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作者 silentknight (清純男)
標題 [多元] J.K.將"大幅度"參與哈利波特電視劇
時間 Wed Nov 13 17:31:46 2024

J.K. Rowling 'Fairly Involved' in New Harry Potter Series: 'I Imagine She'll
Have Opinions on Casting,' Says HBO Boss

J.K. Rowling 'Fairly Involved' in New Harry Potter Series: 'I Imagine She'll Have Opinions on Casting,' Says HBO Boss - IGN
HBO boss Casey Bloys says J.K. Rowling has been "fairly involved" in the early development of the upcoming Harry Potter TV show: "I imagine she'll hav ...


As HBO gears up for its upcoming Harry Potter TV show, it's also had to face
questions surrounding the involvement of author J.K. Rowling. HBO and Max
content boss Casey Bloys fielded the latest of those questions at a press
event on Tuesday, clarifying that she's been "fairly involved" in the series'
early development.

在 HBO 為即將推出的《哈利波特》電視劇做準備的同時,它也不得不面對作家 J.K.羅琳
參與的質疑。 HBO 和 Max 內容主管Casey Bloys在周二的新聞發布會上回答了最新的問

During a Q&A with reporters, one brought up the controversy surrounding
Rowling, who's been posting anti-transgender rhetoric on X/Twitter since
2020. The reporter asked Bloys how involved Rowling has been in the series
and if her "passionate views about trans issues" have affected HBO's ability
to find its cast.

在與記者的問答中,有人提出了圍繞羅琳的爭議,羅琳自2020 年以來一直在X/Twitter
HBO 尋找演員的能力。

"She's been fairly involved," Bloys responded. "She was very involved in the
process of selecting the writer and director, and I imagine she'll have
opinions on casting. It hasn't affected the casting or hiring of writers and
production staff. So we haven't felt an impact from that."

「她大幅度參與,」Bloys回答。 “她非常參與選擇編劇和導演的過程,我想她會對選

HBO previously announced that Rowling would be an executive producer on the

show, and that it would be a "faithful adaptation" of her Harry Potter novels.

HBO 先前宣布羅琳將擔任該劇的執行製片人,這將是她的哈利波特小說的「忠實改編」

These are only Bloys' latest comments on Rowling's social media posts and the
backlash to them. Last year, shortly after HBO officially confirmed the new
Harry Potter show, he called the controversy a "very online conversation" and
added, "Our priority is what’s on the screen. Obviously, the Harry Potter
story is incredibly affirmative and positive and about love and
self-acceptance. That's our priority — what’s on screen."

HBO announced earlier this year that it recruited Succession producers
Francesca Gardiner and Mark Mylod as creative heads for the Harry Potter
show, with Gardiner serving as showrunner and executive producer while Mylod
will executive produce and direct multiple episodes. It's still in the thick
of finding its cast, however; in September, HBO posted an open casting call
to find child actors to portray Harry, Ron, and Hermione, while Mark Rylance
is reportedly at the top of the network's wishlist to play Dumbledore.

HBO parent company Warner Bros. has repeatedly pointed to IP like Harry
Potter as a priority moving forward, particularly in the wake of the success
of Hogwarts Legacy. Still, that doesn't mean HBO is massively rushing to get
the new series out the door. In another part of the Q&A, Bloys was asked when
the show might premiere, as well as if he's worried about the filming
schedule in regards to the child actors getting older (i.e., the Stranger
Things problem).

HBO 母公司華納兄弟多次指出, 《哈利波特》等 IP 是未來發展的優先事項,尤其是在
《霍格華茲遺產》取得成功之後。不過,這並不意味著 HBO 會急於推出新劇集。在問答

He estimated that it could debut around the beginning of 2027, "but don't
hold me to any of that, because we're just getting started, the writing and
casting process."

他估計該片可能會在 2027 年初左右首映,“但不要強迫我這麼做,因為我們的編劇和選

"One of the ideas we've talked about is shooting the first season and the
second season very close to each other time-wise because kids, from 11 to 13
is a big jump in kids' lives," he continued. "You can get away with 13 to 15,
something like that. So we are gunna have to think about scheduling and
shooting so that they don't grow too much between seasons. It is a






