看板 Baseball作者 rxiang (rxiang)標題 [情報] Fernando Tatis Jr.將不參加HR Derby時間 Sat Jun 26 08:26:42 2021
Annie Heilbrunn
Just spoke further with Tatis, and he reiterated that his health is the main priority and he feels not doing it is what‘s best for team. Said his shoulder is at about 75 percent and that he looks forward to participating in Home Run Derby’S (with an S, he said) in future years.
https://twitter.com/annieheilbrunn/status/1408562884548853765 …
Just talked to Fernando Tatis Jr, who said he’s not doing the Home Run Derby. Pointed to his health as the reason. Also at play: Vladdy Jr. is not doing it either. The two were looking forward to going against one another, but both have decided not to risk it. #Padres
Annie Heilbrunn
Tatis also says Shohei Ohtani is going to win the HR Derby. #Padres
根據記者Annie Heilbrunn的採訪,Tatis Jr.將不參加今年的HR Derby
未來幾年他可能會再參加HR Derby,而且可能不只1次
Tatis Jr.也說Ohtani將贏得HR Derby
PS 目前已確認的參加者有Shohei Ohtani和Pete Alonso
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WrdH5i_ (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1624667205.A.B3F.html
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