看板 Gossiping
作者 blasy (乳舌●文藝哥●)
標題 [爆卦] 俄羅斯的Propaganda 陰謀
時間 Tue Mar  4 01:33:43 2014

來源: http://ppt.cc/Crtr
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All our FOREIGN FRIENDS please SHARE to fight dirty russian propaganda! Send it to your local press, journalists etc. You would help to PREVENT WAR!   We are ukrainians who are actively engaged in what's going on in Ukraine now. Now it is absolutely obvious for all ukrainians that Putin is making a dirty information campaign on national and international level, pushing disinformation all over the ...


All our FOREIGN FRIENDS please SHARE to fight dirty russian propaganda! Send
it to your local press, journalists etc. You would help to PREVENT WAR!

We are ukrainians who are actively engaged in what's going on in Ukraine now.
Now it is absolutely obvious for all ukrainians that Putin is making a dirty
information campaign on national and international level, pushing
disinformation all over the world!

各位外國朋友, 我們是目前在烏克蘭參與運動的人

非常明顯, 普亭捏造了安髒且不實的宣傳, 且不實的指控已經傳到了世界


1) Putin claims that russians are being injured in Crimean peninsula by
ukrainian extremists and that is why Russia occupied Crimea with its military
forces 'to defend their russian-speaking people' - this was totally denied
yesterday by all legal structures, government, police, people.. Ukrainians
realize Putin can make war easily (like in Georgia) so they do not react to
all the provocative actions russian military troops are conducting. Till now
there are zero injured russians, moreover local russian-speaking ukrainians
are absolutely against Putin 'defending' them..They come to streets these
days all over the country with posters "Putin! We are Russians and we don't
need your defense!"

1: 普亭說要保護克里米亞地區的俄羅斯人, 事實是克里米亞地區


2) The whole Ukraine can not understand - how on Earth can anybody in XXI
century believe in existence of country full of Nazi??? The whole Ukraine was
fighting for freedom and independence, can the rest of the world understand
that we just love our home country and don't want it to be treated so badly
by its own president who have stolen every last piece of money from budget
and now we can't even cure ukrainian children from cancer as the medical
program is cancelled??
And even after we lost one hundred protesters that were killed by russian
sniper (who shot activists without weapon and even policemen for statistics
that they were shot by ukrainian Nazi) and all ukrainians were in deep grief
for our heroes the rest of the world still have doubts that our concerns
about russian intervention are groundless?



在俄羅斯狙擊手殺害手無寸鐵的抗議人士 甚至警察後


3) Russian propaganda is so strong that yesterday some cities of Eastern
Ukraine were full of protesters with russian flags, they were yelling and
making fights saying they want their city to be part of Russia, not part of
Ukraine. Eventually there appeared to be near 2 thousand of russians that
came to eastern cities by busses (with russian car numbers) that were engaged
in this provocative event. So-called Ukrainian activist that put a flag of
russia into governmental building appeared to be from Moscow as he was
detected in social networks -


昨天東烏克蘭湧入抗議人士, 吶喊、引發衝突、揮動俄羅斯國旗



他們都搭巴士來, 巴士是俄羅斯車牌  俄羅斯也懂走路工?

4) The problems that Ukraine is 'experiencing' are made up by Putin as well.
Crimean people are partly russian-speaking Ukrainians, partly crimean tatars,
but they don't want to be part of Russia at all! Russia is staging a
theatrical play to show how crimeans want to be part of Russia and telling
them on russian television (all the time!) that the rest of Ukraine is full
of Nazi that will come and badly treat crimeans destroying their homes and
prosperity. This sounds nonsense but as crimeans are russian-speaking they
watch russian television year after year and they start to believe that we
are insane here in Western Ukraine and the capital.. In fact they just want
to be heard, they want to be better treated by ukrainian government (as the
previous government headed by Yanukovich sold all their lands to oligarchs
and russians), but those are the problems that can be solved by ukrainians
themselves without Russia being involved. We have many friends in Crimean
peninsula, we personally spoke to them to understand their moods. They don't
want this war and most of all they want Putin to let them alone as the whole
country is covered in fear now..



