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作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [轉錄] 南社: 論福爾摩沙種族屠殺的國際正名 (中英文對照讀)
時間 2017-02-11 Sat. 00:41:52

本篇文章英文版請各位廣為轉錄讓外國人看到,為台灣發聲!感激不盡。 <(_ _)>



Calling the Recognition to the Formosan Genocide
 (Original title: "The Formosan Genocide", a Proper International Title)

2017年,適逢福爾摩沙種族屠殺(The Formosan Genocide)70週年。過往,台灣人迫於加害者-國民黨蔣介石集團之淫威並為圖政治便利,一直接受「二二八事件」的貶抑稱呼,國際社會亦忽視其「種族屠殺」本質。

This year, 2017, is the 70th anniversary of the Formosan Genocide, commonly known as "February 28 Incident", "228 Incident", or sometimes "March Massacre".

The 1947 genocide is usually referred as "February 28 Incident", a belittled name accepted by Formosans (or more commonly, Taiwanese) due to the tyrannical oppression during the White Terror Era by the perpetrators: Chan Kai Sheck Ruling Clique of Kuomintang (KMT, also known as the Nationalist Party of China), while international community also neglects the genocidal nature of the incident.

根據1948年聯合國《防止及懲治種族滅絕罪公約》(Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide),所謂種族屠殺/滅絕(genocide),係指系統性、計劃性地對特定人種、族群、宗教或民族團體進行全體或局部性地屠殺。其係違反國際法、不具追訴時效,最惡貫滿盈的反人性罪(the most heinous crime against humanity)。

According to United Nations' Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG, 1948), the term "genocide" is defined as any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Genocide is a violation of International Law and there is no limitation of prosecution as it is the most heinous crime against humanity.


The idea of "language" is much equivalent to "ethnicity"; if people can communicate with each other via their own native languages, those languages are considered as the same language (but may be different dialects); if failed to communicate, those languages are not mutual intelligibile and hence considered as different languages. For example, both Yi-lan Taiwanese and Lu-Kang Taiwanese are dialects of Taiwanese; likewise, Ssu-Hsian Hakka and Hai-lu Hakka are both dialects of Hakka. However, Taiwanese, Hakka, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Shanghainese are different languages within Sinitic languages spoken by different groups of Han peoples, just like English and German are different languages within Germanic languages spoken by different group of European people. In addition, the difference between Taiwanese and Hakka are actually greater than the difference between English and German. To sum up: the idea of "Han peoples" and "Sintic languages" are somehow like the idea of "European peoples" and "European languages". Not to mention that most of Taiwanese are descendants of Austronesian peoples, an ethnic group completely different to Han people.

因而,二二八係種族屠殺,和納粹的屠殺猶太人(Holocaust)同類!當然,種族屠殺並不限於異民族者。只是,二二八除了係種族屠殺,更由於日本係在1952年4月28日舊金山和約(San Francisco Peace Treaty, SFPT)生效才放棄台灣主權;就國際法而言,蔣介石集團係種族屠殺占領區內屬於日本國籍的台灣人。確實,當年蔣軍亦係本於對日本人的仇恨來加害台灣人。惟,蔣介石固係受領聯軍最高統帥麥克阿瑟所銜杜魯門總統之命來台解除日軍武裝,身為聯合國創始會員國支那的領袖,蔣自應受相關國際條約拘束。

Therefore, the 228 Incident is the same kind of crime as the Holocaust because it is Chinese perpetrators' crime against Taiwanese people.

In addition to its genocidal nature, it should be noted that Japan did not formally renounce its authority on Taiwan until the Treaty of San Francisco was ratified on 28th April, 1952. Regarding this fact, it means that Chan Kai Sheck Ruling Clique massacred Taiwanese, who were still deemed as Japanese civilians by International Law during the 228 Incident. This act is considered as a war crime for killing civilians of a surrendered country. It is sometimes questioned if 228 Incident contains Chan Kai Sheck Ruling Clique's hatred to Japanese, considering Taiwanese had been heavily influenced by Japanese culture during Japanese Era.

Chan Kai Sheck not only came to Taiwan to disarm Imperial Japanese Armed Forces under the request of Douglas MacArthur, then Supreme Commander of Allied Force, with the order of Harry Truman, but he was also the leader of China, one of the founding countries of United Nations. Hence, he should have been restrained by related international treaties.


Regaring above facts, Chan Kai Sheck and his army have already violated the Fourth Geneva Convention: obligations to protect civilians of an occupied territory. It should be also noted that Convention related to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, signed at Geneva on 27th July, 1929, which also demands that prisoners of war should be protected. Judging by this, Chan Kai Sheck and his armies' genocide against Taiwanese also violated International Humanitarian Law.

承上述,台灣人自應向國際刑事法院(International Criminal Court, ICC)提出告訴。

Hence, Taiwanese should file a lawsuit in International Criminal Court (ICC).


