看板 Gossiping
作者 bangbangleg (鍵盤姊姊)
標題 [問卦] 台灣社會議題的鍵盤心戰
時間 Sat Jun  8 23:38:47 2013


標題:台灣社會議題的鍵盤心戰:DO YOU KNOW Taiwan

以就開了一個粉絲專頁:「DO YOU KNOW Taiwan」。

http://0rz.tw/MJnJO 智財局封網
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DO YOU KNOW? The Taiwanese Government is planning on passing a bill to block ALL Taiwanese Internet users’ access to any reportedly “oversea websites which obviously and seriously violate Intellectual Property Right” without actually deleting those illegal sources. If the bill is passed, Taiwanese Government can decide what Taiwanese can see and can’t see on Internet in the name of “Protecting Int...

http://0rz.tw/Db25D 稅制不公
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DO YOU KNOW? Many Taiwanese big companies pay taxes in the rates far lower than Taiwanese workers, because their Government wants to promote their development and competitiveness. (There is even one company which earned over 300 million US dollars and pays NO tax!!!) These companies get richer and richer with the tax reduction from the Government, but the average salary of Taiwanese workers is fro...

http://0rz.tw/sMZAD 會計法
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DO YOU KNOW? The Taiwanese Legislative Branch just passed a bill so that the following acts become legal from now on: -politicians or officials can spend public money in private uses, like sexual favors, -professors can spend public money for research projects in private use, and the bill can be applied to former cases....

http://0rz.tw/oH0xC 核四停建
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DO YOU KNOW? -Taiwan is going to hold a referendum about "whether Taiwanese want to keep building a nuclear power plant," which is built for over 14 year, costs nearly 10 billion US dollars, and is still badly constructed and dangerous in its future operation. -President Ma, after visiting several power plants and emphasizing the importance of the nuclear security, still regards nuclear power as o...

http://0rz.tw/1ciQW 國安法封網
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DO YOU KNOW? -The Taiwanese Executive Branch just drafted a bill to modify some articles of "The National Security Act," which attempts to extend the safeguarding of national security of Taiwan to the Internet in order to block "External Penetration." -If the bill is passed in the Legislative Branch, the Government will encourage people to report any case on the Internet "threatening the national ...

http://0rz.tw/Y68nl 大學畢業生起薪問題
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DO YOU KNOW? -The average starting salaries for Taiwanese graduated university students have frozen for over 13 years, and the Minister of  Council of LABOR Affairs said it is because Taiwanese students "love studying too much" to know the needs of the employers. -In Taiwan, it is students' problem to study too much and too long, it is the universities' fault to focus only on academic studies rath...

http://0rz.tw/AdWVt 大學畢業生起薪問題(法文版)
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http://0rz.tw/KopIr NCC封網
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DO YOU KNOW? -The National Communication Commission in Taiwan just drafted a bill to modify certain articles of “The Telecommunications Act,” which would allow, if passed in the Legislative Branch,” the telecommunications carriers and authorities to block users, remove contents on websites, or adopt any other measures in the name of preserving “public orders” and “good morals.”  -Such a bill lacks...

http://0rz.tw/EiOGi NCC封網(日文版)
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感謝網友Chia Wei Liu將之前有關電信法的議題翻譯成日文,也請大家將這

http://0rz.tw/vW1GE 電費收費問題
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DO YOU KNOW? -Taiwan Power Company(TPC), an official power company and a monopoly of electricity in Taiwan, proposes that the electric bill in Taiwan should be adjusted every year "in accordance with the market mechanism." -South Korea sets price ceiling on electric bill, but TPC doesn't have such a plan. "Korea is Korea, Taiwan is Taiwan," a TPC officer said. -Certain well-profited industries in ...

http://0rz.tw/COpq7 台灣核電廠世界最危險
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DO YOU KNOW? In Taiwan, there are 3 nuclear power plant in operation, and all of them are rated as ones of the most dangerous nuclear power plants in the world. And the Taiwan Government's solution is——build a even more dangerous one!!! 你知道嗎? 台灣總共有三座營運中的核電廠,而他們全都名列世界最危



