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作者 tomsonchiou (TC)
標題 [閒聊] 蘿莉米卡莎VS超大型巨人
時間 Wed Sep 10 00:59:11 2014

Mikasa vs Colossal Titan - YouTube
That strange, miniaturized Colossal Titan finally meets his end. D-Piddy as Colossal Titan   A...



上吧!! 米卡莎(4歲)

Coser D Piddy其他超大型巨人影片

Attack On Saboten Con 2014 - YouTube
A miniaturized Colossal Titan terrorizes Saboten Con, and brings a couple of friends with it. D-Piddy as Colossal Titan  ...


Attack On Anime Expo 2013 - YouTube
A 2-meter class, abnormal type Colossal Titan somehow finds his way into Anime Expo. D-Piddy as Colossal Titan  


Attack On Animegacon 2013 - YouTube
A small Colossal Titan terrorizes Animegacon, then ventures out onto the Las Vegas Strip. D-Piddy as Colossal Titan  http...


測驗自己是否為\阿妮/  1~4 輕度  5~7普通 8~11 專業  12 你.....沒救了

1.喜歡死魚眼                5.特別萌像阿妮的角色       9.人氣角色票選只投給阿妮
2.看動畫會截很多阿妮的圖    6.電腦有很多阿妮的圖      10.想買一個阿妮玻璃杯
3.對佩脫拉沒興趣            7.能瞭解阿妮與米卡莎的差別11.想把阿妮的衣物拿來聞
4.看過超過兩本以上的阿妮本  8.有阿妮就可以接受超展開  12.ID長得很像tom_onc_iou

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tomsonchiou:轉錄至看板 Isayama                                  09/10 00:59
QBian: 真羨慕超大型巨人1F 09/10 01:01
wohtp: 好讚的蘿莉,想捏臉頰~2F 09/10 02:10
ACG6020: 為什麼看一看,有想要打電話叫警察的衝動...3F 09/10 07:43
idunhav1: 開門,查水表~!4F 09/10 07:57
goenitzx: XD 為什麼會有爆炸啦5F 09/10 08:42
Leeng: \意味不明/6F 09/10 08:48
laba5566: 好可愛>///< 我想當那巨人7F 09/10 08:56

(tomsonchiou.): [閒聊] 蘿莉米卡莎VS超大型巨人 - ACG板