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作者 Allensert (艾倫沙特)
標題 [閒聊] 9GAG對於赤燭事件的報導
時間 Mon Feb 25 19:17:03 2019


Steam Horror Hit "Devotion" Gets Review Bombed For Calling Xi Jinping Winnie The Pooh In Game - 9GAG
108 points • 75 comments - Steam Horror Hit "Devotion" Gets Review Bombed For Calling Xi Jinping Winnie The Pooh In Game - 9GAG has the best funny pic ...


Steam Horror Hit "Devotion" Gets Review Bombed For Calling Xi Jinping Winnie
The Pooh In Game


"Devotion", a first-person atmospheric horror game depicting the life of a
family shadowed by religious belief, is twitch’s recent hottest horror game.
Developed by Taiwan-based developer Red Candle, "Devotion" is set in a 1980s
Taiwanese apartment complex, uses nostalgic setting to create tension in the
story Inspired by East Asian folklore.


"Devotion" was number 1 on Steam's Top Selling Games chart for a few days and
has received over 1000 Steam reviews 6 hours after its release with a 92%
positive rating.


The game was trending on China's social media platforms. Gamers praised the
game last 4 days for its storytelling and tearjerking soundtrack, calling it
"national pride".


4 days after its release, the game is being review bombed by Chinese players
for a red seal on an in-game poster that said, “Xi Jinping Winnie the Pooh
”. The poster was a Fulu talisman (instructions to deities, spirits, or as
tools of exorcism).


Discussions related to Devotion are currently banned in major Chinese gaming
forums. Recent reviews of the game have taken a drastic negative turn, the
majority of them being from Chinese players. Some instantly refunded after
playing for 2 hours.


Most negative reviews on steam accused Red Candle of supporting Taiwan
independence, insulting their own national leaders, and use the game to
satirize the cult, Xi's party.


Popular Chinese streamers who praised the game all took a u-turn.
Walkthroughs and gameplay are removed.


The founder of the famous pirate game site 3DM condemned the game for hurting
1.3 billion Chinese's feelings.


Steam is currently making a Chinese version and is still being judged by the
board. Chinese players claim if the authorities find out about the mocking
reference, entire Steam could be banned in the country. They can't just tell
their government to knock that off, so their only choice is to get mad at the
game developers.


Red Candle's previous game "Detention" is being review bombed as well. The
game's overwhelmingly positive rating turned to negative and the conversion
is happening on a massive scale, spieltimes observed.





codebracker 79 points ·  1d

I mean if you released a game in America that had a poster that said "Trump
is Elsa" noone would care


michelemaggioni  55 points ·  2d

But China IS a miserable country... it demonstrated such statement by 1 not
caring for the well being of the citizen with work regulations and right that
challenge those of nazi work camps, and 2 with a even more sad disregard for
their impact on the environment. Maybe they want to create an even bigger
island of plastic in the pacific so they can claim it... and yeah let’s piss
on someone’s work just for an innocent joke that was more of an Easter egg
than a direct attack on Chinese politics, that’s a mature response.


majorkiler4 44 points ·  1d

well.......i think steam needs to separate chinese reviews with the rest of
the world. or even better make them a separate version of steam with the same
exact app but with a minor changes that it will only connect to the chinese
mainland excluding the rest of the world. At this point its clear the chinese
are way too sensitive and dangerous to internet freedoms of expression. They
will block and raged war againt the minor of criticism and the big company
will listen to their demand by censoring everybody else for nothing but
money. My solution is the most perfect since it wont separate the company
from their beloved money, everybody else from their freedom of speech, and
the chinese from their not-being in a labor camp

這個好長 反正就是贊成做個特別版的steam以免大公司為了$$而聽從中國人意見

joebloee Pro 35 points ·  1d

Brain-dead, brainwashed and thought-controlled slaves of China. What a
shithole. Beautiful country, god-awful people


yway  21 points ·  1d

Good to know that the reviews where good so it's not game related I Wil take
a look at it thx