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九把刀分享了 DO YOU KNOW Taiwan 的相片。





我覺得透過「DO YOU KNOW Taiwan」,台灣人可以利用世界上不同人們使用的語言,告訴





前一百「推」各發 100 P (已結束)

在此感謝 "A 大" 提供 P 幣

請 您 提 出 更 好 的 辦 法 並 且 實 現 它

感謝各位 ^o^

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
a0000959:推 錢來1F 06/08 23:39
k04121226:推2F 06/08 23:39
kyo1156:推3F 06/08 23:39
qooqoogb:謝謝你4F 06/08 23:39
a963:推5F 06/08 23:39
since5d45:推6F 06/08 23:39
a1122334424:一樓好直接ww7F 06/08 23:39
asdfqaz987:ㄎㄎ8F 06/08 23:39
wesly0713:馬上就搜尋了!9F 06/08 23:40
Zeropapa:不錯,比政廢強多了10F 06/08 23:41
murasei:推11F 06/08 23:41
PPmYeah:推了12F 06/08 23:42
newprimer:推13F 06/08 23:42
bear1991:YA14F 06/08 23:42
boylicious:推15F 06/08 23:42
wadeawp:推16F 06/08 23:42
PePePeace:推17F 06/08 23:42
LeonardoChen:推18F 06/08 23:43
williamm56i:推19F 06/08 23:43
emperor:推20F 06/08 23:43
tran628:推21F 06/08 23:43
ispy03532003:推22F 06/08 23:43
ohohzoo:推自主性的公民活動23F 06/08 23:44
lovebanana01:推推24F 06/08 23:44
kingright:推推25F 06/08 23:44
anti87:推26F 06/08 23:44
mike5314:推!!! 監督政府27F 06/08 23:45
secret1414:推28F 06/08 23:45
a22155721:推29F 06/08 23:45
qscfthmj:推30F 06/08 23:45
dw1293:推31F 06/08 23:45
Narciso:推32F 06/08 23:45
m21423:推33F 06/08 23:45
BrightPeak:不拿100P 噓一樓34F 06/08 23:45
howwong:一張照片讓世界認為台灣人看圖說故事的功力不錯35F 06/08 23:45
milkreaver:公民自覺36F 06/08 23:45
tkwei123:推37F 06/08 23:46
radiodept:推38F 06/08 23:46
aszdaisy:推39F 06/08 23:47
why33521:有推有賺40F 06/08 23:47
mine027204:推41F 06/08 23:47
idaiidai0814:!ㄨ42F 06/08 23:47
just8811:純推!!43F 06/08 23:47
cyuan0301:推44F 06/08 23:48
geyang:推45F 06/08 23:48
CharleneTsai:純推不收錢46F 06/08 23:48
iecju520:推47F 06/08 23:49


