看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [評論] 《中英對照讀》與愛滋共處20年 我的精神被推向了極限 - 衛報評論 #歧視偏見 #AIDS愛滋病 #HIV #澳洲 #同志 #正向態度
時間 2019-01-04 Fri. 01:27:54

In 20 years living with HIV, my sanity has often been pushed to the limit | James May | Opinion | The Guardian
The virus has ultimately transformed my life for the better but thousands of us still endure high rates of poverty and prejudice.

James May

Wed 2 Jan 2019 19.00 GMT
 Last modified on Wed 2 Jan 2019 21.39 GMT


Computer illustration of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo

I was diagnosed HIV positive nearly 20 years ago, and living with the virus has changed a great deal. It's not a death sentence and we're living much longer. The panic that once held us in acute fear has thankfully dissipated. Infection rates are reducing and we hear proclamations that "AIDS is over" in this country – but thousands of us are still living with HIV, its complications, stigma and prejudice.

將近20年前,我被檢驗出HIV陽性反應,而跟著這病毒一起生活,已經大大地改變了許多事物。它並不是死刑,而我們也一起活了很久。謝天謝地,曾經讓我們驚恐的劇烈恐懼感已經消失了。感染率正在降低,而且我們也在這國家(澳洲?)聽到了「AIDS已經結束了」這樣的宣言 ── 不過數以千計的我們仍然跟HIV與它的併發症一起生活,甚至還要面對它所帶來的污名與偏見。

HIV/AIDS has impacted my life more than anything, and it continues to challenge me each day. I've lived with the virus for most of my adult life. As a teenager coming to terms with my sexuality, I faced violent homophobia. The attacks came from teachers and students, and from within my own family. I was beaten, bashed and bullied out of high school. I had chronic anxiety and contemplated suicide countless times. Queensland in the 1980s was a hostile place for LGBTIQ people. It was the era of Joh-Bjelke-Petersen and the grim reaper. The media was saturated with reports that demonised the gay community, and the thought of contracting HIV and dying of AIDS terrified me.


I felt like I had no place in Queensland, so I fled to Sydney when I was 20 and got swept up in the drug scene. I was rebellious and having a wild time but I was also numbing the self-hatred about my sexuality. I took a lot of risks and put myself in danger. On some level, I was punishing myself. I contracted HIV because I couldn't accept my sexuality. Under the influence of so much drugs and alcohol, it was a crash waiting to happen.


Thankfully I eventually turned what felt like a death sentence into something constructive. I stopped using drugs and started to face myself – I accepted who I was. In many ways, my life was just beginning. I became a healthy, conscious person with hopes and dreams. I studied social science and creative writing at university. I travelled to India, Europe, the US and South America. The virus was transforming me and my life for the better.

謝天謝地,我後來將這個讓我覺得像是死刑的東西轉為了一個建設性的事物。我停止吸毒,並開始面對我自己 ── 接受我自己的身分。從許多方面來看,我的人生才剛開始。我成為了一個帶著與希望的健康且神智清晰的人。我在大學學習了社會科學和創意寫作。我前往印度、歐洲、美國與南美洲旅行。這病毒將我與我的生活變得更好。

I don't want to gloss over the reality of living with HIV. There's been plenty of physical and emotional struggles. My sanity has been pushed to the limit by humiliating bouts of illness and hideous experiments with toxic medication. At one stage that meant swallowing 26 pills a day and throwing my guts up on city streets. I've had two lengthy stints in hospital with AIDS, and I've been socially isolated for long periods due to poverty, illness and a sheer lack of self-worth that can afflict many HIV positive people.


A twist in my journey with HIV came earlier this year. I had moved to a regional town and studied a short course to be a support worker, and the first man I was partnered with just happened to be living with HIV as well. Like myself years before, he had also suffered a bout of cerebral toxoplasmosis (an infection that attacks the brain). While I was demolished by the experience, I responded to antibiotics and was discharged from hospital a month later. This man wasn't so lucky. He was not given antibiotics, and after a botched surgery to remove the infection, he had a stroke and was semi-paralysed down one side of his body. He spent nine months in hospital and was discharged in a wheelchair with severe cognitive impairment, stammered speech and restricted movement. He now requires weekly assistance and has difficulties with simple tasks like eating, walking and getting dressed. We meet for the gym, social outings, shopping and casual banter at cafes. I'm always impressed by his skill with crosswords, and how tidy his house is compared to mine. We muck around with his cat and talk about our love of Amy Winehouse, Blondie and Orange Is the New Black. His health and fitness improves a little each time, as does his speech and his will to survive.

