看板 Baseball
作者 bbcust (bbcust)
標題 Re: [分享] 曾仁和近況
時間 Mon Mar 17 13:22:25 2014

Cubs' Diligence Pays Off On Jen-Ho Tseng - BaseballAmerica.com
Jen-Ho Tseng's stock tumbled last year as he struggled with diminished stuff and shaky mechanics. On Sunday, he showed why the Cubs gave him $1.625 million. ...

Cubs’ Diligence Pays Off On Jen-Ho Tseng
March 17, 2014 by Ben Badler

Without question, the most challenging player to rank on last year’s list of
the Top 30 international prospects for July 2 was Taiwanese righthander
Jen-Ho Tseng.


At the end of 2012, Tseng looked like he might be the No. 1 prospect on the
international market for 2013. When he went to the 18U World Championship in
September 2012, Tseng carved up hitters with a 22-2 K-BB mark and an ERA of
0.84 in 21 innings. He beefed up his stock even further in December at the
Asian Championship in Taiwan, where he held a lineup of South Korean
professional hitters scoreless for six innings in a critical 7-0 victory. He
was an 18-year-old with good control of a low-90s fastball that could touch
95 and two secondary pitches that looked like plus or better future pitches.

2012年末,曾被認為是2013國際市場是 No.1的新秀。
2012年九月,曾在 18U 中在21局中以 22:8 的 K:BB 比和 0.84 的ERA宰制了他的對手。

After that, Tseng’s stock tumbled. He pitched in the World Baseball Classic
as an 18-year-old and looked bad, not just in terms of performance but in the
overall quality of his stuff, his arm action and mechanics. His velocity was
down, his secondary pitches had gone backward and his delivery was out of
sync, which hampered his control. As the year progressed, international
scouts who went in to see him said they saw him struggle to get back to the
pitcher he looked like at the end of 2012.


Right now, Tseng appears to be back on track. Pitching for three innings on
Sunday against a travel team of Dominican amateur players from the
International Prospect League, Tseng threw 89-93 mph, mostly in the higher
end of that range for the first two innings. He mixed in an above-average
curveball that mostly registered at 75, though he added and subtracted with
the pitch. He threw plenty of strikes with his curveball, which had good
depth and late, sharp bite. He buckled the knees of back-to-back hitters for
strikeouts at one point, and while the hitters he’s facing were mostly 15-
and 16-year-old boys, the fastball and curveball were quality pitches
regardless of who he was facing.

它有著良好的深度和尾勁,以及shape bite(這是蝦毀?)

Some scouts think Tseng’s best pitch is his changeup, though he didn’t use
it much, nor did he appear to throw his slider, which can be an average
pitch. It’s spring training, which means it’s never a good idea to put too
much into an evaluation at this time of year. But what Tseng showed on Sunday
is an encouraging sign. It’s what the Cubs saw from Tseng, who’s now 19,
when they followed him last year as he struggled. They weren’t the only team
that followed him, but they saw his velocity creep back up in June, when he
touched 95 for them again, then signed him for $1.625 million on July 25.

但他們看著他球速在六月再次回到95麥,並在7/25以 $162.5 萬鎂簽下他

At 6-foot-1, 200 pounds, Tseng probably won’t see the fastball bump any
higher, and the question in the back of everyone’s minds, based on his
history, will always be about whether he’s going to be able to retain that
stuff over a full season, or if it will once again disappear on him. But if
Tseng can throw strikes with three potential plus pitches and a quality
fourth offering in his slider, those are the ingredients of a quality major
league starting pitcher.

