看板 Gossiping
作者 sevenny (青色的雪菲爾)
標題 [新聞] CNN 報導 台菲漁船事件
時間 Sat May 18 00:53:09 2013


Relations sour between Taiwan and Philippines over fisherman's death

(CNN) -- May has been a bad month for relations between Taiwan and the
對於台菲關係來說 五月是個不好的月份

Taiwan has reacted angrily after one of its fishermen was killed by a
Philippine coast guard vessel last week. It has recalled its diplomatic envoy
from Manila, frozen applications from Filipinos seeking to work in Taiwan and
held naval drills near Philippine waters.


The Philippine coast guard has said the crew of one of its ships fired at the
Taiwanese fishing boat on May 9
after it tried to ram a Philippine boat.
Manila insists that the shooting took place in waters inside its exclusive
economic zone and that the loss of life was "unintended."


But Taiwan says the Philippine vessel sprayed the fishing boat with bullets
in waters claimed by the exclusive economic zones of both countries. It says
the 65-year-old fisherman, Hung Shih-cheng, was fatally shot in the back.

台灣表示65歲的漁民 Hung Shih-cheng 的致命傷是來自背部的槍擊

The souring ties between the two countries are born out of the messy mix of
competing territorial claims to parts of the South China Sea and nearby
waters by Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam. The
areas in dispute include fertile fishing grounds and potentially rich
reserves of undersea natural resources.

附近的海域有汶萊 中國 馬來西亞 菲律賓台灣和越南等多國都有重疊的領海爭議

President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan on Friday described last week's shooting as
a "cold-blooded murder," the Taiwanese national news agency CNA reported.


Ma has so far deemed the Philippine response to the killing to be
unsatisfactory. His government has demanded that Manila make a formal
apology, compensate the losses, investigate and punish those responsible, and
start talks between the two countries on a fishing agreement.

他的政府要求馬尼拉應該要 1.正式道歉  2.賠償損失
3.調查並追究責任 並且4.開啟雙方的漁業協定談判

Among the series of measures Taiwan has imposed this week to show its
displeasure is a travel alert urging its citizens not to visit to the

包括將菲律賓列為旅行紅色警告地區 勸告台灣民眾不要前往旅行

The Philippine government, meanwhile, has started to show frustration with
the Taiwanese stance.


"We did what a decent member, a respectable member of the international
community should have done," Edwin Lacierda, a spokesman for President
Benigno Aquino III, said Thursday. "We have gone the extra mile."

菲律賓總統府發言人 Edwin Lacierda 週四表示

Aquino sent "a personal representative to extend his apology" and offer
financial assistance to the family of the dead fisherman, Lacierda said,
according to CNN affiliate ABS-CBN. Philippine authorities are investigating
the shooting, he said.

"菲律賓總統艾奎諾派了個人代表赴台以表達他的歉意  並且願意對死亡漁民家屬
提供經濟協助" Edwin Lacierda說 "菲律賓當局並且已展開槍擊案的調查 "

He warned that the measures imposed by the Taiwanese government would hurt
the economies of both countries.


Lacierda also appealed to the Taiwanese people not to hurt Filipinos living
in Taiwan amid reports of harassment.

Edwin Lacierda 並且請求台灣人民不要傷害在台菲人

But Garfie Li, a spokeswoman for Ma, said Lacierda's comments about going the
extra mile were "were untrue and totally unacceptable," according to CNA.


The United States, an ally of both the Philippines and Taiwan, has expressed
regret" over the fisherman's death and urged the two sides "to work together
and to ensure maritime safety, and refrain from actions that could further
escalate tensions."


China has supported Taiwan, which it views as a breakaway province.


"We have repeatedly condemned the violent killing of the innocent fisherman
since the incident happened," Yang Yi, a spokesman for the State Council's
Taiwan Affairs Office, said Wednesday, according to the state-run news agency
Xinhua. "We have demanded that the Philippine side take the case seriously,
find out the truth as quickly as possible and punish those responsible."

"自事件發生以來 我們多次強烈譴責菲方對漁民的暴力殺戮"
"我們要求菲方認真對待此案 發掘真相並且追究責任"

Beijing and Manila are already at odds over a different territorial dispute
in the region that led to a maritime standoff last year.

(譯按:指的應該是黃岩島對峙事件 http://tinyurl.com/cboarhq )
中菲黃岩島對峙 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
中菲黃岩島對峙,全稱為中國與菲律賓黃岩島對峙,又稱為中菲黃岩島事件、黃岩島事件、黃岩島對峙等,是指在2012年4月10日持續至2013年1月21日,發生在黃岩島的中國海監船和漁政船與菲律賓海軍護衛艦對峙的事件。菲律賓海軍「德爾皮拉爾」號在黃岩島海域拘捕12艘中國漁船上的中國漁民時,中國海監船75號和海監船84號抵達,阻止菲律賓海軍帶走中國漁民和漁船,隨後中國漁政船和菲律賓海軍護衛艦開始對峙。目前對峙已經結束。[1]2013年1月21日,菲律賓外交部長表示中國已經「實質上控制」黃岩島。[2] ...