在我與HIV的旅程中的一場轉折於今年來早了。我搬去了一個地區小鎮,並在那邊進修短期課程已成為一個支援工作者,而我第一個遇到的搭檔正好也是個HIV病患。就像多年前的我,他也曾經歷過與弓漿蟲腦病變(一種攻擊腦部的感染)的搏鬥。當我被這經驗摧殘的時候,我對抗生素有了反應並在一個月後就出院了。這個人反而就沒那麼幸運了。他並沒有獲得任何抗生素,而且在一場拙劣的感染移除手術之後中風,導致他身體有一半呈現半癱瘓的狀況。他住院了九個月,而且出院的時候還坐在輪椅上、有著嚴重的認知障礙、說話結巴、行動受限。他現在每週都需要協助,而且對於些簡單的工作仍有障礙,像是飲食、走路、穿衣服。我們會在體育館碰頭、社交出遊、購物,以及在咖啡廳談天說笑。他的填字遊戲能力、整理家裡的能力總是讓我印象深刻。我們一起幫他的貓清貓砂、談著我們對艾美· 懷絲(Amy Winehouse)、金髮美女(Blondie)、《勁爆女子監獄》(Orange Is the New Black)的愛。他的健康與體能,還有他的語言能力與求生意志每次都有一小點的進步。

While living with HIV in 2019 has improved, it's far from easy, especially for those of us with a history of trauma from AIDS-related conditions. There are ongoing struggles with medication side-effects and prejudice and discrimination. Few conditions have the same consequences for a person in terms of their self-esteem and relationships.


As we face another year, I wish I could believe a cure was in sight but unfortunately I cannot. My experience living with HIV and working in the HIV/AIDS sector has shown me what we're up against – a monolithic pharmaceutical industry that thrives on us swallowing pills for the rest of our lives. To compound this, I've seen AIDS organisations slash services to people living with HIV. I've seen corporate figures within these organisations disregard the people they're supposed to represent, while they masquerade as "activists" and forge lucrative careers.


World AIDS Day has become a public relations exercise where AIDS bureaucrats and the pharmaceutical industry merely pay lip service to stopping this epidemic. Almost 40 years since the first cases of AIDS, a cure is still nowhere in sight. I hope they can move past their profit motives, egos and "brilliant careers" and give some thought to what it's like for people who are living with HIV. Thousands of us still endure high rates of poverty, mental health issues, social isolation and prejudice and discrimination in this country. Thousands are still dying of AIDS around the world.


※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2019-01-04 01:27:54

#歧視 #偏見 #LGBT同志議題 #恐同 #同性戀 #藥商 #藥廠 #西茶翻譯組



※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-01-04 01:28:19

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-01-04 01:34:01
一整個世代的愛滋病患住進了照護中心 他們仍害怕偏見


Groundbreaking Australian HIV trial should be replicated, researchers say | Society | The Guardian
Trial resulted in 25% fall in new infections in year after rapid rollout of PrEP medication.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-01-04 01:36:26










※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-01-04 01:37:46


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-01-04 01:46:19, 01:48:45, 01:49:52



※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-02-27 14:34:14 (台灣)

[natgeo] “I was afraid and ashamed that one day somebody would discover that I was HIV-positive,” says Jennifer, a transgender woman from Mozambique, who took an HIV test at the behest of her mother.

“I did not tell anybody about it.

My mother asked, and I always said, Uh, I have not done it yet.

But I was already taking medication.” In Mozambique over a third of gay men and trans women have HIV.

Stigma prevents many from accessing care.

Fearing judgment, Jennifer took her medication sporadically, eventually ending up in hospital.

She was lucky to survive.

Today she’s healthy, takes medication regularly, and is an advocate for her community.

June, Pride month, marks the anniversary of the Stonewall riots, which changed gay rights for people in the U.S. and beyond.

Transgender people of color were at the forefront of the riots.

They are still fighting, literally, for their lives.


For more stories of survival go to @whereloveisillegal.


#國家地理 #莫三比克 #跨性別女性 #在那些愛是違法的地方 #有色跨性人 #變性

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-06-13 03:59:45 (台灣)
Ctea: [評論] 《中英對照讀》與愛滋共處20年 我的精神被推向了極限 - 衛報評論 #歧視偏見 #AIDS愛滋病 #HIV #澳洲 # - CityNight板