看板 Baseball作者 polanco (polanco)標題 [分享] 天使隊開始聯絡賣家球隊時間 Wed Jul 26 11:35:22 2023
來源是Ken Rosenthal的報導
July 25: What will this surprise contender do at the Deadline?
The D-backs entered play Tuesday in the midst of a 4-13 skid that might change t
he way the operate at the Trade Deadline, per a new report from The Athletic's K
en Rosenthal (subscription required). After leading the NL West by three games,
the D-backs have fallen back into the glut of teams vying for one of the three N
ational League Wild Card spots, which, per Rosenthal, could lead to the team not
approaching the Deadline as aggressively.
Rosenthal reports that club officials aren't as inclined to trade young players
away for a rental player. In the end, the tenor of the Trade Deadline could come
down to how much young teams like the D-Backs, Orioles and Reds are willing to
five up for a starting pitcher.
Additionally, Rosenthal’s article includes new information about the Angels’ p
lan at the Deadline, with Rosenthal writing that the Angels have been reaching o
ut to potential sellers to inquire about available players, with a particular in
terest in pitching help.
July 25: Don't hold your breath on a Cardinals trade for Logan Gilbert
大意是紅雀對水手的Logan Gilbert有興趣,不過Rosenthal說雙方討論沒什麼進展,因為水
另外紅雀可能會賣的球員有Jordan Montgomery、Jack Flaherty這兩位合約即將到期的先發
以及外野手Dylan Carlson
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2023-07-26 11:35:22
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1am9HycL (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1690342524.A.995.html
推 Cowyau: 水手想要Nootbaar感覺不太意外9F 07/26 11:38
→ sixsix666: 本來就不打算賣大谷啊,真的不要做夢10F 07/26 11:38
推 Texsogood: 天使要再拼這季?拼失敗大谷又沒續約會直接躺平12F 07/26 11:39
推 ils0104: 不意外啦 多買點吧17F 07/26 11:43
推 Archi821: 美西差4場,今天又贏,當然想拚18F 07/26 11:43
推 lmf770410: 今年外卡不好打進去 光芒 太鼓人 藍鳥紅襪洋基都卡死19F 07/26 11:44
→ waijr: 賭今年會進季後賽 大谷會留下來20F 07/26 11:44
推 mikilin23: 接下來8月賽一路過關斬將..區區外卡3不算啥...21F 07/26 11:45
推 s860382: 沒大谷周邊跟票房會很淒慘22F 07/26 11:45
推 FukatsuEri: 天使就在想有大谷就有希望阿 拚進季後賽還有季後簽回25F 07/26 11:48
推 Guan63941: 賣了大谷 把先發補齊 應該還是很有競爭力28F 07/26 11:49
推 sasman: 投手補強再加8月狂谷可能有機會吧29F 07/26 11:51
→ waijr: 老闆賭性堅強 當然賭贏了會很爽 但就問機率
多少30F 07/26 11:54
推 tihs104: 拿到AK不賭是棒槌,他應該有看33F 07/26 12:04
推 justinxue: 天使打線每次都是如果健康大有可為 問題就是沒辦法健康35F 07/26 12:05
推 sakurarein: 補到投手 大哥歸隊 大谷投球回穩 真的有機會37F 07/26 12:13
推 lookers: drury trout happy回來 rendon回春 米奇左投開竅bachman joyce回來有機會38F 07/26 12:14
→ ayachyan: 天使最近賽程軟 營造有機會進季後賽的假象41F 07/26 12:15
推 KKwilliam: Rendon搞不好單換Taillon都換不到47F 07/26 12:24
推 csticker: 歐印下半季拼續約吧 賭到了後面躺平也沒差了48F 07/26 12:26
推 s860382: 現在哪一隊想要痛痛的 XDDD50F 07/26 12:30
→ Js1233: 趁高價直接把大谷給賣了怒賺一波51F 07/26 12:35
推 sfw0199: 天使也還沒絕望 而且其他隊想換大谷也要出很多綠葉54F 07/26 13:53
推 s860382: 話說drury哪時候回來55F 07/26 15:09
→ payneblue: 老闆感覺季後賽有希望吧 如果傷兵又陸續歸隊 還是有希望拼一波56F 07/26 15:49
→ Ncode: 天使離外卡4場勝差 要All in 嗎58F 07/26 16:14
推 sarahchou: 補投手留大谷拚季後賽,沒什麼不好啊~大谷就可以在天使有完美Ending,可以好聚好散59F 07/26 16:31