看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [國際] 《中英對照讀》【英國】譴責媒體用性別歧視的出發點報導鮑里斯強森的私生活 政界跨黨派女性連署公開信 - 衛報政治版頭條
時間 2018-09-14 Fri. 13:46:37

Open letter condemns sexist coverage of Boris Johnson's private life | Women in politics | Politics | The Guardian
MPs, journalists and advisers all attacked the media over its treatment of Carrie Symonds.

Jessica Elgot Political correspondent
Wed 12 Sep 2018 20.07 BST

A coalition of political journalists, advisers and politicians have signed a letter condemning sexist media coverage of the woman at the centre of the allegations about Boris Johnson's private life.

英國多名政治記者、政治顧問,以及政治人物連署了一封跨黨派的公開新,譴責媒體用性別歧視的觀點來報導保守黨議員鮑里斯強森(Boris Johnson,前外交大臣、前倫敦市長)私生活(疑婚外情)中心的女主角。

The open letter said the treatment of Carrie Symonds, the former CCHQ director of communications, had been appalling and would discourage talented women from entering politics and the media.

這封公開信講到媒體對前保守黨競選總部(Conservative Campaign Headquarters,CCHQ)通訊主任,同時也曾擔任多位內閣顧問的嘉莉西夢茲(Carrie Symonds)的報導極為低劣,而且恐會打擊具有才華並想要進入政界與媒體界的女性。

It is signed by politicians including sports minister Tracey Crouch and fellow Tory MPs Anna Soubry and Nicky Morgan, as well as Labour MP Stella Creasy.

連署的政治人物包括了運動大臣翠西克勞奇(Tracey Crouch)、保守黨議員安娜蘇布莉(Anna Soubry)、妮基摩根(Nicky Morgan),以及工黨議員史黛拉克莉西(Stella Creasy)。

Political advisers to sign include former Tory adviser Emma Barr, ex-Labour adviser and comedian Ayesha Hazarika, and Polly Mackenzie, the former Nick Clegg adviser who is now the director of Demos. It is also signed by journalists including Kate Maltby and Jane Merrick, who have written about their experiences of harassment in Westminster and been attacked in the tabloid press.

簽署的政治顧問包括了前保守黨顧問艾瑪巴爾(Emma Barr)、前工黨顧問既喜劇演員艾紗哈札利嘉(Ayesha Hazarika)、智庫Demos主任波莉麥肯錫(Polly Mackenzie,前自民黨揆尼克克雷格的顧問)。同時簽署的記者包括了凱特麥比(Kate Maltby)與珍梅莉克(Jane Merrick),她們都曾撰寫過她們在西敏思受到騷擾與被小報攻擊的經驗。

Symonds, who was previously an adviser to several cabinet minsters, has been linked to the former foreign secretary by several tabloid newspapers. Johnson and his wife, Marina Wheeler, have recently announced their divorce. Several newspapers have carried pictures of Symonds dressed in revealing clothing, taken from her Facebook page.

強森與他的妻子瑪麗娜惠樂(Marina Wheeler)最近宣佈了離婚,而多家小報將西夢茲與前外交大臣強森牽上關係,並從她臉書截取數張少布料衣著的圖勘載於報上

"We are a group of women with little in common; we have different professions, different political allegiances or none, we are of different ages and move in different social circles, but one thing unites us: we have had enough," the letter, organised by the freelance journalist Marie Le Conte, said.

連署信發起人,獨立記者瑪麗干德(Marie Le Conte)表示:「我們是一群共通點不多的女性,我們職業不同、政治立場不同、年齡不同、在不同社交圈活動,但是有一件事情讓我們團結起來:我們受夠了。」

"We all work in or around politics, and have been disturbed and shocked to watch the way Carrie Symonds has been treated by the media."


"There was and is absolutely no need for newspapers and websites to trawl through a woman's social media, repeatedly indulging in innuendo, and publishing dozens and dozens of pictures of her, all taken in her private life – with some dating from over 10 years ago."


Women who signed the letter said some were close friends and former colleagues of Symonds, but others had never met her. "Still, we are united in thinking that the way she has been treated is appalling, and must never happen again," the letter read.


"Being a woman in politics isn't easy, and each of us has had to overcome a lot to get to where we are, and so has she," it went on. "We are often treated in a way that men wouldn't be, and this debacle is only the latest example of a political and media culture still steeped in misogyny.


"It is often asked why women are hesitant to get into political journalism, become MPs, or simply start a career in Westminster; incidents like this go some way towards explaining why.


"To the journalists and editors who have used a news story as an excuse to infringe on the personal life of a young woman and titillate their readers, and the people in Westminster who have helped them make this shameful coverage happen, we say: do better. Be better."


※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2018-09-14 13:46:37

The ‘scarlet woman’ cliche wheeled out for Carrie Symonds makes me vomit | Hadley Freeman | Opinion | The Guardian
The media focus on this ‘feisty’, ‘party-loving’ woman is relentless, writes Guardian columnist Hadley Freeman.

Why the treatment of Carrie Symonds is shameful
“Flirty but ruthless”, “party-loving blonde”, “sexy and ambitious”. No, not Boris Johnson, but (according to lurid reporting) the former Conservative.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-09-14 13:47:28

生活中找樂趣 says [問卦] 有沒有倫敦柯P-鮑里斯強森的八卦? 「中國的文化影響幾乎等於零,而且未來也不可能有所增加。」 [emo85] #英國 #大倫敦市 - #kpriat - Plurk
Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 17 response(s)

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Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 33 response(s)

生活中找樂趣 says 將近一世紀前的這個月,英國30歲以上的女性獲得了投票權。 [轉YT] 【英國國會】 讓女人投票:英國第一次大規模投票權請願 - #m06ltk - Plurk
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Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 33 response(s)

生活中找樂趣 says 「就連女人都能開火車了」 英國財政大臣哈蒙性別歧視發言遭砲轟 - 衛報政治版頭條 有這種人來管財政............ https: - #mbuob5 - Plurk
Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 28 response(s)

生活中找樂趣 says [朗報] 英國女性國會議員當選數量破新紀錄 - 衛報政治版 200名以上的女性國會議員進駐下議院,擊破上次的196名紀錄。 - #m9thj4 - Plurk
Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 4 response(s)

生活中找樂趣 says "讓人沮喪"的國會 英國最年輕國會議員薇莉布萊克可能不競選連任 - 衛報 Nooooo。不過英國國會真的不意外... - #m4rxg6 - Plurk
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生活中找樂趣 says "性別歧視與霸凌" 工黨議長不再競選連任 - 衛報政治版 - #mmakw4 - Plurk
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生活中找樂趣 says 為何梅伊首相非得回答她沒生小孩的事不可? - 衛報評論 「生小孩很『**正常**』」且「不生的人就必須解釋」這想法很糟。更糟的是:似乎永遠都是女性會被問。 - #m86vii - Plurk
Plurk by 生活中找樂趣 - 17 response(s)

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-09-14 13:55:24



#女性從政 #婚外情 #外遇 #八卦小報狗仔隊 #另類網路霸凌 #媒體道德 #雙重標準 #公眾人物 #私生活 #挖人隱私 #人肉搜索 #性別歧視 #厭女 #仇女 #令人作噁 #每日郵報 #西茶翻譯組

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-09-14 13:58:49, 14:13:25
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-06-01 03:01:05 (台灣)
Ctea: [國際] 《中英對照讀》【英國】譴責媒體用性別歧視的出發點報導鮑里斯強森的私生活 政界跨黨派女性連署公開信 - 衛報政治版頭條 - CityNight板