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※ 本文為 terievv 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-08-30 09:19:48
看板 Gossiping
作者 defendant (被告)
標題 [問卦] 一千人視姦貓咪
時間 Tue Aug 30 09:05:47 2016




Kitten Academy Live Stream - YouTube
If there is nothing going on, you can rewind the stream up to 4 hours to see action. Is there something we should know about? Do you have a question for us? ...



「性侵餐車」 英男失態被罰100小時義工
ZergLoL:為什麼是性侵?餐車搞不好自願03/12 11:15
kfcisgood:多元成家03/12 11:41
Del2000b:無罪 因為餐車沒有拒絕03/12 12:30
bokez:什麼性侵?餐車穿這麼少就出門,根本欠幹啦!活該03/12 14:18

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1NnDllUR (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1472519151.A.79B.html
cream115: 貓貓可愛1F 08/30 09:06
wtfman: 五樓只要被看一眼就會射精2F 08/30 09:06
wang1b: 蓋~3F 08/30 09:07
meowchen: ㄟ('v')o 五樓看到四樓快失去理智了4F 08/30 09:07
pipiispipi: 我很好奇看這直播超過10分鐘的人在幹嘛5F 08/30 09:07
ausstin: 還是我貓可愛6F 08/30 09:07
a24285293: 射惹7F 08/30 09:07
lovesooman: 可愛8F 08/30 09:07
yjlee0829: 貓貓<39F 08/30 09:08
kawazakiz2: http://imgur.com/cLaw1oG 可以看這個,更好尻10F 08/30 09:09
DiMammaMia: 幹 害我不自覺看了兩分鐘左右11F 08/30 09:09
qqq3qqtw: 好像麵包12F 08/30 09:12
hiimjack: 幹 看貓睡覺幹嘛13F 08/30 09:13
wami0613: 好可愛0.014F 08/30 09:13
juutilainen: 害我跟著看15F 08/30 09:17
Cats Saying "No" to Bath - A Funny Cats In Water Compilation - YouTube Check out these funny cats in water freaking out. Cats saying no to bath is so hilarious. So if you want to see a cat saying no to bathing, enjoy these funny...

HELLDIVER: 旁邊有限制級的 未打馬賽克17F 08/30 09:17
DiMammaMia: 好想把它們搖醒啊18F 08/30 09:18
solidmiss: 好想摸摸19F 08/30 09:19

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