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Nravir: 外國吉娃娃1F 02/25 19:18
iovoecu: 川普是愛爾莎是啥梗==2F 02/25 19:18
worshipA: 請9GAG的覺青們不要再戳中國了好嗎3F 02/25 19:18
biggood20708: 之前那些駐版五毛還不趕快出來洗地了?4F 02/25 19:18
plzza0cats: 川普是艾爾莎==?5F 02/25 19:19
Nravir: 我對於外國不諒解中國人罵台灣而道歉,希望板上中國人原諒6F 02/25 19:19
CIK994116: 廠廠7F 02/25 19:19
a125g: 愛爾莎是啥耿==8F 02/25 19:19
Magilou: 一樓反串的累不累啊==9F 02/25 19:19
mumi61337: 9GAG不顧北京反對(ry10F 02/25 19:19
cloudin: 知名盜版遊戲網站 XD11F 02/25 19:19
poke001: 外國人算很中肯啊XD12F 02/25 19:19
KYLAT: 記得9gag其實是香港的吧13F 02/25 19:19
horseorange: Trump is Elsa. Frozen迷會暴怒好嗎XDD14F 02/25 19:20
Nravir: C洽繼續罵中國人,我就會繼續道歉15F 02/25 19:20
SaberMyWifi: 結論是丟了中國市場銷量反而攀升一波,破除沒靠中國會倒倒的迷思已經很夠了16F 02/25 19:20
rufjvm12345: 敵視尼會生氣好嗎== 怎麼可以這樣說愛爾沙18F 02/25 19:20
erimow: 就舉個元首和迪士尼人物的例子吧19F 02/25 19:20
marchcharlie: 知名盜版遊戲網站哈哈哈哈20F 02/25 19:20
gametv: 愛支病跟五毛準備譴責9gag的覺青21F 02/25 19:20
tonytl6962: 抓到9GAG一堆TD人士22F 02/25 19:20
Nravir: 對不起,C洽和外國人才對,中國罵台灣人是真的蓋罵,抱歉23F 02/25 19:20
killerken: 要開始指責國外媒體害慘赤燭了嗎24F 02/25 19:21
GaARo: 川普是Elsa是這個啦 https://youtu.be/GVN17U3Vg3425F 02/25 19:21
Do You Wanna Build A Wall? - Donald Trump (Frozen Parody) - YouTube What's the best way for United States president-elect Donald Trump to convince people that a wall between America and Mexico is a good idea? Why, a song in t...

