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※ 本文為 sales. 轉寄自 mypcbackup.com 更新時間: 2014-05-09 12:17:02
Hi Warrenchen,

Congratulations on making the smart decision to backup your computer.

Once installed, MyPC Backup will automatically start to backup your files and store them securely online.

Click here to activate your account: http://url.mypcbackup.com/vfbpoFkt

To view, open, download, or share your files just login to your online control panel.

Login Details:
Email: warrenchen.b@disp.cc
Password: *** Chosen By You ***

If you have not yet downloaded and installed the application, login to your control panel and follow step 1.

Remember to download the free MyPC Backup mobile and iPad apps from the app stores.

If you experience any problems please contact support@mypcbackup.com and our friendly support team will assist you.

Thank you for choosing MyPC Backup.

Chris Peterson
Sales Director, MyPC Backup

P.S Look out for a special discount we are running today-only on all new accounts which expires an hour after joining!

*** Need Business Backup? ***
Protect your files and run your business from the cloud: http://url.mypcbackup.com/BvuosswD

This email was sent from MyPC Backup, Unit 6, Fulcrum 2, Solent Way, Whiteley, PO15 7FN
Unsubscribe: http://www.mypcbackup.com/unsubscribe

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