看板 Baseball
作者 polanco (polanco)
標題 [分享] Domingo German前幾天在休息室喝醉
時間 Fri Aug  4 14:35:19 2023


Domingo German was 'belligerent' before alcohol treatment
German was placed on the restricted list Wednesday by the Yankees after voluntarily submitting to inpatient treatment for alcohol abuse. ...



The Wall Street Journal reported that German, who appeared to be intoxicated, ha
d “confrontations” with Yankees teammates and manager Aaron Boone.


During the incident, the pitcher flipped over a couch and smashed a TV and was t
hen held in a sauna as the team tried to get him to sweat out the alcohol, accor
ding to the Journal.


He was then placed in a team nap room as Yankees security watched over him, but
it’s uncertain when he left Yankee Stadium.


According to SNY, “Witnesses determined that German was under the influence of
alcohol and did not appear in control of his emotions.”




“Hopefully the steps that are being taken today will really benefit him for the
 remaining part of his life, because it’s a very serious problem that you need
to address head-on. These treatment places are significant steps, hopefully towa
rds helping him get the tools to solve it.”




“It’s been tough,” Cole said. “It just affects you as a human being. You car
e about your teammates and you care about your teammates’ families. It’s a sad
 situation and you want the best for Domingo.”

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2023-08-04 14:35:19
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1ap9mgK6 (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1691130922.A.506.html
FOREVER49KG: 家暴咖、酒鬼咖  爛死1F 08/04 14:38
Jaguarsu: 家暴又喝酒==2F 08/04 14:38
Sechslee: 無言3F 08/04 14:38
nsk: 以後MLB開打前484要先酒測了?4F 08/04 14:40
gene51604: 可以喝到掀沙發砸電視 難怪會家暴5F 08/04 14:40
ludoren: 昨天才有人說外國注重隱私 結果細節還是被報出來6F 08/04 14:41
gundam01: 喝酒的比較容易完全比賽?7F 08/04 14:43
sesd:  大聯盟以後開賽前 對各隊 酒測和毒測 那天比賽應該有一半 會因人數不足中止比賽8F 08/04 14:43
kinve1014: 一場PG歷史留名 值了 可以退休了10F 08/04 14:43
hdotistyle: 酒空11F 08/04 14:44
shangguan125: 喝酒投球 直球都像蝴蝶球12F 08/04 14:44
sixsix666: 爛人一個13F 08/04 14:49
tim3045: 好奇他拿完全比賽的時候是醒的還是醉的狀態14F 08/04 14:54
ygjhsu: 有選手邊喝酒邊打球嗎? by 菇菇15F 08/04 14:56
applehpsh: ...........16F 08/04 14:59
JKelenic: 毒瘤17F 08/04 15:02
choobii: 外國不是重視隱私嗎18F 08/04 15:04
capsspac: 大聯盟有球員在比賽前喝酒的嗎            這不就來了嗎19F 08/04 15:06
iwinlottery: 沒有炸雞喔20F 08/04 15:10
kazumi66: 說不定他就是喝了才有PG阿 你們管那麼多www21F 08/04 15:16
jimmich19: 多明哥‧喝茫22F 08/04 15:20
charlie01: 有啊 David Wells宿醉完全比賽 外國人很奔放dee23F 08/04 15:20
pounil: 難道是沒喝才被打爆嗎24F 08/04 15:22
YuXun2021: 喝成這樣…25F 08/04 15:30
jasonrgogo: 邦邦收了26F 08/04 15:34
JKjohnwick: 有啊david wells27F 08/04 15:49
AllenHuang: 外國? 哪國?28F 08/04 15:50
b14011030: 外國的月亮比較圓,直接喝到打爛休息室29F 08/04 15:54
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 08/04/2023 15:56:48
damingli90: 喝茫了反而投得好?XD30F 08/04 16:14
ahshao: 有人邊喝酒邊打球的嗎31F 08/04 16:19
ThomasWei919: Domingo ‧喝茫XDDDDDD32F 08/04 16:42
hpisok: 有夠慘 連隊友都扁 真的是喝茫33F 08/04 16:43
mirrorlee: PG完飄了吧 不過還算有控制力啦 起碼還知道法官跟COLE不能碰 碰了最軟的Boon(咦)34F 08/04 16:51
BLACKLIONS: 這個需要給菇菇思想改造36F 08/04 17:09
sampsonlu919: 雖然美國重隱私 但茫哥的酒醉已經嚴重破壞球場設備了 根本可以被告公共危險罪了XD37F 08/04 17:58
sunwit: 有暴力傾向39F 08/04 18:55
Jeff141412: 多明哥 喝茫 笑死40F 08/04 19:40

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(polanco.): [分享] Domingo German前幾天在休息室喝醉 - Baseball板