F0314: Elsa可以蓋冰牆啊26F 02/25 19:21
sinnerck1: 迪士尼真慘XD27F 02/25 19:21
arrakis: 9GAG日常XD28F 02/25 19:21
st890284: Trump is Elsa.29F 02/25 19:21
dripcoffee: 好奇川普是Elsa是什麼梗+130F 02/25 19:21
npn1992: 愛爾沙好可憐31F 02/25 19:21
minoru04: 因為川普說全球暖化是騙局結果負北極振盪造成超級寒流?32F 02/25 19:21
Magilou: 真的應該用個特別版steam 迎合這個世界"異形"33F 02/25 19:21
dripcoffee: 好我看懂了34F 02/25 19:21
tonytl6962: 他們知道歐巴馬被改成跳跳虎嗎 XD35F 02/25 19:21
npn1992: 迪士尼:又有我的事36F 02/25 19:21
kuoyipong: 整個歐美都是民進黨外圍智庫.pdf37F 02/25 19:21
Nravir: 我想問一下有英文超好的嗎?寫信給外國記者不要繼續發新聞38F 02/25 19:21
fricca: 外國人知道3dm嗎?39F 02/25 19:22
fenix220: 雲支那人要來噓了40F 02/25 19:22
Zein: 哈哈41F 02/25 19:22
NaoGaTsu: Elsa:…42F 02/25 19:22
thundelet: 軟膝蓋快過去叫人不要討論43F 02/25 19:22
F0314: 迪士尼意外成為最大苦主44F 02/25 19:22
podon: 連洋鬼子都比灣灣頭腦清楚,統一指日可待45F 02/25 19:22
npn1992: 重點在steam特別版吧46F 02/25 19:22
joe199277: 我比較好奇川普跟Elsa是什麼關係47F 02/25 19:22
Satoman: 是美國覺青,快去對他們言論審查!48F 02/25 19:23
t90961248: 一樓不累喔==49F 02/25 19:23
poke001: 中國特別版STEAM不錯啊 不如說早該用了50F 02/25 19:23
Leaflock: 這組合真惡趣味51F 02/25 19:23
shadowdio: 美麗的國家,可怕的人們52F 02/25 19:23
UniversalGod: 川普4愛爾莎~53F 02/25 19:23
kiki41052: Elsa比川普更討喜吧 便宜川普了54F 02/25 19:23
tim0619123: 遲早會有吧 這次事件就是個審查漏洞ㄌ55F 02/25 19:23
killerken: 板上大大會去叫美國吉娃娃不要害慘赤燭嗎56F 02/25 19:24
teeeeee: 川普是elsa哈哈哈57F 02/25 19:24
m9o2o: 戰狼暴怒洋鬼子不要干涉內政58F 02/25 19:24
orze04: "川普強暴了愛爾沙"這樣才夠挑釁59F 02/25 19:24
momocom: 更悲哀的是一堆9.2先檢討自己人60F 02/25 19:24
minoru04: 喔原來是蓋牆喔61F 02/25 19:24
w960513: 拜託美國覺青不要在燒下去了好嗎 你不知道這樣做會害了赤燭嗎?62F 02/25 19:25
F0314: 剛才那些拿著赤燭招牌叫大家要閉嘴的雲發言人們該出來說點話了吧64F 02/25 19:25
Nravir: 赤燭被我們C洽害慘,向中國人道歉是天經地義~我沒做錯事66F 02/25 19:25
shiftsmart: 川普和艾爾莎都是金髮!67F 02/25 19:25
kirbeez: 川普那個笑死 外國應該很多人知道歐巴馬那個68F 02/25 19:26
ionchips: 都是金髮蓋牆仔= =69F 02/25 19:26
kirbeez: 歐巴馬跟習那張我在reddit看過很多次了70F 02/25 19:26
Y1999: 迪士尼:幹71F 02/25 19:26
nihilistrue: 「美國覺青把赤燭當反中的擋箭牌,赤燭還想賣中國快閉嘴」,幫滯台的想台詞。72F 02/25 19:26
dnek: 美國人的論點也差不多嘛,除了自我審查的74F 02/25 19:26
Nravir: 請問一下這網站要註冊才能檢舉嗎?我一定會好好審查外國人75F 02/25 19:27
GalLe5566: 92% 不妙 神秘數字76F 02/25 19:27
YaLingYin: 關Elsa什麼事啦XD77F 02/25 19:27
dog990999: 外國吉娃娃78F 02/25 19:27
a1234555: 笑死  川普艾爾沙那影片79F 02/25 19:27
nelsonchao: 川普是艾爾莎 我覺得這個meme需要被發揚光大80F 02/25 19:28
gunng: 川普是荷馬 華盛頓是暴君 小布希是猴子81F 02/25 19:28
Bewho: 知名的盜版遊戲網站3DM創辦人也跳出來指責  ㄏㄏ82F 02/25 19:28
hjk56789: 東南亞民俗啦幹83F 02/25 19:28
gunng: 我會被美國封殺嗎84F 02/25 19:28
stkoso: 5毛帶風向不遺餘力XD85F 02/25 19:29
cheng31507: 9GAG不顧中國反對86F 02/25 19:29
tonytl6962: 還有一張安倍是驢子屹耳87F 02/25 19:29
chewie: Trump is Elsa XDDDD88F 02/25 19:30
tom501062003: 支那狗死全家89F 02/25 19:31
e04su3no: 那只川普是替身使者90F 02/25 19:32
Nravir: 樓上請不要害赤燭了,和我一樣道歉?不然台灣人業障會更重91F 02/25 19:32
a1216543: 外國覺青又在帶風向!92F 02/25 19:32
kaede0711: 幹 川普那個笑炸93F 02/25 19:32
ken52011219: 說個小熊維尼也能扯台獨op94F 02/25 19:32
u9161031: XD,五毛做白工了95F 02/25 19:32
torukumato: 迪士尼才是最大受害者 只是人家財大勢大 無感www96F 02/25 19:32
wolfrains: 外國人干涉本國內政啦97F 02/25 19:32
VUVCOM: Nravir 積分+100098F 02/25 19:32
andy991217: 反串不累喔 有夠可笑99F 02/25 19:33
a48692: 笑死202F 02/25 23:21
kinomon: 那影片笑死203F 02/25 23:34
notneme159: 推個204F 02/26 00:18
silentbear: 推205F 02/26 00:41
pp810207: 新疆西藏的人民在哭泣206F 02/26 07:32

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