liyuoh:推48F 06/08 23:49
AkumaII:推熱心49F 06/08 23:49
styleii:台灣最缺少的就是想把該做的事做到最好的人跟制度50F 06/08 23:50
d2iriiiai:推51F 06/08 23:50
wl760713:推52F 06/08 23:50
iecju520:推53F 06/08 23:51
CILOHAKROW:推推!!54F 06/08 23:51
ktt7756881:推阿!!!!!55F 06/08 23:51
LKK888882002:已按讚 推56F 06/08 23:51
lonelynight:讚喔57F 06/08 23:52
thank005:加油58F 06/08 23:52
jojomimi:推59F 06/08 23:52
shyboy945:推60F 06/08 23:53
giveme520:推61F 06/08 23:53
loveoichi:推62F 06/08 23:53
Dafork:推~63F 06/08 23:53
T19:推64F 06/08 23:53
oper0710:推65F 06/08 23:54
cherriemos:純推66F 06/08 23:54
chantal:push67F 06/08 23:54
losel:毒澱粉應該讓全世界都知道,讓他們不要來台灣觀光跟消費68F 06/08 23:54
higameboy:推推69F 06/08 23:54
GoHomeAS:操作方向錯誤 又不是每件事都要讓國際知道 需要國際聲援70F 06/08 23:54
z24862258:+171F 06/08 23:54
slashID:推推72F 06/08 23:54
molln:推73F 06/08 23:54
ababmiou:名人就是應該這麼用74F 06/08 23:54
j547:讚!75F 06/08 23:54
GoHomeAS:不懂這樣負面行銷的意義何在76F 06/08 23:54
Dise4520:推77F 06/08 23:55
GTO5566:推78F 06/08 23:55
hch8021:推79F 06/08 23:55
wahaha99:推 我不用P幣沒關係80F 06/08 23:56
losel:意義在會被按讚啊81F 06/08 23:56
ZenQ:推82F 06/08 23:56
admroy:核四是代替核一二 就是因為核一二太老有危險才要換83F 06/08 23:57
BRANFORD:毒澱粉應該讓全世界都知道,讓他們不要來台灣觀光跟消費84F 06/08 23:57
GLAMOROCK:推85F 06/08 23:57
admroy:一邊說台灣核電廠危險一邊不准政府用新的替換 毫無邏輯86F 06/08 23:57
ray1286:推87F 06/08 23:57
andel456:推推88F 06/08 23:57
fleeman:推89F 06/08 23:57
wlsun:推90F 06/08 23:57
s410196:推91F 06/08 23:57
g811201:推92F 06/08 23:58
GameMaster:push93F 06/08 23:58
Mpegwmvavi:有時候不知道某些議題到底孰對孰錯..不過看在你用心上94F 06/08 23:58
lau6m2002:幫高調!95F 06/08 23:58
Oxhorn:推  我要p幣  3q96F 06/08 23:58
Mpegwmvavi:給個推...至少資訊不該被埋沒,至於真相就交時間驗證吧97F 06/08 23:59
xxhellosexy:先推再看98F 06/08 23:59
skyman0630:推99F 06/08 23:59
steven211:推100F 06/08 23:59
charles7:推101F 06/08 23:59
losel:世界上其他角落的人們能夠關注台灣的社會議題。102F 06/09 00:00
vi000246:推103F 06/09 00:00
crazycomet:菲律賓事件被轉移焦點掉了嗎@@?104F 06/09 00:00
losel:你會關心中國、美國、日本、南韓、馬爾地夫、菲律賓的社會105F 06/09 00:01
chad0617:推106F 06/09 00:01
ych19911108:推107F 06/09 00:01
alan00:推108F 06/09 00:01
losel:臉書翻譯監督政府 不痛不癢109F 06/09 00:01
okla123:1推110F 06/09 00:01
niwatorigoha:推111F 06/09 00:02
yuriga:推112F 06/09 00:02
EricXD:push113F 06/09 00:02