6呎1吋 200磅 (185cm 90kg),也許曾的球速無法再增加,


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◆ From:
tino40carter:推 謝謝翻譯1F 03/17 13:24
a111111zz:而是整個揮臂和投球機制 這個可以標色2F 03/17 13:24
PlayStation3:麵老闆害人不淺阿3F 03/17 13:24
maxspeed150:揮臂和投球機制wwwwww 講得這麼明啊4F 03/17 13:25
best2008:原石 待雕琢5F 03/17 13:25
howard21201:麵店老闆毀人生涯6F 03/17 13:26
vul3wl6:0.07F 03/17 13:27
PlayStation3:遮掉英文麵粉說不定還會嚷嚷這是鄉民寫的8F 03/17 13:27
zzyyxx77:活用下半身9F 03/17 13:28
wilsonno1:麵粉會說這跟老闆無關XD10F 03/17 13:28
maxspeed150:當年都貼過18U和WBC影片對照了 就是很多人不信啊
還說WBC出手前那一連串卡卡的動作和改姿勢調整無關11F 03/17 13:28
ivanhome22:講的好白......13F 03/17 13:29
PlayStation3:*韓國的職業打者吧14F 03/17 13:29
hergan:麵粉說年薪沒郭一定趴數 無資格講話15F 03/17 13:30
※ 編輯: bbcust          來自:      (03/17 13:31)
有時候這些組織根本不是好或壞的問題,而是蠢跟更蠢....16F 03/17 13:36
applehpsh:其實我現在還是不認為應該帶他去打wbc 雖然有些人認為選一個stuff好的他進去wbc沒問題19F 03/17 13:38
takuminauki:亞錦投得出色 就帶了阿...
郭俊麟受傷也是因素21F 03/17 13:39
xdd1524:麵粉:因為他沒活用下半身阿23F 03/17 13:40
ppp111683:哀 別再害人了24F 03/17 13:40
PlayStation3:其實是這批人不懂什麼叫做RUSH阿,要他們懂也難25F 03/17 13:41
daniel1344:麵粉:這篇的作者日職拿幾勝啦 根本鍵盤評論26F 03/17 13:41
trylin:要不要郭總把他從投球失憶症就回來,他根本去不了美國好嗎27F 03/17 13:41
PlayStation3:一個剛滿18歲有滿滿天分的投手被叫去對古巴幾隻大聯28F 03/17 13:41
   是29F 03/17 13:41
vul3wl6:總之 現在就交給美國養吧  還蠻看好他的~~   加油!31F 03/17 13:42
maxspeed150:他本來就不該去打WBC啊 就算姿勢沒被調stuff沒跑掉32F 03/17 13:42
PlayStation3:盟的炮管然後被重擊自信,對他們來說好像也沒差阿33F 03/17 13:42
maxspeed150:WBC這種面對的打者至少準大聯盟級的場子本來就不是一34F 03/17 13:43
Intelnet:草總選他去打wbc根本責任更大35F 03/17 13:43
maxspeed150:個18歲沒真的面對過高中等級以上打者的人該出線的場合36F 03/17 13:43
vul3wl6:             中職投手又不爭氣....37F 03/17 13:44
encorej77107:投個短局數 也還好吧38F 03/17 13:44
maxspeed150:不好39F 03/17 13:44
encorej77107:王維中也是新人聯盟跳到大聯盟40F 03/17 13:44
PlayStation3:完全不好41F 03/17 13:45
maxspeed150:王維中這種例子是特例中的特例 釀酒人也是在豪賭
曾待的環境就是高中球隊 面對的是一群未來可能連職棒42F 03/17 13:45
PlayStation3:他至少還一步一步一從隊內練習賽丟了一個月45F 03/17 13:46
SatoTakuma:還好陳偉殷似乎都沒正視麵店老闆的建言46F 03/17 13:46
maxspeed150:邊都摸不到的non-prospect47F 03/17 13:47
ZenUp:曾仁和WBC的動作跟RUSH其實沒什麼關係了...48F 03/17 13:47
a45806722:推49F 03/17 13:47
maxspeed150:這就像是叫一個剛學完一元二次方程式的國中生直接去50F 03/17 13:47
PlayStation3:曾是直接叫他面臨好幾萬的觀眾跟爆大壓力對古巴51F 03/17 13:47
maxspeed150:解流力中的紊流問題52F 03/17 13:47
encorej77107:韓國亞錦賽也是 高中球隊嗎53F 03/17 13:48
PlayStation3:比賽強度差太多了54F 03/17 13:49
encorej77107:打顛倒 亞錦賽韓國55F 03/17 13:49
不能老是說誰誰誰可以為啥他就不行這種傻話阿56F 03/17 13:49
b993040020:韓職二軍58F 03/17 13:50
PlayStation3:即使一般top prospect也不會選進來直接叫他對大聯盟59F 03/17 13:50
maxspeed150:韓國的亞錦賽雖說有職業球員 但是都是年輕球員為主60F 03/17 13:50
PlayStation3:的炮管跟承擔勝敗壓力阿61F 03/17 13:51
maxspeed150:跳級生面對這種或許還有辦法 可是WBC面對的可不是這類62F 03/17 13:51
chuckbrown:PUSH63F 03/17 13:52
encorej77107:目前來看 就是他姿勢跑掉 姿勢沒跑掉WBC 會怎樣還是很難說64F 03/17 13:52
maxspeed150:或許結果是好 可是這種thinking process怎麼想都不對66F 03/17 13:52
encorej77107:這種球員的存在本身就是特例了67F 03/17 13:53
maxspeed150:那是WBC 是集合了世界各國最強代表隊的場合
更別說他面對的球隊是古巴 這支球隊至少有大聯盟邊緣68F 03/17 13:53
Intelnet:怎會和RUSH沒關係 曾小弟從跳級去打了資格賽亞錦賽 開始70F 03/17 13:54
maxspeed150:實力71F 03/17 13:54
Intelnet:受到大量的球迷注意 明顯對爆紅不適應72F 03/17 13:55

