看板 Baseball作者 zxc906383 (無無)標題 [情報] 吉特和阿肉重聚(加入Fox Sports)時間 Mon Feb 13 10:39:55 2023
Derek Jeter set to join Fox Sports in studio this MLB season
GLENDALE, Ariz. -- Derek Jeter and Alex Rodriguez have been reunited.
Fox Sports announced Sunday during its Super Bowl pregame show that Jeter will b
e part of the network's studio coverage for the coming season.
Rodriguez hugged Jeter as he came on stage and presented him with a Fox Sports b
aseball jersey. Jeter, who was elected to baseball's Hall of Fame in 2020, also
joins fellow Hall of Famer David Ortiz and host Kevin Burkhardt as part of the s
tudio team.
"I was on set at the World Series in Philadelphia and (David) Ortiz kept showing
me his World Series rings. I figured I would join the team and humble him a lit
tle bit," Jeter joked.
今天Fox Sports在超級盃的賽前節目上
宣布Derek Jeter確定加入Fox Sports擔任分析師
主持人:Kevin Burkhardt
Derek Jeter
Alex Rodriguez
David Ortiz
Frank Thomas
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2023-02-13 10:39:55
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ZwQB-k4 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1676255998.A.B84.html
※ zxc906383:轉錄至看板 MLB 02/13 10:40
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/13/2023 10:41:25
推 asdfzx: 完全不師……2F 02/13 10:45
推 n61208: 不曉得基特講評的內容能耐到哪5F 02/13 10:51
推 if2: 那光頭阿北是基特?11F 02/13 10:59
推 ganlinlowsu: A-Rod退休後還有在重訓維持身形 Jeter退休直接放推14F 02/13 11:04
推 kenro: 變光頭鬍子大叔,看起來更老16F 02/13 11:05
推 loloool: 四個球評加起來2000轟也太扯18F 02/13 11:12
推 shlee: A肉有在維持身材 真的帥19F 02/13 11:12
推 samvii: 球評:這隊打擊真的不行,我們幾個現在去都能打的比他們好21F 02/13 11:22
推 bengowa: Jeter褲子穿太緊了吧22F 02/13 11:27
推 xxovv: A肉一直以來都比他帥24F 02/13 11:39
推 s920223: A-ROD一直比較帥28F 02/13 12:10
推 Q00863: 4位加起來2000轟 10000安 扯29F 02/13 12:16
推 JKelenic: A-Rod退休後還是有持續在重訓真的有差30F 02/13 12:19
→ weilawda: 一開始看認不出來誰是誰欸,還以為是模仿秀31F 02/13 12:19
→ k1222: A肉臉沒基特那麼腫32F 02/13 12:20
推 proton: 更像勞勃史奈德了33F 02/13 12:31
推 cool34: 一直都覺得A-Rod比較帥34F 02/13 12:41
推 s27c52: 一直都覺得A-ROD比較帥+135F 02/13 12:51
推 iambiaggi: A-ROD的聲音和口條很有魅力,這也是他能洗白的原因。38F 02/13 13:02
推 fire124: 廚神當道的老師 笑死40F 02/13 13:09
→ captain03: 一下要去廚神當道一下要去播比賽 真辛苦41F 02/13 13:18
推 Arodz: 都50歲左右了啊44F 02/13 15:06
推 nando21: A-Rod一直都比較帥+145F 02/13 15:48
推 iinstan: 阿肉的退休生活很忙耶XD46F 02/13 18:43