看板 LoL
作者 linyungjen (有人)
標題 Re: [情報] 史瓦妮重製情報
時間 Wed Apr  3 05:35:28 2013


Classic Sejuani (2013 Visual Upgrade) - Ability Preview - League of Legends - YouTube These may not be the final particles. Sejuani, the Winter's Wrath 2013 Visual Upgrade Ability Preview For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@...




Classic Trundle (2013 Visual Upgrade) - Ability Preview - League of Legends - YouTube These may not be the final particles. Trundle, the Cursed Troll 2013 Visual Upgrade Ability Preview For League of Legends Related News Check Out Surrender@20...


Junkyard Trundle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqaYDiixOj8
Pre-Release Teaser - Junkyard Trundle (2013 Visual Upgrade) Skin - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser! Skin name is confirmed as Junkyard Trundle, particles & SFX may not be final. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future which...


Lil' Slugger Trundle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v5MAibX5v8
Pre-Release Teaser - Lil' Slugger Trundle (2013 Visual Upgrade) Skin - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser! Skin name is confirmed as Lil' Slugger Trundle, particles & SFX may not be final. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future w...


Sabretusk Sejuani http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4jtfFFt4Pk
Pre-Release Teaser - Sabretusk Sejuani (2013 Visual Upgrade) Skin - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser! Skin name is confirmed as Sabretusk Sejuani, particles & SFX may not be final. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future whic...


Darkrider Sejuani http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9Zu8hO3Gto
Pre-Release Teaser - Darkrider Sejuani (2013 Visual Upgrade) Skin - League of Legends - YouTube This is a teaser! Skin name is confirmed as Darkrider Sejuani, particles & SFX may not be final. Full Skin Spotlight will be released in the near future whic...


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※ 編輯: linyungjen      來自:      (04/03 05:36)
Rivendare:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1F 04/03 05:39
ya1357977889:準備PO  妳先PO了XDDD  川島好帥!!!2F 04/03 05:40
elwin:可是我覺得原版史瓦妮比較好惹...y3F 04/03 05:41
bluenova:W好像有改動 R飛速變快4F 04/03 05:41
Nalo:第一眼以為是老虎之類的-  -5F 04/03 05:44
W似乎是改動程On hit,攻擊後給一個範圍冰的燒傷BUFF6F 04/03 05:46
howar31:豬: 潮爽der~我減肥成功惹~8F 04/03 05:47
FANggot:豬豬不肥不可愛了Q_Q9F 04/03 05:48
justsay:特朗德根本就是隔壁棚的冰苔食人妖= =10F 04/03 05:49
howar31:01:09 的時候 卡特頭上血條下面有一個細小的條 那是?11F 04/03 05:49
thedeathhero:川島也變太帥了 豬妹的範圍變好大12F 04/03 05:49
mapledog:該改的不改 這兩個改模組難看死了13F 04/03 05:49
howar31:川島的經典造型其實也很有特色...以後看不到了T_T14F 04/03 05:51
kmark1120:豬豬變好醜 QQ15F 04/03 05:54
mapledog:推回來 C維爾不改模組改豬妹那種新角...16F 04/03 05:55
s1129sss:...豬女頭上斷角換邊了~"~,另外我怎麼感覺特朗德E棒17F 04/03 05:56
jason79718:我覺得豬女現在就蠻好用的了...18F 04/03 05:56
s1129sss:棒的存在時間變短了=..=19F 04/03 05:56
tutufish:很大的問題,這山豬的牙齒長這樣,要怎麼吃東西?20F 04/03 06:04
johnny10094:我想問什麼叫做該改的?公司怎麼不你開21F 04/03 06:05
eist:好帥..........22F 04/03 06:07
bluenova:棒子感覺一點都汙穢阿 這樣troll女角毫無快感可言23F 04/03 06:07
seo4327:結果死掉還是會被豬豬壓... 每次看到都會心疼= =24F 04/03 06:09
timke:幹 史瓦妮的捏捏跟大腿呢?還我啊!(崩潰)25F 04/03 06:09
Rivendare:捏捏和大腿豬豬有喔26F 04/03 06:10
eist:看不膩欸 改的真的很帥27F 04/03 06:12
potionx:感覺變醜...特效除了比較亮也沒本來的特色28F 04/03 06:14
rainkuan9:沒有大腿..29F 04/03 06:18
※ 編輯: linyungjen      來自:      (04/03 06:19)
s1129sss:乾! 我的第四號打擊手SKIN怎麼變這麼醜 .....30F 04/03 06:23
e031charles:川島變成冰系的了???31F 04/03 06:23
s1129sss:另外特朗德垃圾SKIN的臉跟髮型根本就是隔壁棚的老兄32F 04/03 06:23
lidiya0930:有呀  山豬妹那個叢林skin 露大腿不錯看:ly33F 04/03 06:27
s1129sss:◢▆▅▄▃ 崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰 ▃▄▅▆◣  還我原本
可愛的Troll啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!34F 04/03 06:29
zsp7009:山豬妹怎麼感覺像是Quinn客串的36F 04/03 06:43
howar31:打擊手比垃圾場還醜...orz37F 04/03 06:51
yhchen2:果然人醜就是賤 當初主打長得醜現在卻要重做...38F 04/03 07:25
joy159357:0.0 真的是莫名被抓出來改 有變帥有推39F 04/03 07:36
myis000:一隻豬改的連豬都認不出來了?40F 04/03 07:54
ricky4025:猥褻的棒棒沒了...41F 04/03 07:57
wakayama:黑暗騎士-A級黑豬肉42F 04/03 07:58
YomiIsayama:沒露大腿了 怒噓43F 04/03 08:02
os653:這兩隻都是原來的比較好看...44F 04/03 08:06
w25836914799:帥45F 04/03 08:07
gn00974549:希維爾表示:慎!!!你這王八蛋!!!46F 04/03 08:09
GoLdAS:贊達拉又回來了 而且他們還帶來了trundle!47F 04/03 08:19
tp950016:\賽豬阿妮/48F 04/03 08:23
HsiaoHsiu:還我可愛的豬豬!!!!!現在根本就是騎雷葛爾阿阿(崩潰)49F 04/03 08:24
ManInBlack:為啥特朗德變成冰屬性的了@@50F 04/03 08:25
iamgyfan:史瓦妮穿太多  震怒51F 04/03 08:25
tp950016:川島技能特效有點帥 不過不可愛了QQ52F 04/03 08:28
holypaul:豬豬這麼可愛為什麼改這麼詭異...53F 04/03 08:30
gekisen:特朗德完全變成隔壁棚的老兄了啦!!!!54F 04/03 08:40
vergilmir:好丑的豬55F 04/03 09:13
garrodx:特朗德這個出SKIN就好了吧...希望兩個舊的都能保留..56F 04/03 09:17

(linyungjen.): Re: [情報] 史瓦妮重製情報 - Doracacazin板