    所謂真相    其實都只是假象

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
wugi:http://ppt.cc/1Dci  abc 報導了台灣球棒打人事件1F 05/18 00:54
Philippines fears for workers in Taiwan amid row over death | CTV News
The Philippine envoy to Taiwan on Friday advised thousands of Filipino workers there to eat at home and avoid the streets while emotions run high on the island over the shooting death of a fisherman by the Philippine coast guard. ...
abc06:這篇還蠻中立2F 05/18 00:54
clamperni:只有描述事情而已3F 05/18 00:54
wuhow2:這篇中立4F 05/18 00:54
acebruce:這才叫新聞 台灣的都是作文5F 05/18 00:55
Bignana:很中立6F 05/18 00:55
pas796210:多送兩把蔥XD7F 05/18 00:55
Mahoutsukai:只有陳述事實 畢竟是歪國人8F 05/18 00:55
Ives20130:中國也有鏡頭是哪招9F 05/18 00:55
qoo60606:守序中立10F 05/18 00:56
a1e:兩把蔥是什麼鬼東西11F 05/18 00:56
hn9480412:CNN這種的才叫新聞,台灣?是在寫論文嘛12F 05/18 00:56
Blaze:堆兩把蔥13F 05/18 00:56
Sigama:兩把蔥?14F 05/18 00:56
ynd:兩把蔥..........15F 05/18 00:56
UNOMISAKO:儘量不帶感情  這才叫新聞16F 05/18 00:56
ct20100806:中肯推17F 05/18 00:56
Bking1300:不覺得中立 很多事實沒講出來18F 05/18 00:56
shootenergy:CNN沒有比較邱啦  我南佳也就沒把CNN放在眼裡19F 05/18 00:56
victor327:少了一句!!!!  台灣有澄清並無衝撞!!!20F 05/18 00:56
icps:是初音嗎21F 05/18 00:56
withsirius:這才叫新聞22F 05/18 00:57
soramoe:那些暴民 害慘台灣了 拜託警察快把他們抓去關 丟台灣臉23F 05/18 00:57
cttw19:breakaway province24F 05/18 00:57
gh34163:太中立了25F 05/18 00:57
loon1900:"台灣表示菲艦在雙方重疊的經濟海域內"之後應該再加上26F 05/18 00:57
kenro:蠻中肯的 一級媒體這樣也夠了 接著就是拿回固有海域27F 05/18 00:57
dryweed:讓步更多  讓更多步28F 05/18 00:57
LLCOOLJ:29F 05/18 00:57
impactwar:我覺得外交部 沒把我們漁民受到的委屈傳達出來30F 05/18 00:57
ilutc:[新聞] 吃人夠夠!"菲"常囂張!------->是在說這個嗎31F 05/18 00:57
MB618:台灣媒體  水準本來就差人一大截~整天都在報小貓小狗的32F 05/18 00:57
Haseoxy:中共是在插甚麼花= =33F 05/18 00:57
Koibito:臺灣記者學著點甚麼叫報導,不要讓妳們老師蒙羞34F 05/18 00:57
adm123:We have gone the extra mile XDDDDD35F 05/18 00:58
icps:政府根本睡著了36F 05/18 00:58
ym00268:廢聞,沒重點。37F 05/18 00:58
dryweed:甚麼兩把蔥  又不是買菜送蔥38F 05/18 00:58
gg01:這個翻譯...39F 05/18 00:58
ams9:"我們甚至還多送了兩把蔥" 這翻譯真妙XDDD40F 05/18 00:58
loon1900:完全沒有證據顯示台船衝撞41F 05/18 00:58
kenro:不然這次只是徒勞無功 白白犧牲人命和一堆權益42F 05/18 00:58
heacoun:"我們甚至還多送了兩把蔥"   XD43F 05/18 00:58
Justlife:我覺得頗中立了...只是多了比較多菲方說法...44F 05/18 00:58
zilzil:這才是中壢阿!!!!  借分享FB45F 05/18 00:58
Justlife:極有可能是拿不到我們這邊資訊...46F 05/18 00:58
profyang:蠻中立的阿 完全客觀陳述事實47F 05/18 00:58
jump79bump:我想說文章那來的蔥XDDDY48F 05/18 00:59
zhvul3u4:這還不中立?  肯定沒看過台灣新聞49F 05/18 00:59
wugi:http://ppt.cc/hpzb 阿拉伯這篇也蠻中肯的50F 05/18 00:59
Taiwan holds military exercises amid dispute with Philippines | ArabNews
MANILA: Taiwan’s military yesterday conducted exercises in waters between Taiwan and the Philippines, close to the spot where Filipino coast guard personnel opened fire on a Taiwanese fishing vessel last week, kill ...