Ever since the early modern period, the history of Taiwan features considerable numbers of massacres. Prior to resistances and rebellions against Japanese Colonial Government, which ended up with several ten thousands deaths of Taiwanese, there was a continuous killing since the era of Kingdom of Tungning to Manchurian Empire. During Manchurian rule, the colonial government implements despotic policies, causing "Three years an uprising, Five years a Rebellion". This shows Taiwanese's nature of revolting against tyrannical rules and, unfortunately, the fate of on-and-forth genocides. This is why there are so many shrines in Taiwan, as they were built as condolence for the fallens.


The Formosan Genocide of 1947 bring the calamity of colonial history to a whole new level. There were hundreds of thousands Taiwanese killed during the Pacific War and after the World War II, instead of having a post-war peace time to rebuild the society, Taiwanese were once again victims of genocide. This time, it was Chan Kai Sheck Ruling Clique, a group of Chinese claiming themselves "countrymen" of Taiwanese, who conduct the massacre.


It is said that killing is a norm in the history of China. Just take a look in it since early modern era, there are Chang Hsien-chung's massacres in Sichuan province in late Ming Emire (millions of death), T'ai P'ing Rebellion (at least 20 million to even 100 million death), Boxer Rebellion (more than 100 thousands death), and Cultural Revolution and "Three Red Banners" (millions of deaths). Some argue that it is no surprise for Chinese to see Chan Kai Sheck's crime against Taiwanese, or Mao Zedong's crime against Tibetans, let alone "only few thousands" of death in Tiananmen Square Massacre.


Taiwanese must get rid of this tyrannical violence of Sinitic Culture as this is the one and the only approach for Taiwan to escape the vicious spiral and become one of the modern civilizations in the world.

為喚醒共同記憶、堅定捍衛自由與尊嚴的決心、凝聚海內外鄉親、強化台灣主體意識,並完成國家獨立,台灣人務必將二二八正名為「福爾摩沙種族屠殺」(The Formosan Genocide)。因為,此係讓國際社會認識該滔天罪行、了解「台灣自古不屬支那」,並防止支那併吞的最有效自我宣示(self-proclaim)。

Taiwanese must rename 228 Incident into Formosan Genocide in order to regain the collective memory of Taiwanese, protect the freedom, defend the integrity, gather Taiwanese from every corner in the world, enhance the national consciousness and identity recognition as Taiwanese, which will ultimately lead to the establishment of a true independent sovereign state of Taiwanese instead of a "host" of Republic of China brought by Chan Kai Sheck Ruling Clique.

Formosan Genocide Recognition is imminently needed.

"Formosan Genocide", as a proper title, will let the international community to recognition the genocidal nature of the 228 Incident, as well as learning the fact that Taiwan is never a part of China since it come into existence. This is the most effective self-proclaim for Taiwanese against the annex of China in the guise of "unification".

除了正名、追究兇手,我們也應返還沒收財產,尤應仿效亞美尼亞人對應土耳其的種族滅絕暴行(Armenian Genocide)之國際遊說,促成逾半數的聯合國會員國支持。否則,我們不僅對不起自己,更是對葛超智(George Kerr)在《被出賣的台灣》(Formosa Betrayed)書中所指的-美國出賣台灣,或是亞倫.謝克頓(Allen Shackleton)在《福爾摩沙的呼喚》(Formosa Calling)書中所做見證之遺產的輕賤!

This renaming process is a part of transitional justice, just like we Taiwanese have been insisting on investigation into the true killers behind the genocide for so many years. It is also demand that Kuomintang must return all of the unlawful confiscation from victims of White Terror. Most of all, lobbyist groups should be assembled in order to call recognition of Formosan Genocide among the international community, just like how the Armenians have been doing: calling the world to recognition of Armenian Genocide by Ottoman Turkey, which ultimately gains massive supports from more than half of the member states in the United Nations. If this is failed to achieve, Taiwanese not only fail themselves, but also contempt the witness of George Kerr and Allen Shackleton as recorded in their books Formosa Betrayed and Formosa Calling respectively.

期待2017年2月28日,全台各地共同舉辦「福爾摩沙種族屠殺七十周年紀念」(The Formosan Genocide at 70),並推動國際正名。

It is looking forward to see a remembrance of the Formosan Genocide at 70 in every corner in Taiwan on 28th February 2017.

The last but not least, the promotion of renaming and recognition to the Formosan Genocide in the world are highly expected to come.

台灣南社秘書長 謝德謙

Tek-Khiam Chia, Secretary General of Southern Taiwan Society

歡迎全球愛好自由、重視尊嚴、榮譽,且珍視生命價值的人士,共同來記念並推動福爾摩沙種族屠殺(the Formosan Genocide)的國際正名。個人銘感五內!

If you love freedom, respect the integrity and honor, and treasure values of lives, let us commemorate and promote the proper international title of the "Formosan Genocide". Any help will be appreciated. Thank you very much!

※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2017-02-11 00:41:52

翻譯 & 校稿 by Ctea

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2017-02-11 00:42:29

#轉型正義 #228事件三月屠殺


#戰爭罪 #屠殺迫害戰敗國民 #法理台獨

> https://treaties.un.org/doc/publication/unts/volume 78/volume-78-i-1021-english.pdf

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Ctea: [轉錄] 南社: 論福爾摩沙種族屠殺的國際正名 (中英文對照讀) #228事件 #二二八 #三月屠殺 - CityNight板