AC5566:GOOD JOB114F 06/09 00:02
ababmiou:自己家的事情自己可以解決吧 扯到別的國家幹嘛115F 06/09 00:02
asole:YA116F 06/09 00:02
blue901207:推!!117F 06/09 00:03
ZenQ:推118F 06/09 00:03
Casio2:推~~!119F 06/09 00:03
cockatiel123:推120F 06/09 00:03
granpee0801:推121F 06/09 00:03
akway:推122F 06/09 00:04
zuiko:我在100推123F 06/09 00:04
Gunsroses:推124F 06/09 00:04
kilong17:推125F 06/09 00:04
joshshy:推126F 06/09 00:05
ERT312:推127F 06/09 00:06
frankliang:推128F 06/09 00:08
Rapamycin:推129F 06/09 00:09
rocfrank:不推枉為人130F 06/09 00:10
lhsieh:蛆蛆:現在要監督賴清德啦131F 06/09 00:10
wht810090:幫高調132F 06/09 00:13
euphoria01:推刀大!!!133F 06/09 00:15
alfadick:推134F 06/09 00:16
Bears:基本上推文給p幣的文章我連看都不看 即使有內容也可惜了135F 06/09 00:17
abian:136F 06/09 00:18
※ 編輯: bangbangleg     來自:        (06/09 00:29)
t2111gj25:推137F 06/09 00:20
idesyo:推用心. 但你知道裡面關於核能的英文是偏頗的嗎?138F 06/09 00:20
chungyiju:139F 06/09 00:22
mmm333:最後一項無法苟同,外媒把三座台灣核電廠列入危險排名的原140F 06/09 00:23
michaelido:一定要推的141F 06/09 00:23
mmm333:因,僅是因為附近的人口密度高,不是真的在Maintenance或142F 06/09 00:24
idesyo:對於台菲衝突追求真相! 對於核能問題卻不追求真相用誤導報143F 06/09 00:24
mmm333:operation的方面有問題。144F 06/09 00:25
idesyo:這樣不夠客觀145F 06/09 00:25
WrongHole:推推146F 06/09 00:28
Elephant5566:推推推 只能鍵盤支持147F 06/09 00:28
s89950:推148F 06/09 00:28
littlenee:149F 06/09 00:31
arcanite:我寧可要核五也不要官商勾結蓋壞的核四150F 06/09 00:33
rinsoukan:讚啦!!151F 06/09 00:34
a258558:幫高調!152F 06/09 00:36
wjs50812:推153F 06/09 00:40
AAPL:154F 06/09 00:43
※ 編輯: bangbangleg     來自:        (06/09 00:56)
seagina:冏把屌可以不要侮辱這偉大的網站嗎155F 06/09 00:48
facefear:推156F 06/09 00:52
freeze0968:推回來157F 06/09 00:52
vmjulianking:推158F 06/09 00:55
teamox9:push159F 06/09 00:58
john801025:推160F 06/09 01:05
jma306:民進黨魂161F 06/09 01:06
LOGIC5566:高調推162F 06/09 01:21
CJHsu:推163F 06/09 01:24
waddler:難不成支持核電 反對無腦反核的人 就是冷血沒熱情阿?164F 06/09 01:27
isso:核四如果不安全的話,政府還會蓋嗎....165F 06/09 01:28
Sousake:加油!!166F 06/09 01:29
ETTom:幫推一下167F 06/09 01:29
wasmemory:推168F 06/09 01:34
marker515:加油 關注!!169F 06/09 01:37
Beunique:高調170F 06/09 01:40
aacs0130:推推171F 06/09 01:47
sakubo:希望作的東西夠客觀172F 06/09 01:53
Maziger:推173F 06/09 02:02
iamfenixsc:你忘記014了174F 06/09 02:11
Zeitgeist:推175F 06/09 02:15
MaYinJo:我很早以前就有這個構想 謝謝原po幫我實現他176F 06/09 02:28
haoguy:推177F 06/09 02:33
evilhunter:建議有"中文版"讓更多的台灣人知道這些事178F 06/09 02:40
honercek:179F 06/09 02:50
bkool:純推180F 06/09 03:04
jeffdede:推181F 06/09 04:46
j155221:推182F 06/09 06:34
oidkk:推183F 06/09 07:17
penny55:建議有"中文版"+1 最近很多事件有外文但是沒中文版= ="
鄉民先放棄在台灣宣傳了嗎QAQ184F 06/09 07:41
penny55:轉錄至看板 WomenTalk                                    06/09 07:51
dorce:推186F 06/09 08:13
BELKA:I just push187F 06/09 09:54
VTsuyoshi:推188F 06/09 10:16
gunfighter:真的很悲哀 自從馬上任 台灣居然需要國際輿論來抵抗國內政府的胡作非為 台灣民主倒退到老蔣時代還不如189F 06/09 10:18
metalhead:推,不過還有一堆議題都很重要,加油191F 06/09 10:19
gossipgirl:建議有中文版的~年輕人上網的比例多於看電視192F 06/09 10:26

( ̄︶ ̄)b desire7, smallfish, rek017 說讚!
(bangbangleg.): [問卦] 台灣社會議題的鍵盤心戰 - Gossiping板