看板 C_Chat作者 GrimmNotes (格林童話)標題 [情報] 惡靈勢力2 (L4D2)將有重大更新時間 Thu Aug 27 14:12:36 2020
Coming Soon: The Last Stand
It has been many years since the infection first hit. Radio silence, no sign
of life, nothing but lingering hopes... CEDA is not going to save us. But
there is hope! A few brave souls have continued the fight against all odds,
and soon we can all benefit from their resilience.
"The Last Stand" is an update for Left 4 Dead 2, created by the community,
for the community. Additional details will be coming soon.
Until then, check out the teaser trailer and prepare to make your Last Stand
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推 zetarv: 哇,這款不是很久了嗎4F 08/27 14:13
推 gaym19: 如果是生存圖的話就掰掰不聯絡5F 08/27 14:14
推 b02502073: The last stand 最後的替身6F 08/27 14:14
推 leevarchu: 還有更新?!那可不可以順便做3代啊10F 08/27 14:16
→ linceass: 我們決定新增Witch三個新模組13F 08/27 14:18
噓 corlos: G胖不會有3的15F 08/27 14:22
推 Deparic: 寧願十年大更新也不肯出第三代的公司21F 08/27 14:32
→ s0930194: 劇情!!!我們她媽的需要劇情啊!!!22F 08/27 14:33
推 tom928: 泳裝殭屍 泳裝witch25F 08/27 14:38
推 Shin722: 神作 沒想到還會有更新..27F 08/27 14:55
推 SHCAFE: 這就非官方的圖啊28F 08/27 15:02
推 harry2014: cold stream當初也是社群圖啊 後來變成官方圖29F 08/27 15:07
推 iswave: 總遊戲時數快4000小時了XD34F 08/27 15:23
推 bomda: 12年了還要更新XD
12年了XD還要更新35F 08/27 15:26