看板 Baseball
作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 11月MLB組隊和WBC韓國隊比賽?
時間 Sat Aug  6 00:01:12 2022





스포츠홈 : 네이버 스포츠
스포츠의 모든 것, 네이버 스포츠와 함께 하세요 ...



A team composed of active major leaguers will come to Sajik Baseball Stadium in
Busan and Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul. The KBO is promoting the MLB invitational t
our, which invite the major league team to play up to four matches against the B
usan-Yeongnam team and the WBC national team.




An official from the metropolitan area club told Sports Chunchu on the 5th, "The
 plan to invite a major league team to hold an evaluation game in November was r
ecently discussed at the club leaders' meeting (executive committee). It is high
ly likely to happen,” he said



The MLB team that will be visiting Korea is expected to be a team of players fro
m several clubs, not a specific major league club. An official from the previous
 metropolitan area team said, "I wonder if the team will be composed mainly of y
oung major leaguers. There is a possibility that Korean major league players wil
l be included. There may be some surprising star players among the members."


An official from the previous metropolitan area team said, "In the case of Japan
ese baseball, 'Samurai Japan' is always operated and evaluation matches are freq
uently played with foreign teams. Before the Tokyo Olympics, they prepared for i
nternational competitions through evaluation matches. It will be a great help in
 preparing the WBC national team for battle.”



The MLB invitation tour is most likely in mid-November, after the postseason is
over. An official from a team in the metropolitan area said, "Busan Sajik Baseba
ll Stadium and Seoul Gocheok Sky Dome are being discussed as the venues for the
game." is highly likely to play for the WBC national team."


However, in order for the MLB invitational tour to be finalized, a big mountain
called 'Corona 19' must be overcome. Recently, as Corona 19 has turned to spread
 again in Korea, there are more than 100,000 confirmed cases every day, and some
 clubs and players are also infected one after another. Before the tour, it is i
mportant that Corona 19 enters a certain calming state.




辦過2017第四屆 WBC、2019 第二屆P12

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YxJxA1r (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1659715274.A.075.html
jack50087: 幫韓國練兵又賺票房耶 真好1F 08/06 00:02
Jerry0530s: 圖片上有寫台灣耶 有機會嗎?2F 08/06 00:03
stardream226: 台灣不是拒絕了嗎?3F 08/06 00:05
o48613: 大巨蛋4F 08/06 00:05
kasim65: 我們也可以練兵又賺票房阿 前提是把球場搞好5F 08/06 00:13
CPBLlincecum: 有阿 我們不是有斥資12億球場6F 08/06 00:20
Arodz: MLB也來台灣打個兩場吧!11月中下旬天氣也很適合比賽的7F 08/06 00:26
suzhou: 關鍵還是摳摳 這種比賽要先拿誠意出來XDDD8F 08/06 00:27
WasJohnWall: 花錢被電不錯啊9F 08/06 00:36
alpacaHong: MLB球員出場費很貴的10F 08/06 00:42
chengyu1010: 台灣敢不敢打 一句話11F 08/06 00:50
lemonsong: 台灣一定敢跟mlb打啊,只有隔壁台籃連瓊斯盃這種的菜市場跟國外比賽都不敢辦12F 08/06 01:03
salkuo: 所以台灣還沒談? 不過樓上是不是不知之前中職拒絕過幾次這種比賽的邀請阿xd 除了WBC之外上次跟MLB交手該不會是90年代那次聯軍的事了吧?14F 08/06 01:07
Stras37: 中職以前拒絕過喔???
啊中職是在拒絕三小的 人家MLB欸17F 08/06 01:10
salkuo: 出場費之類的阿 十幾年前的事要去找找看囉~
查了一下就2011那次阿 2010中職倒是有組聯軍跟道奇隊打過~19F 08/06 01:12
binhankuo: 我倒希望真正的世界大賽能夠來到..21F 08/06 01:19
DendiQ: 2011中職不是有跟MLB打?2011MLB全明星臺灣大賽22F 08/06 01:55
jehovahlove: 2010記得小雞被尻了一發QQ23F 08/06 02:01
kenny719: 羅國輝一輩子的痛24F 08/06 02:31
suzhou: https://tinyurl.com/mua9c4ev
之前韓美聯盟的總裁有討論過 可能近期會討論細節吧25F 08/06 02:32
허구연 총재, 내일 방미…KBO리그 미국 개막전 등 논의 :: 공감언론 뉴시스통신사 ::
[서울=뉴시스] 권혁진 기자 = 허구연 한국야구위원회(KBO) 총재가 각종 현안들을 잔뜩 들고 미국행 비행기에 몸을 싣는다 ...

a49061854: 中職拒絕mlb最近大概兩次
再來就是WBC熱身賽 各個球團說可以打 中職官方直接說謊說沒時間27F 08/06 05:46
salkuo: 沒啊 2011中職沒派人阿 看球員名單就知道 然後還有2013WBC熱身賽那次沒錯 至於統一那個就沒啥印象了xd32F 08/06 07:08
a49061854: 2011那次獅隊是想用打mlb當亞職熱身賽
https://0rz.tw/rDFte34F 08/06 07:32
中華職棒就是不打大聯盟 悍創自清並回擊 | ETtoday體育新聞 | ETtodayAMP
美國職棒大聯盟將於11月初與中華隊對戰,中華職棒始終拒絕參賽,14日更有媒體報導中職與主辦單位悍創,因錢的問題「裂痕難補」,悍創代表胡瓏智隨即回應,表示款項他們絕對都有給,而且這次比賽,兄弟象與統一獅都同意參賽,「公司絕對沒有不尊重中職。」 ...


作者 zxc906383 的最新發文:
(zxc906383.): [情報] 11月MLB組隊和WBC韓國隊比賽? - Baseball板