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swps40309: 純噓JK大媽1F 11/13 17:32
LOVEMS: 演員選現任JK2F 11/13 17:32
PunkGrass: maga3F 11/13 17:32
willytp97121: 羅琳的編劇也不是很能期待4F 11/13 17:33
jack710619: 這是好事吧5F 11/13 17:33
cor1os: 川皇回來了,可以回來上班了6F 11/13 17:34
a125g: "早期開發"7F 11/13 17:34
p4585424: 好事嗎?走著瞧8F 11/13 17:35
gino0717: 至少不會看到男的妙麗了9F 11/13 17:35
ga839429: 沒有跨不代表沒有黑10F 11/13 17:35
roc074: 一樣下去11F 11/13 17:35
a125g: 不是本人說的 先拔草測風向==12F 11/13 17:35
swatch790513: JK當初很堅持英國籍 所以應該不會有黑人了吧 拜託13F 11/13 17:35
a125g: 大幅度參與了該劇的"早期開發"14F 11/13 17:36
tsairay: 英國也有黑人啊15F 11/13 17:36
cor1os: JK也只是強調性別吧,男就是男,女就是女,她又沒管黑白16F 11/13 17:36
beelezbub: 參與「早期」開發,中期後期就17F 11/13 17:36
a125g: 要澄清為啥不是本人說18F 11/13 17:36
griffin0914: 三主角黑化19F 11/13 17:36
cor1os: 總不能哈利的GG切掉還當男主角吧20F 11/13 17:36
ice76824: JK是懂什麼哈利波特= =21F 11/13 17:37
chobits0224: 跨性別女巫掰22F 11/13 17:38
guguluFAQ: 沒有黑人我可是不看的喔23F 11/13 17:39
oyaji5566: 恩…好像有什麼人要告JK羅琳來著24F 11/13 17:39
npc776: 早期開發 中期排泄 後期魔改 成品非常完美的一坨屎 對吧25F 11/13 17:40
chocolater: 要求很簡單 妙麗不要黑人拜託26F 11/13 17:41
Edison1174: 膚色還好 醜肥跨問題才嚴重27F 11/13 17:41
bladesinger: 反正讓市場決定一切,這年頭消費者容忍度可不高28F 11/13 17:41
ballby: LGBT震怒29F 11/13 17:42
jiaching: 穩了 原作三主角沒有黑人30F 11/13 17:42
swatch790513: 在有前作跟原作的情況下 膚色問題超級大的吧...31F 11/13 17:42
bladesinger: JK羅琳就作者,她喜歡怎麼改就怎麼改32F 11/13 17:43
peterw: 川普當選效應?33F 11/13 17:43
allanbrook: 黑人妙麗他應該是沒意見的34F 11/13 17:43
bladesinger: 觀眾只要決定買不買單就好,就像金庸的神雕第三版35F 11/13 17:43
puritylife: 原作有說裡面沒有黑人嗎36F 11/13 17:43
allanbrook: 然後英國黑人不少啊37F 11/13 17:43
puritylife: 黑不黑其實本來就不是問題
只要你不是為了黑而黑 為了白而白 膚色哪是問題38F 11/13 17:44
amsmsk: man what can i say40F 11/13 17:46
eva05s: 當年舞台劇黑人妙麗就羅琳欽點的「我沒設定膚色」,真的穩41F 11/13 17:46
Khauf: “早期”大概就是1995年小說第一集完稿的時間吧42F 11/13 17:49
r31251z: 至少妙麗不會多一根屌43F 11/13 17:50
BOARAY: 原作者參與是好事吧 不然被改成那麼大變怎辦 像電影後面一堆黑搜搜不知道是三小44F 11/13 17:51
Jin63916: 電影版黑人很少,可以期待電視劇黑人數量暴增46F 11/13 17:52
tony160079: 為什麼會有英國沒黑人的想法….47F 11/13 17:54
zh76283122: 如果一樣找童星開始演,會養出新的一批白眼狼嗎 XD48F 11/13 17:55
ThreekRoger: 我對他的參予不抱期待就是了 怪獸產地續集有夠可悲49F 11/13 17:56
weng62104: 怕的是老了有新想法魔改劇情和人設 是不是黑人倒沒差50F 11/13 17:56
ARCHER2234: 英國黑人很多好嗎51F 11/13 17:59
puritylife: 有新想法改劇情這個倒是不少見XDD52F 11/13 17:59
sean0212: 一般都是希望原作者參與,只有這個IP是怕原作者參加後似乎會發生什麼事53F 11/13 18:02
TClover: 黑色的波特、黑色的妙麗55F 11/13 18:03
endorphin424: 好事啊,不然政確那些鬼東西要毀了哈利波特,作者本人力挽狂瀾好事一樁56F 11/13 18:04
xxxzxcvb: 英國羅馬時期就有黑人了好嗎58F 11/13 18:04
qoo60606: 水啦 血流成河59F 11/13 18:05
fgh81113: 懂個屁哈利波特.jpg60F 11/13 18:07
h75311418: 是不是好事還不好說…61F 11/13 18:13
ileva3324: 總比DEI好62F 11/13 18:14
weng62104: 其他編劇改爛還能催眠是別人亂搞 作者自己改爛那這作品就沒救了 像那個金庸部分3版64F 11/13 18:17
siyaoran: 不然給正確仔亂搞?66F 11/13 18:17
yu800910: 電影不就有黑人了,雙胞胎兄弟的好友李、哈利的室友丁67F 11/13 18:17
MutsuKai: ‘早期‘’’68F 11/13 18:18
jackshadow: 這老妖婆就是個低能69F 11/13 18:19
poz93: 不會看到男的妙麗 但會看到黑的妙麗70F 11/13 18:21
banana190: 黑魔法師71F 11/13 18:23
AbukumaKai: 都說可能對選角有意見了 肯定是黑跨跨72F 11/13 18:28
DorkKnight: 獅院的奎地奇播報員不就黑人73F 11/13 18:29
AbukumaKai: 葛萊芬多勇氣黑人 史萊哲林邪惡白男 赫夫帕夫傻屌黃74F 11/13 18:30
generic: 他只反跨其他可不反76F 11/13 18:44
calase: 英國白人比例大概九成,背景設定上跟美國人在那邊搞種族多元真的沒意義77F 11/13 18:46
TOEY: 自己跳下去演嗎?(女主角)79F 11/13 18:47
captainriot: 看成JK大將軍80F 11/13 18:55
AT1045: 羅琳只要英國籍 LGB她都行吧 只是T就她地雷
記得以前詛咒之子舞台劇妙麗找了英國籍黑人她是挺的(81F 11/13 18:56
jabari: 川普都回歸了 罩子放亮點ㄉㄚ83F 11/13 19:02
seraph01: 之前舞台劇J.K.是支持黑人妙麗的84F 11/13 19:25

(silentknight.): [多元] J.K.羅琳將"大幅度"參與哈利波特電視劇 - ACG板