postar:麵先生一出手,就蒸發了五十萬鎂簽約金。74F 03/17 13:55
PlayStation3:你覺得這個真的好嗎??????????75F 03/17 13:56
VVizZ:還好只有短期杯賽被調整一下下半身76F 03/17 13:56
eon4:麵粉:Ben Badler是甚麼東西? 年薪有比老闆多嗎?77F 03/17 13:56
Intelnet:曾小弟迅速成名後連在WBC之前的大通盃投球 球迷一多 對手78F 03/17 13:56
VVizZ:因為疲勞姿勢跑掉被路過的熱心麵老闆差點毀掉79F 03/17 13:57
PlayStation3:控球完全走鐘,沒球速滿臉菜色,幾天後又被幹超遠80F 03/17 13:57
Intelnet:向他喊聲 他都會因此緊張造成投球走鐘81F 03/17 13:57
ZenUp:曾仁和WBC面對的場面的確讓人不忍,但這跟他動作先前被調整算是兩個問題。疑似讓人擔心的調整與面對超越其當時所能承受的狀態,這是兩個因素了。82F 03/17 13:59
maxspeed150:不過對曾來說兩個因素是並存的 所以結果才會糟成這樣85F 03/17 14:00
ZenUp:兩個因素導致了最後的結果。86F 03/17 14:01
PlayStation3:這個就是RUSH阿...87F 03/17 14:01
Derp:終於有人翻譯了XDDD88F 03/17 14:01
bbcust:確實有被rush  他自己有說會被對手影響89F 03/17 14:02
ZenUp:是調整動作加上RUSH倒是結果更糟。90F 03/17 14:03
PlayStation3:差點就毀掉一個2017 WBC的未來91F 03/17 14:03
ZenUp:曾仁和2017其實也才23歲。92F 03/17 14:05
Fuuuck:          麵粉:你們年薪多少? 沒2M敢說話?93F 03/17 14:06
kenro:怎麼還在酸大郭害他,被害妄想症很嚴重喔!鍵盤教練無敵喔94F 03/17 14:07
bananaskin:原來麵粉發酵也會變酸?95F 03/17 14:08
best2008:鍵盤教練 無敵無誤96F 03/17 14:09
b993040020:要討論麵包請去相關版面好嗎                 這裡是棒97F 03/17 14:10
ken112290:麵粉到底是什麼梗?98F 03/17 14:12
bananaskin:麵者死?99F 03/17 14:12
PlayStation3:麵粉大概只能鍵盤抗議了,面對現實吧w100F 03/17 14:13
LewisRong:他的彈指曲球真的很漂亮101F 03/17 14:14
Gamer1028:蚌麵者屎102F 03/17 14:14
donkilu:麵粉 = 麵店老闆的粉絲 = 投手教練郭泰源的死忠支持者103F 03/17 14:16
maxspeed150:哪是郭泰源- -104F 03/17 14:16
donkilu:啊打錯了是郭源治= = 大郭小郭手滑就打錯了105F 03/17 14:16
ken112290:謝謝~106F 03/17 14:18
kenro:郭泰源是熱血的蛋塔老闆107F 03/17 14:18
lmc66:WBC選他根本是揠苗助長108F 03/17 14:18
bananaskin:不過台灣本來就流行揠苗助長拉....109F 03/17 14:20
lmc66:當時又不是沒其他更好的人選 選訓委員真的有病110F 03/17 14:23
kenro:那時棒協硬塞人,不知做何居心!但草總卻也挑不上場的黃...111F 03/17 14:29
chdc:只差沒指名道姓了XDDDD112F 03/17 14:36
kira925:都已經被報導點名了還能護航 麵粉XDDD113F 03/17 14:45
BKD:誠心發問 麵店老闆真的有調過姿勢?114F 03/17 14:51
VVizZ:不要問 麵粉會生氣
吃過麵條的目前只有兄弟王則均沒有出現異狀115F 03/17 14:54
第一個完整賽季就這樣高強度,要謹慎評估117F 03/17 14:58
Iyar:好個下麵的119F 03/17 15:05
a2156700:其實當初好好養就好了...沒事幹嘛越級挑戰120F 03/17 15:06
onion1210:非麵粉,只是覺得鄉民單純結果論很沒意義121F 03/17 15:07

(bbcust.): Re: [分享] 曾仁和近況 - Baseball板