實作成技能或歷練

 - spent shell ejection after Havok introduction might be implemented
   Havok 引入之後可能會作拋彈殼的動作。

 - there is another tier 10 Soviet TD left to be implemented, but it won’t
   come anytime soon
   有一輛蘇聯 T10 TD 還沒做,不過最近不會做出來。

 - SerB states that the SU-100 122mm gun is more historical than the King
   Tiger’s 105mm, it won’t be removed

   SerB 表示 SU-100 的 122 砲比起虎王的 105 砲更接近史實而且不會被移除。

 - apparently the Waffentrager E-100 will have the same maximum speed as the
   current E-100, because the gearbox won’t change
   因為 Waffentrager E-100 的變速器和 E-100 一樣,很明顯的極速也會一樣。

 - “Gott mit Uns” German inscription won’t be added – first Storm said it
   ’s because it was written on Waffen SS belt buckles, but when confronted
   with the fact it’s not true, he said it still doesn’t mean this will appear
   in game

   “Gott mit Uns”這個德文標語不會加到遊戲裡面。(God with us, 神與我們同在)
   Storm 說即便這個標語實際上沒有用在 Waffen SS (納粹德國武裝親衛隊)的皮帶頭上

 - dynamic tank stats will be implemented eventually, but the German TD
   branch will be implemented sooner
   顯示車輛動態數值遲早會做,不過德國 TD 線會先做出來。

 - there will be some changes in Soviet branches, but Storm will not tell for
   now, same goes for how the German branches will look
   蘇聯科技樹會有些改變,同樣的德國線也是,不過 Storm 現在甚麼都不會告訴你。

 - Superpershing will be changed in 8.8 apparently
   T26E4 在 8.8 當中會做更動。

 - there will be German rebalance in 8.8 too
   德國車 8.8 會重新平衡。

 - Tiger I will be changed in 8.8
   喵式 在 8.8 中會做更動。

 - both Tigers will get maximum speed buff in 8.8
   兩隻老虎的極速在 8.8 都會 buff。

 - Storm states that the Object 140 will be different from T-62A
   Storm 表示 Obj. 140 會和 T-62A 不一樣。

 - the Japanese medium premium Chi-Nu Kai will be available for supertesters
   in 8.8 test
   8.8 超測裡面可以看到新的日本金幣中坦。

 - tier 9 rear-turret Object 430 tank is still being researched
   後置砲塔的 T9 車 Obj. 430還在找資料。

 - T-34-3 will have the 122mm gun despite the fact it was earlier rendered
   with a 100mm gun
   T-34-3 會有 122 砲,即便先前模組是把它做成 100 砲的樣子。

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
tomwei34    :每天都有人接力,開心XD1F 08/09 03:16
sisko196    :感謝,這幾天都在練比賽,比較沒時間翻2F 08/09 03:21
hemisofia   :只能做當國籍的車的話 EU線真不會讓我想玩 ....3F 08/09 03:24
iamstudent  :我好奇查了一下什麼是次口徑炮,原來是脫殼穿甲彈4F 08/09 03:49
iamstudent  :因為砲彈本體鋼標直徑比砲管小,才有這個名稱
tomwei34    :QA的CCCP中坦2線好像跟8.8搶先看有矛盾,真怪6F 08/09 03:51
ggeneration :兩隻老虎兩隻老虎跑的快.....7F 08/09 04:03
lsslss      :                    慢...一隻沒有裝甲一隻...8F 08/09 04:15
idiotxd     :德國車 8.8 會重新平衡。(德國車8.8會nerf)9F 08/09 04:30
kingsmill   :不要動獵豹2不要動獵豹2不要動獵豹2.。。。。10F 08/09 08:42
colin1120   :怒噓SerB 100M1已經夠可憐了為甚麼還要這樣婊它!?11F 08/09 09:16
victor0lynn :豹1已經M了快拔頂引擎吧12F 08/09 09:20
victor0lynn :文章裡面有A7V的圖
doomhammer  :A7V ?!可是那台是一戰的戰車耶...最高時速好像1x...14F 08/09 09:35
doomhammer  :而且裝甲:正面50mm側面20mm....
doomhammer  :好啦...其實法國的Renault一開始那台也是接近一戰時
doomhammer  :的規格...
colin1120   :雷諾F17其實就是世界上第一台旋轉砲塔的戰車XD18F 08/09 09:39
lsslss      :A7V開出來歡樂指數應該不低於TOG219F 08/09 09:46
batterykugua:當時玩完SU100M1還是不知道弱點在哪 這弱點太小了吧20F 08/09 09:55
colin1120   :........重點不在砲盾大小 重點在這台車不用鳥上半部21F 08/09 09:57
batterykugua:下半等效裝甲約150mm 還是有點棘手22F 08/09 10:02
colin1120   :7階等效150 還要看地形 是要擋什麼啦XDDD23F 08/09 10:06
kill90206   :次口徑彈並不完全是脫殼穿甲彈(APDS)24F 08/09 14:58
kill90206   :一開始的方式是將彈蕊以軟金屬包覆,在擊中目標時
kill90206   :軟金屬會被留在目標表面,彈蕊穿進目標
kill90206   :德國的Pzgr.40(APCR) 以及美國的HVAP就是這種
lsslss      :嚴格來說不算是軟金屬而是較輕的金屬(鋁合金之類)28F 08/09 15:13
lsslss      :包裹鎢質彈芯(APCR)或鋼質彈芯(APCNR)
lsslss      :由於整體砲彈變輕(提高初速)及彈芯較小(縮小接觸面積
lsslss      :因此才有較高的穿甲能力 (同火藥量而言)
udm         :WG:二戰時蘇俄贏過德國一次,現在WOT裡還要再贏一次32F 08/09 17:31

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