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看板 warrenchen
作者 warrenchen (愛管閒事)
標題 [測試] 北投女巫系列 英文簡介
時間 2022-12-06 Tue. 07:07:51

*All copyrights of this fanmade clip belongs to its creator(s) as the credits to section lists.*

Brief TL of the comic series, "Pataauw" (北投女巫) by Jeffery (簡士頡):

北投 (Bei-tou) where was named after a extinguished language, Basai (巴賽語), a place rich in sulfur with witches ("pataauw" in Basai). It surrounds by fogs and mists all the year, a trove with legends and tales.
Now, the underground military group, 白團 (TL: white gangs) is hunting the witches resides in modern world are hunting (or vice versa). Who will be the last winner in this epic duel?

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Four years after the last duel with white gangs, our witches are facing new threats: political wars with the gang, mystical religion, and the witch who once lost connection but began her round-the-world concert from sudden, and the warning from the witch of foreseen: a frightening secret would be revealed if three disasters occurred upon the witch of tragedies...

北投女巫2:魅惑魔法 | LINE WEBTOON
作品 ...


Words from TRAVIX, the initiator of the fanmade music project:

Her melody is the first thing came to my mind when I began this project. Feeling by embraced by and beating with the forest, but people nowadays over-harvesting them and destroyed the peace of nature, the fact makes sobbing while recording a lot. We should cherish and protect this land and love the Earth.

Original: https://youtu.be/4RoIPmhGSF8

Source and credits to:

簡士頡, the artist of the series of 北投女巫 (Patauuw) 1 & 2

TRAVIX: https://youtube.com/c/TRAVIXLIN

Prelude: https://youtube.com/shorts/fl3JMW3X64U

Interlude (Amis): https://youtu.be/Rk_sAHh9s08?t=1m35s

Postlude: https://youtu.be/xH_C4WEDtVg

Slides: https://photos.app.goo.gl/unVj7VBrfVVJwT826
All about 北投 - Google Photos
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Tools & Softwares:

LogicTech G331 (Earphone with mics)

EN Synonyms: https://www.wordreference.com/synonyms
WordReference.com English Thesaurus
WordReference collaborative thesaurus. All Free. ...


CH Synonyms and poetry: https://sou-yun.cn/index.aspx
本站为用户提供海量诗词类资料,以及强大的诗词辅助创作工具 ...


Colored lyrics and details: https://disp.cc/b/764-eirS
[翻譯][歌詞] Listen to the Forest Tonight - Travix L.  #5/? - warrenchen板 - Disp BBS
  簡介:簡士頡老師目前在 Webtoon 連載中的作品,[北投女巫2:魅惑魔法 (Pataauw 2: Spell of Seduction)]的同人創作。 標籤:北投女巫、草木有情、萬物冥合 Lis

Desktop applications:
WavePad by NCH

VideoPad by NCH

Mobile Apps:
Remix: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hitrolab.audioeditor

※ 作者: warrenchen 時間: 2022-12-06 07:07:51 (台灣)
※ 編輯: warrenchen 時間: 2022-12-06 07:09:12 (台灣)
※ 看板: warrenchen 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 28 
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