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作者 sdfsonic (S音)
標題 [閒聊] 迪士尼主題曲你喜歡那首?
時間 Wed Aug 12 18:24:46 2015

  最喜歡的還是這首 超棒

The Lion King - Circle of Life

The Lion King - Circle of Life - YouTube
Circle of Life taken from The Lion King


Aladdin - Friend Like Me [High Quality] - YouTube
DisneySongs.net - Friend Like Me song from Aladdin.


Mulan - i'll make a man out of you - YouTube
Lovely song from the movie Mulan! People, do not forget to check this youtube video:


【冰雪奇緣】Let It Go - YouTube
迪士尼【冰雪奇緣】中,被廣泛傳唱的神曲Let It Go,今天正式上傳Disney Channel YouTube官方頻道,同時,目前在Disney Channel也有播出喔。


[720p HD] TANGLED - "I See The Light," Complete lantern scene - YouTube If this doesn't get nuked for copyright issues, I'll be damned. Anyway, this is the lantern scene with Rapunzel (Moore) and Flynn (Levi) in which they sing t...




    (Sometimes, this game is more than just the final score.)

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e04su3no: 可以推成龍的男子漢嗎1F 08/12 18:27
kris4588: 男子漢2F 08/12 18:27
QBian: 男子漢3F 08/12 18:28
sdfsonic: 大家同心作戰 讓兄貴絕望~4F 08/12 18:29
Dino60128: Reflection5F 08/12 18:30
millcassee: Once Upon a Dream(睡美人) Under the Sea(小美人魚)6F 08/12 18:32
The Lion King - Circle of Life - YouTube
Circle of Life taken from The Lion King

komeshiba: be our guests8F 08/12 18:33
VUVCOM: 摩西過海時的大合唱9F 08/12 18:34
Emerson158: 居然找到同一影片....10F 08/12 18:34
sdfsonic: 158 我們結婚吧
158 Can You Feel The Love Tonight11F 08/12 18:35
VUVCOM: 泰山的特殊打擊配樂的也很特別13F 08/12 18:35
Lion King - Can You Feel The Love Tonight - YouTube
From the classic Disney film "The Lion King" comes the classic hit "Can You Feel The Love Tonight." Written and produced by Tim Rice and Elton John. From the...

Emerson158: 那飛音 怎麼辦?..15F 08/12 18:35
leonh0627: 美女與野獸16F 08/12 18:36
millcassee:          https://youtu.be/uQ0ODCMC6xs17F 08/12 18:37
Beauty and the Beast - Tale As Old As Time [HD] - YouTube
Hi fellow youtube users! As promised I will be uploading 4 different songs from Beauty and the Beast in high definition, so you are basically watching the Bl...


gericc: 未看先推風中奇緣
看完結果沒人推風中奇緣...19F 08/12 18:42
sdfsonic: 樓上可以推啊XD21F 08/12 18:44
S890127: 雖然很冷門 但是熊的傳說的歌都很好聽22F 08/12 18:46
Layase1: 飛天德(亂入) 讓我搞破壞~
我會挑獅子王的can you feel the love tonight跟frozen23F 08/12 18:51
Mbyd: 話說迪士尼的配樂都還不錯...劇情就加減了...26F 08/12 18:58
g81915: 個人首推獅子王的can you feel the love tonight27F 08/12 19:12
hachiman: 想到美女與野獸就想到七瀨QQ28F 08/12 19:22
ShinonoHouki: 訄搕j英雄天團算迪士尼電影嗎?
請問大英雄天團算迪士尼電影嗎? (恐怖!怎會亂碼!)29F 08/12 19:27
sdfsonic: 訄搕j英雄
是啊 第五十四部31F 08/12 19:28
【大英雄天團】主題曲(中文字幕)/【BIG HERO 6 】- Immortals (Music Video) - YouTube 迪士尼2014年 動畫電影 "BIG HERO 6"(大英雄天團) 主題曲: Immortals (Fall Out Boy樂團) 翻譯&字幕&剪輯:Mr LV99 剪輯軟體:Vegas Pro 13 版權屬迪士尼所有 ------------------------------------------ Fall...

Fall Out Boy - Immortals (From "Big Hero 6") - YouTube
SUBSCRIBE TO FOB:  "Immortals" from Disney's Big Hero 6 (inspired by the Marvel comic). Download it on iTunes G...

ShinonoHouki: 別這樣 這是意外 >"<35F 08/12 19:30
sdfsonic: 本性S 難以自拔36F 08/12 19:31
jack0123nj: 男子漢 以前高中運動會有個班級出場放這首 超熱血37F 08/12 19:32
P2: ShinonoHouki: 只好怒脫杏杏的衣服抗議
http://i.imgur.com/oBCptKg.jpg38F 08/12 19:37
drwsb: 獅子王2這首 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23OVbFx4hl040F 08/12 20:08
The Lion King 2 - He Lives In You - YouTube
The Song "He Lives In You" from Disney's The Lion King 2 Simbas Pride. Enjoy! Check out our channel for more Lion King Songs.

PrinceBamboo: 我最喜歡獅子王的 I Just Can't Wait to Be Kinghttps://youtu.be/2CISzjeS3J841F 08/12 20:08
I Just Can't Wait to Be King | The Lion King 1994 - YouTube
Lyrics: I'm gonna be a mighty king, so enemies beware! I've never seen a king of beasts With quite so little hair I'm gonna be the mane event Like no king wa...

PrinceBamboo: 大力士Zero to Hero https://youtu.be/Pa0lMzaljTk43F 08/12 20:10
Zero to hero (English) HD - YouTube
Hercules - Zero to hero HD quality

A Whole New World - YouTube
My favorite scene in Aladdin. Aladdin takes Jasmine on a magic carpet ride. How romantic. xD

negisan39: 我推阿拉丁A whole new world跟小美人魚Part of your world45F 08/12 20:31
stussy: 金洗洗 金洗洗 哇咩請嘎金洗洗47F 08/12 21:47
ShinonoHouki: P2怎麼會有那種圖 掃把沒有這麼變態呀48F 08/12 22:37

PrinceBamboo: 大力士Zero to Hero https://youtu.be/Pa0lMzaljTk43F 08/12 20:10
negisan39: 我推阿拉丁A whole new world跟小美人魚Part of your world45F 08/12 20:31
stussy: 金洗洗 金洗洗 哇咩請嘎金洗洗47F 08/12 21:47
ShinonoHouki: P2怎麼會有那種圖 掃把沒有這麼變態呀48F 08/12 22:37
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