ezbird:開口閉口台灣  但是國際組織不能用台灣之名加入 XDDD~51F 05/18 00:59
haku3202:兩把蔥是啥52F 05/18 00:59
ams9:這翻譯配合菲律賓政府的態度真是太逼真了53F 05/18 00:59
huckebein12:馮翊綱 還不出來做蔥油雞!有蔥啦!54F 05/18 00:59
bluelamb:看到蔥我笑了XDD55F 05/18 00:59
harlemfans:CNN打台灣跟菲律賓的臉56F 05/18 00:59
lc301:台灣新聞完全不能比 台灣新聞都喜歡挑撥離間跟誇大與扇動57F 05/18 00:59
jarr:完全中立58F 05/18 00:59
Jerrynet:中立個屁啊,台灣的說法只寫一半59F 05/18 00:59
lc301:尤其是東森 三立 中天60F 05/18 00:59
fullfool:多送兩把蔥讓我噴了XDDDD61F 05/18 00:59
ss84216:中肯 但是沒有把菲律賓仍定調在意外事件的這點寫出來62F 05/18 01:00
soleaching:中立!63F 05/18 01:00
m1432012165:翻譯得超級到味"甚至多送兩把蔥"XDXD64F 05/18 01:00
myeason:哪裡中立 說要他們的賠償 自己說是慰問 而且還是跟人民募65F 05/18 01:00
ilutc:更新時間香港時間七點半 國際記者會後了66F 05/18 01:00
wugi:http://ppt.cc/MslR 彭博社說馬在經濟外交上都無能67F 05/18 01:00
Taiwan Directs Anger at Philippines as Ma Frustration Simmers - Bloomberg
Sitting in Taipei’s main commercial center as office workers filed out for lunch, Y.S. Liu mourned the collapse of her import business. Her president, she said, had failed to deliver. ...
harlemfans:CNN應該比較接近 美方立場68F 05/18 01:00
myeason:款 真不要臉69F 05/18 01:00
jay5566:翻譯70F 05/18 01:01
hankyan919:我覺得這很中立阿 他們又很多東西不知道71F 05/18 01:01
james80522:蔥XDDD???72F 05/18 01:01
seysem:最後那一段是在...73F 05/18 01:01
rich80908:算中立阿  菲菲的唬爛經也沒寫出來74F 05/18 01:01
otto23:台媒真的不能比75F 05/18 01:01
hankyan919:台灣人官方根本很少發英文新聞76F 05/18 01:01
wak:寫衝撞就是又被菲律賓牽著走了 悲哉騜政府故意裝死才變這麼慘77F 05/18 01:01
acebruce:對我們來說是虎爛 對cnn來說他只寫他看到的78F 05/18 01:01
seysem:抱歉 不是最後一段 是中共那段79F 05/18 01:01
kim03191230:中肯陳述...80F 05/18 01:01
pkghj666:這才是專業81F 05/18 01:02
profyang:他有說衝撞那是菲方說法82F 05/18 01:02
kenro:能這樣寫算中立了 說實在領海爭議沒人敢多著墨 這樣兩邊得罪83F 05/18 01:02
ahlolha:老美媒體沒偏袒菲菲已經很不錯了84F 05/18 01:03
※ 編輯: sevenny         來自:        (05/18 01:05)
zilzil:沒被官方語言為英文的菲律賓牽著走算難得了好嗎!! 別太過分85F 05/18 01:03
Bking1300:一堆人看到英文就高潮 怎不說中文翻譯的好86F 05/18 01:03
hellosoap:純推兩把蔥87F 05/18 01:04
kenro:台灣要趁現在拿回應有的權利才是真的 不然永遠被看笑話88F 05/18 01:04
zilzil:現在本來就要有長期抗戰的準備!!!  一時無法解決89F 05/18 01:04
jimmy123j:依舊是台灣衝撞,根本偏頗,Screw U90F 05/18 01:04
Dstr:專業多了 比廢物法新社跟日本的好多了91F 05/18 01:04
billy5983298:比起台灣的媒體已經非常客觀了92F 05/18 01:04
xiaohao:中立中肯 這才是好媒體93F 05/18 01:05
zilzil:台灣:全台震怒    中國:繼續吃台灣豆腐      賓狗:只開兩槍94F 05/18 01:05
losage:=="""看到兩把蔥我以為我看錯了95F 05/18 01:05
smatt612ro:樓上看清楚96F 05/18 01:05
LGHa:      請台灣記者多學學好嗎?  加油。 好嗎?97F 05/18 01:05
tonimonkey:如果把我方為何覺得菲國沒誠意&此非單一個案也寫出來98F 05/18 01:05
smatt612ro:這才叫新聞專業99F 05/18 01:05
HanabishiPon:還多送了兩把蔥 好翻譯XDDD253F 05/18 09:37
newjackle:兩把蔥XDDD254F 05/18 09:39
uyn:推翻譯 XDDDD255F 05/18 09:59
lampmouse:很中立的報導256F 05/18 10:06
thesearcher:多走兩里路是源自聖經的英文俗語 有時候兩會省略
改翻兩把蔥挺好的 很台灣XD257F 05/18 10:13

作者 sevenny 的最新發文:
(sevenny.): [新聞] CNN 報導 台菲漁船事件 - Gossiping板