Megaman X - Flame Mammoth on guitar - YouTube
Took some time off from these covers for a couple of weeks, and it feels good to be back! This is a song that has been requested a few times and I'm glad to ...
Megaman X3 - Volt Catfish on guitar - YouTube
Another great track from the Megaman X series! Requested by Furber216. Got pretty uninspired while I was doing this video because of all the bullshit that Go...
Megaman X3 - Toxic Seahorse on guitar - YouTube
This theme rocks so much! And the lead melody is really fun to play on guitar! Seems like the Megaman X series' soundtrack is made to be played on the guitar...
Megaman X3 - Gravity Beetle on guitar - YouTube
I haven't played that much Megaman X3 when I was younger, but this theme is one of the things I remember and really like in that game! Background gameplay fo...
Megaman X - Armored Armadillo - YouTube
Armored Armadillo Theme from Megaman X. In my opinion, the hardest Megaman song out there (When playing both parts.) Mess up in a few places (only when I rec...
Megaman X5 | X vs Zero Cover - Epic Guitar - YouTube
Enjoy this awesome guitar battle from the theme of X vs Zero song of Megaman X5 ¡Suscribe for more of Epic Guitar! Special Thanks to La Radio Producciones (C...
Album: VIDEO GAMES LIVE: LEVEL 2 Title: Megaman Montage Interpreter: Manami Matsumae Video Games Live (VGL) is a concert series created and produced by indus...
Hyadain - Quick!!! (Subbed) - YouTube
It bugged me there wasn't a clean subbed version of this out there so here it is! All I did was subtitle it. Hyadain did the music/lyrics, and EarthlyMaidenL...
Megaman X5 - Zero Virus Stage 4 - YouTube
The theme of Zero Virus Stage 4 from Megaman X5. Picture and music were downloaded from The Megaman Network(, and are copyrights of Capcom.
Mega Man X4 - Intro Stage (X) - YouTube
The theme of the intro stage (while playing as X) from Mega Man X4. Picture and Music were downloaded from The Mega Man Network. URL: blue-bomber.jvmwriter.o...