但沒有人想成為俄羅斯的一部分, 這是一齣捏造戲劇


5) There are many military troops in Crimea now. At the same time there are
some illegal troops that take by storm ukrainian military structures and
governmental buildings saying they are Selfdefence (meaning boys that came
from EuroMaidan, from Kiev Main Square), but in fact they are armed with
weapon that is not being used in Ukraine, which is used only by Russian
militaries..Here is also a picture
Most probably their aim is to make chaos to show how Nazi from Western
Ukraine are invading new territories and then russian militaries appear as
heroes to defend their russian citizens.






6) The situation is very complicated, but there is only one clear thing -
Putin is lying as the only war he knows he can win is informational war,
internet is full of pre-paid bloggers, bots that comment aggressively to
split ukrainian nation, the news appear every day saying that for instance
ukrainian policemen and militaries sided with russian ones. People all over
Ukraine share these news in social networks and panic, and in the evening we
get to know this information has nothing to do with truth. All ukrainians are
very stressed as too much shocking and dirty information is in circulation..
Yesterday we had a very strong informational attack containing tones of
untruthful information to distract society and show how East of Ukraine wants
to be with Russia, but today thousands of ukrainians came to the streets of
Eastern cities to show that they want to be part of Ukraine and that they are
against war and 'defense'.

事情的狀況很複雜, 但只有一件是很清楚: 普亭在說謊


網路上充滿著部落格寫手、機器人, 對烏克蘭情況發表激烈言論


7) The language question is also not so critical in Ukraine as it is showed
in Russian press. To show that we don't care which language to speak several
days ago Lviv (which is the center of ukrainian identity) announced they
would speak russian language only for a day to show East that they love and
appreciate each other even though they speak different languages. The same
was done in Donetsk (which consists mostly of russian-speaking people, who
decided to speak ukrainian for a day as well). Also russian-speaking people
and russians that live in Ukraine go out these days to let the world know
that they have never been treated badly in Ukraine because of the language
they speak as ukrainians are peaceful and tolerant by nature. This way they
also show they don't need Russia to defend them as they are not in danger in
any way.


為了證明此, 力輔(烏克蘭重要城市)宣布 一天只說俄語

來表達愛與感激, 多內資客 多數人說俄語的城市


兩個族群也護鄉表示和平與容忍 如此才能抵禦俄羅斯

Thank you all who support Ukraine these days, we hope the situation gets
better soon and Putin goes back to Russia together with his army and never
comes back here again. We will get back to all art stuff as soon as we all
are safe. Hope for your understanding)

