看板 Baseball作者 polanco (polanco)標題 [分享] 現金人談Soto簽約:不後悔 盡力了時間 Thu Dec 12 08:16:13 2024
Brian Cashman said he has “no regrets” with how the Juan Soto negotiations pla
yed out and doesn’t think the Yankees could have done anything differently. He
also said that he does not believe Soto’s request for a suite, nor a reported i
ssue with club security, played any part. “Some high end players that make a lo
t of money for us, if they want suites, they buy them.”
Brian Cashman said that they have prepared a presentation for Japanese free agen
t Roki Sasaki, who is expected to begin meeting with interested teams soon.
“A big arm with a big desire to be great,” Cashman said. “His intent is to be
one of the game’s greatest pitchers on the planet. We certainly would love to
participate in allowing that to happen.”
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: polanco 2024-12-12 08:16:13
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1dMYjGWy (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1733962576.A.83C.html
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/12/2024 08:17:29
推 donby: 凱不悔2F 12/12 08:18
→ BJshow: 洋基的PPT準備好了4F 12/12 08:19
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/12/2024 08:19:55
推 Mooooose: 王電火:人間的小球團,你盡力了6F 12/12 08:22
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 12/12/2024 08:22:28
推 skyg: 就洋基保全不讓Soto的家人進入某些區域,就被寫成一篇文章了11F 12/12 08:27
[情報] Steve Cohen和Soto的會議 - 看板 MLB - 批踢踢實業坊
作者: zxc906383 (無無) Steve Cohen is a different kind of owner, for the Mets or for anyone else, reall y. Cohen held his big confab with his new superstar Juan Soto at his mansion in Beverly Hills, not the undisclosed, presumably nondescript room where the other teams did their Soto meetings in Orange County.
推 Y1999: 王電火:凡人你盡力了14F 12/12 08:29
推 Werth: 看起來高層不知道的事情有點多16F 12/12 08:32
推 try13286: 光是要Soto自己買包廂就沒盡力吧17F 12/12 08:38
推 TopGun2: 主約沒辦法all in跟大都會無限制砸大錢情有可原。但是周邊小錢包廂錢沒給,說有誠意真是笑死人18F 12/12 08:42
推 lightjayjw: 現金人:我不知道,那個保全是誰,到我辦公室22F 12/12 08:46
→ TopGun2: 就是因為你主約有困難可能會有一點差距,你才更要從周邊展現更多誠意。23F 12/12 08:46
→ appshjkli: 洋基出的不算少了 只能說梅子老闆錢多多28F 12/12 09:00
推 sunnyyoung: 不食人間煙火多久了 你不在意 人家就很在意29F 12/12 09:01
推 WellyT: 其實,不喜歡球員要包廂,有耍特權的感覺30F 12/12 09:01
→ appshjkli: 我覺得這還真的不是重點 重點是梅子實際上是800M
包廂?毛毛雨31F 12/12 09:05
→ Rentch: 表面上是包廂,實質上是歷史定位待遇問題XD
但看在錢的份上兩個都不是什麼問題XD33F 12/12 09:16
→ sunnyyoung: 要也是帶他去繞訓練室營養配餐室醫療室和戰情分析室告訴對他的分析和強化計劃38F 12/12 09:19
推 stilu: Soto會為了包廂放棄5m?都是藉口而已41F 12/12 09:22
推 annboy: 鎖頭應該在意歷史定位吧 洋基歷史太多大咖了43F 12/12 09:32
推 max011060: 最好是保全有關係啦 就錢輸大都會啊44F 12/12 09:33
→ kenro: 真的豪洨了45F 12/12 09:33
→ polanco: 你簡報是不能翻成日文嗎……XDD46F 12/12 09:36
推 samvii: 簡單來說現金人也知道輸掉的原因就是錢不夠啦,其他都是屁47F 12/12 09:46
推 Rentch: 但洋基一定問號,才打一年要名宿都沒有的待遇?48F 12/12 09:47
推 Anakin: 大都會的AAV是51M,洋基是47.5M50F 12/12 10:20
推 envil: 簡報只有一頁:要會補位51F 12/12 10:29
推 stifling: 說實在的,錢當然是主因,但你錢不夠了連一點特權都不願意給,說有誠意好像也還好。52F 12/12 10:58
推 ct13579: 洋基原本先發還算完整,又加了Fried,應該是夠了該補野手了吧55F 12/12 13:24
→ kenro: 那種約還叫沒誠意喔?57F 12/12 13:33
→ faelone: 那個價格不是王電火的極限,往上加估計也輕輕鬆鬆60F 12/12 14:12
推 CGary: 我比較意外反而是現金人這樣是證實包廂事件為真?
畢竟各隊都用全力在爭取 拒絕包廂有點微妙65F 12/12 19:03