看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 [國際] 【衛報】中國正對維吾爾人進行種族滅絕 #東突 #新疆 #中國人權議題 #迫害 #屠殺 #再教育營
時間 2021-04-09 Fri. 16:38:34

> https://disp.cc/b/261-b55e [國際] 【整理】 遭中國併吞的國家:東突(新疆)人權議題





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* 大規模死亡

* 大規模勞役移轉計畫 ( #奴工 )

: https://www.plurk.com/p/o2hs0n 【武漢肺炎】中國爆發大規模感染 經查與新疆奴工有關
#毒氣室 #煤氣室 #瓦斯
: https://www.plurk.com/p/o0pnr4 【聚焦剝削】人權團體:"幾乎全部"時尚產業都成為了迫害維吾爾人的共犯

: https://www.plurk.com/p/oa8haz 無印妥協、H&M拒用新疆棉 中國掀抵制潮

* 長期監禁年長者

* 系統性強暴

* 性侵害 ( #性虐待 )

: https://www.plurk.com/p/o7qo1i BBC新疆性侵報道引發英美澳反應 中國指責「毫無依據地抹黑詆譭」

* 審問

* 政治教化 ( #洗腦 )

: https://www.plurk.com/p/ne0w8g 走進中國新疆的「思想轉化營」

* 刻意針對維吾爾領導階層與正值生育年齡的人們進行拘禁

* 遭強迫去除生殖能力 ( #結紮 #去勢 )

: https://www.plurk.com/p/o6821d 中國強制裝避孕器、墮胎 維吾爾人泣遭滅族

* 系統性刑求

: https://www.plurk.com/p/mzxq6l 「我求他們殺了我」 新疆再教育營倖存者 憶述被虐細節

* 家庭遭到拆散

: https://www.plurk.com/p/mzxq6l 天理難容!爸媽被抓去「再教育營」 維族孩童慘凍死河邊

* 將維吾爾孩童移送到國營孤兒院與寄宿學校

: https://www.plurk.com/p/neabb5 「中國,我的孩子在哪?」新疆廣設兒童教育營 德學者痛批:文化滅絕

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: https://www.theguardian.com/world/20...nvention-finds-landmark-report
China breaching every article in genocide convention, says legal report on Uighurs | Uyghurs | The Guardian
Thinktank publishes first non-governmental legal examination of China’s actions in Xinjiang.

〈1948種族屠殺公約〉(1948 Genecide Convention

☑ 殺害多名來自某一個族群的人們

☑ 造成他們嚴重的身體或心理傷害

☑ 刻意以預先規畫好的方式給該族群的一部份或全體成員帶毀滅性的實質(physical)毀滅(destrucion)。

☑ 刻意強加生育控制措施

☑ 強制將該族群的孩童轉移到另一個族群。

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: https://www.plurk.com/p/nzb1vv 東突遭鎮壓 美國擬定調種族滅絕

: https://www.plurk.com/p/o8l493 加拿大將定調新疆種族滅絕 中國駐加大使跳針抗議「干涉中國內政」

本週(3/21 - 27)稍早,英國與歐盟加入了美加的行列,對中國官員進行旅遊禁令並凍結他們的資產。

: https://www.plurk.com/p/o8l75q 英國籲聯合國調查維吾爾集中營 多家日商宣布終止相關合作

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Iain Duncan Smith MP
It’s our duty to call out the Chinese Govt’s human rights abuse in #HongKong & the genocide of the #Uyghurs. Those of us who live free lives under the rule of law must speak for those who have no voice. If that brings the anger of China down on me, I’ll wear that badge of honour.

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: https://www.theguardian.com/world/202...ps-and-lawyers-in-xinjiang-row
China imposes sanctions on UK MPs, lawyers and academic in Xinjiang row | China | The Guardian
Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith says he will wear the retaliation like a ‘badge of honour’.

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※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2021-04-09 16:38:35 (台灣)






via Kaede*
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-04-09 16:47:07 (台灣)

John Stone
Ten years of birth rate data shows how remarkable the situation in Xinjiang is, where the birth rate has halved in two years.

Red is Xinjiang. Black is China's average. Every other province is blue.


In case it wasn't obvious that Xinjiang is an extreme outlier, here's a histogram with every 2-year change for each province. Xinjiang's 49% drop from 2017 to 2019 is circled in red and unparalleled.


The Uyghur birth rate has probably dropped even more than 50%, because Han make up almost half of Xinjiang's population and their birth rate likely hasn't dropped as much.

If the XJ Han birth rate is similar to the national average, the Ughur birthrate went from roughly 20 to 7!

The source of this data is China's official publication, China Statistical Yearbook http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/ndsj/2020/indexeh.htm …

The year in that URL can be changed to other years. I went through ten of these to get the data.

Here's the data as a CSV file


Some have said this drop is because of changes to Xinjiang's family planning laws in 2017. However, that didn't change the urban 2/rural 3 child limits Uyhgurs have had for years, which were generally obeyed.

: https://twitter.com/jnzst/status/1368521311492837376


※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-04-09 16:45:40 (台灣)

John Stone
Am I missing something or has this "positive energy patriotic blogger" on zhihu dot com destroyed the CCP's narrative that the recent massive drop in birth rates in Xinjiang is simply due to better family planning?


The narrative: Uyghur women were 'baby making machines' until very recently. Nowadays, there is strict enforcement of family planning policies and the population is 'modernizing' thus the recent drop.

 An Analysis Report on Population Change in Xinjiang

But the facts get in the way of this.

In the 2010 census, the Uyghur fertility rate was already around or below the replacement level. This seems a terrible problem for the logic of the CCP. Why add new restrictions that will depress Uyghur births when the population is going to go down long term anyway? Seems bad.

I was trying to find the exact number for the 2010 Uyghur fertility rate when I found the Zhihu post. I've seen two different numbers, 1.842 & 2.035, and can't find anything in the actual census data. Replacement rate is around 2.1.



The Global Times article above notably omits the 2010 fertility rate, probably because it's not helpful to the cause to say the fertility rate was around replacement level and then the CCP took drastic action that caused the birth rate in Xinjiang to halve in two years.

GT also has a different number for 2000 than Wikipedia above and Zhihu. I don't know why.


* Fertility rate: How many children each woman will have on average
* Birth rate: How many births there are in a year for each 1000 people

A common response to this chart from the apologists was changes to the family planning policy in 2017 caused the drop. However, for Uyghurs, the only change seems to be stricter enforcement of the existing urban 2 or rural 3 child limit.

: https://twitter.com/jnzst/status/1364530097701576706

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-04-09 16:46:17 (台灣)

https://www.plurk.com/p/ob2qf7 報導新疆遭中國政府、小粉紅霸凌 外媒記者:幫高調妙法

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-04-09 16:55:27, 16:57:02, 17:00:12, 17:29:26 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2021-05-27 19:24:46 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-10-26 03:36:46 (台灣)
Ctea: [國際] 【衛報】中國正對維吾爾人進行種族滅絕 #東突 #新疆 #中國人權議題 #迫害 #屠殺 #再教育營 - CityNight板