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◆ From:
※ 編輯: blasy           來自:       (03/04 01:34)
※ 編輯: blasy           來自:       (03/04 01:41)
no4:先推1F 03/04 01:34
GADFATHER:二推2F 03/04 01:34
Emerson158:Persona3F 03/04 01:34
Carlos1114:坦白講知道也沒用,沒有人會去阻止 更何況沒自身利益唉 願烏克蘭的人民平安4F 03/04 01:35
lance8537:阿麵6F 03/04 01:35
derekg8:是謊言又怎樣?  人家就是想打你7F 03/04 01:35
fen1110:這至少有點用 一大堆普迷還在那邊相信俄國鴨霸的說法8F 03/04 01:36
Rivera:誰會相信有人受傷這說法 也太天真
要說這個 就拿伊拉克毀滅性武器來說吧9F 03/04 01:36
Carlos1114:坦白講我覺得真得沒用 人家要打你 一堆藉口都可以...11F 03/04 01:36
Rivera:要打你就是要打你  你要不反擊 要不乖乖被打12F 03/04 01:37
fen1110:沒人相信? 連普丁要保護"未來可能受傷"的俄國公民這種腦殘13F 03/04 01:37
silentence:宣傳的斧鑿痕跡超明顯  普迷還在那ㄏㄏ14F 03/04 01:37
MadeInChina:開戰只是理由而已15F 03/04 01:37
no4:普丁丁造神造很大啊 以前在誠品看過他傳記覺得根本就蔣公再世16F 03/04 01:37
Rivera:這事件只襯托出美國孬而已17F 03/04 01:37
fen1110:說法都有人覺得對了 你覺得俄國說有人受傷會沒人相信?
這件事完全證明俄國是世界和平的危險因子18F 03/04 01:37
Rivera:美國表示:.............20F 03/04 01:39
fen1110:也側面反應美國正在衰弱中21F 03/04 01:39
Carlos1114:i是證明了之後又怎樣...?22F 03/04 01:39
newwu:普丁本來就沒啥好  台灣一堆人超愛,讓人不解23F 03/04 01:39
OoJudyoO:有腦袋的就知道 什麼保護俄國人 就是侵略的藉口而已24F 03/04 01:39
aa1477888:師出必有名 普丁當然懂這個道理25F 03/04 01:39
Rivera:我最愛和平  最愛剷除毀滅性武器26F 03/04 01:39
Carlos1114:證明俄國是危險因子,又怎麼樣 改變不了什麼27F 03/04 01:39
sading7:海珊本來就該死 就算沒有什麼毀滅性武器28F 03/04 01:39
wht810090:有種WWI~WWII中間戰間期再現的感覺29F 03/04 01:39
Rivera:但是俄國毀滅性武器 我不敢剷除唷30F 03/04 01:39
aa1477888:師出無名的話說不定連老共都不挺31F 03/04 01:39
Carlos1114:這才是最無力的地方 願所有戰爭都平息 和平32F 03/04 01:40
silentence:故意把反專制的抗爭塑造成民族清洗的暴亂啊 zzZZ33F 03/04 01:40
Verola:其實馬騜跟普丁有些部分很像 對目標很執著 不會放棄權力34F 03/04 01:40
yoshro:這本來就是表個態用的35F 03/04 01:40
Carlos1114:講難聽點 對方是俄羅斯 你就算師出無名 有誰會去阻止?36F 03/04 01:40
fen1110:這就選邊站阿 你想生活在美國霸權還是俄國霸權? 從這次的37F 03/04 01:41
wht810090:是有俄羅斯裔烏克蘭國民被烏裔烏克蘭國民還是臨政當局清38F 03/04 01:41
silentence:一堆普迷覺得貼俄羅斯才是王道 真是如此烏克蘭發展怎那39F 03/04 01:41
wht810090:洗了嗎?沒有啊!40F 03/04 01:41
fen1110:處理方式還感覺不出美國與俄國之間差別的人GG 想清楚吧41F 03/04 01:41
silentence:麼緩慢?  貸款給你最好不會有啥其他利益交換啦42F 03/04 01:41
※ 編輯: blasy           來自:       (03/04 02:00)
sading7:其實俄羅斯也沒說有人被傷害了 是有些腦殘鄉民盲信44F 03/04 01:42
selvester:沒辦法,有這麼軟膝的總統,當然想要拜in一點的45F 03/04 01:42
wht810090:俄羅斯最希望烏克蘭當他的傾銷市場 繼續用前蘇聯沿襲的46F 03/04 01:42
f128488482:應該也沒人相信~俄軍只是"保護"47F 03/04 01:43
newwu:普丁營造的那種masculinity,還真的騙到很多人48F 03/04 01:43
wht810090:各種規格當他的附屬地 哪裡會為了真正為烏克蘭好而扶植49F 03/04 01:43
vergilmir:美國衰弱中? 烏克蘭那麼內陸又在俄國旁邊...真的要開打50F 03/04 01:43
wht810090:他們健全發展?未免想太多51F 03/04 01:43
vergilmir:就變第三次世界大戰了52F 03/04 01:44
OoJudyoO:所以說搞不好希特勒這種的在現在 也會有一堆希帝粉....54F 03/04 01:44
Rivera:美國衰落我是不認同啦  他們只打有利益戰爭55F 03/04 01:45
silentence:俄跟烏的經貿很畸形啊  賺的錢根本分不到民間56F 03/04 01:45
Asasin:美國根本師出無名....歐盟又軟趴趴沒覽趴57F 03/04 01:45
Rivera:遇到實力不差的  整個就縮起來了58F 03/04 01:45
MPSSC:說穿了就普丁想搞俄國版蘇台德區域....59F 03/04 01:45
wht810090:現在中國都還有毛澤東毛魔的粉絲了 希魔若在世也差不多60F 03/04 01:46
MPSSC:美國就算師出有名也不敢打,畢竟這次是和世界強權單挑61F 03/04 01:46
silentence:得看經濟制裁多重啦   只是一下去能源價又要噴了62F 03/04 01:46
Rivera:沒利益的國家 嘴巴喊喊  受苦受難你自己去擔吧63F 03/04 01:46
wht810090:俄烏兩國都是權貴寡頭資本主義啊64F 03/04 01:46
donkilu:這次事件就是蘇台德重演啊,連柏林奧運都可以對到索契冬運65F 03/04 01:46
newwu:現在又不是大戰,大家都看利益出兵啦  事實就是俄國利益最多66F 03/04 01:46
Rivera:這情形將來也適用於台灣67F 03/04 01:46
Asasin:今天克里米亞都宣布自治而且表達願意成為俄國的一部分了68F 03/04 01:47
vergilmir:美國就這樣一路上來的不是嗎? 你看英國打了兩場大戰變成69F 03/04 01:47
richjf:另一個觀點  前面還有個俄羅斯人文章是另一個說法70F 03/04 01:47
Maziger:就強人粉跟大中国派還有瞎喊派.....71F 03/04 01:47
mmnnm:原來是走路工喔...  有500嗎??   可憐的烏克蘭...72F 03/04 01:47
sading7:克里米亞都還沒經過公投呢73F 03/04 01:47
vergilmir:那樣 美國撿了兩次雄貓殺 肥成那樣74F 03/04 01:48
richjf:說基輔上街的都是走路工XD75F 03/04 01:48
donkilu:美國自己也常用特工搞政變,這次總統被推翻也有人說是美英兩邊應該都有問題76F 03/04 01:48
silentence:巴士是俄羅斯車牌  XDD  幹  下去領五百啦78F 03/04 01:49
mushroomface:我怎麼覺得前面兩段完全是他在腦補 俄也沒說過有人受傷阿 我也沒聽過納粹云云79F 03/04 01:49
OoJudyoO:冒著被警察狙擊的風險 要當這種走路工 付五萬都不去81F 03/04 01:50
wht810090:弄不好連命都會沒了的走路工還是別領的好82F 03/04 01:50
thigefe:今日烏克蘭,明日台灣83F 03/04 01:50
ilw4e:根本搞錯狀況,沒人懷疑烏克蘭的動機,只是沒人敢惹北極熊84F 03/04 01:51
Asasin:今天烏克蘭自己哪有什麼動機可言...自己先鬧分裂的85F 03/04 01:52
ilw4e:就像老美過去幾十年想打哪就打哪,沒人能阻止他86F 03/04 01:53
kinghtt:俄國這幾次都是在自家附近,跟老美跑大老遠去中東差很多87F 03/04 01:54
Rivera:老美現在也可以打克里米亞阿  為什不打  沒利益而已
更不要說西歐那些小弟  只敢群毆而已88F 03/04 01:54
gg889g8:加油90F 03/04 01:55
newwu:沒利益啊 美國打了能幹嘛,控制烏克蘭在別人家門口蓋城堡?91F 03/04 01:56
kinghtt:而且老美只是劫掠資源,俄國是佔取地利擴張 本質上有差92F 03/04 01:56
inebriety:扶植親美政權一直都是老美的利益93F 03/04 01:56
vergilmir:美國跑中東也沒多遠 航母群往波灣一開 就超猛 烏克蘭還94F 03/04 01:57
inebriety:只是核武大國互打不符合老美利益95F 03/04 01:57
vergilmir:不是在地中海是更裡面的黑海96F 03/04 01:57
Rivera:掠奪資源而已 ~"~   掠奪完順便成立親美政權 忘了提97F 03/04 01:57
Firmamentee:翻譯給推98F 03/04 01:58
qq1234:翻譯給推99F 03/04 01:59
pase139:布丁:其實我只是想賺一點股票而已 過分嗎253F 03/04 17:45
TheDragonBug:XDDDDDDDDDDD  糞蛆又傻眼了254F 03/04 17:46
moron823:跟台灣真像阿255F 03/04 18:09
lave70:這個要是走路工 那未免裝扮的不夠徹底啊XD(車牌露餡)256F 03/04 18:38
chaunen:認真推!!257F 03/04 19:18

(blasy.): [爆卦] 俄羅斯的Propaganda 陰謀 - Gossiping板