看板 FuMouDiscuss
作者 ashinism (我愛夏天)
標題 [外媒] 3/23紐約時報報導(附翻譯)
時間 Mon Mar 24 14:52:02 2014

Anger Grows in Taiwan Against Deal With China

新聞標題: 對於與中國的貿易協議怒火在台灣延燒

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Demonstrators who have occupied Taiwan’s legislature since
last week expanded their protest of a trade deal with China on Sunday evening
by invading the government building nearby that houses the offices of the
prime minister.


The protesters, including many students from local universities, have accused
President Ma Ying-jeou and his allies in the governing Kuomintang of forcing
through the trade measure without allowing a review of its details, which
they fear will give Beijing too much influence over the island’s economy.


“I’m very angry at President Ma,” said Shiu Rung-kai, 21, a student at

National Hsinchu University of Education who joined thousands of protesters
inside the government compound.


By early Monday morning the police had cleared demonstrators from the
government building, detaining dozens, according to local news media reports,
although hundreds of protesters remained in the courtyard outside.


Prime Minister Jiang Yi-huah said the intrusion was an “illegal and violent
act,” Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported, citing a cabinet spokesman.


Police officers were seen swinging wooden clubs to clear protesters from the
road behind the building. At least 70 were injured, the news agency reported.


Earlier Sunday, the student leaders occupying the legislature called for a
bipartisan “citizens constitutional conference” and for sending the trade
pact to committee for further review.


The pact, which was signed by semiofficial organizations from Taiwan and
China in June 2013, opens up a wide range of service industry fields to
cross-strait investment. It has raised concerns that local businesses will
suffer, and that Taiwan will fall further under the influence of China, which
considers the self-governed island part of its territory.


In a news conference Sunday morning, Mr. Ma said that legislative approval of
the pact was important for Taiwan’s economic competitiveness, and that
rejecting the deal would threaten Taiwan’s ability to sign trade accords
with other countries. Taiwan faces higher average duties on its exports than
regional competitors like South Korea, Japan and Singapore, the president


Regional economic integration is “an unstoppable global trend,” he said. “
If we do not face this and join in the process, it will only be a matter of
time before we are eliminated from the competition.”


While Taipei is used to seeing large protests, an extended occupation of the
legislative chambers is unprecedented.


“He hasn’t really responded to our questions,” Hao Chang-cheng, a
21-year-old junior at the National Taipei University of Technology, said
after Mr. Ma’s news conference. The students seem likely to continue their
occupation of the legislature.


“I feel like we must keep continuing on,” Mr. Hao said.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
morelife:念書怎沒這麼持續?1F 03/24 14:52
feijo:推2F 03/24 14:52
gg889g8:推3F 03/24 14:53
searoar:推4F 03/24 14:53
encorej02071:某些人什麼時候可以回隔離區5F 03/24 14:53
yanggh:外媒還不夠血腥,請再血腥一點,這才是台灣真面目6F 03/24 14:53
tryangel:你怎麼知道人家念書沒有持續!?7F 03/24 14:54
lsacred:一樓好忙喔…果然黨工很認真8F 03/24 14:54
rinsoukan:推9F 03/24 14:54
divus:外媒也是見過世面的 台灣這個case應該算普通10F 03/24 14:54
pisces17th:推11F 03/24 14:54
bds3042:推12F 03/24 14:54
yanggh:黨工大概都覺得自己很敬業在工作吧^^13F 03/24 14:55
kimibear:純噓 一樓!!14F 03/24 14:55
keroromoa:總比一樓持續在鍵盤廢推文好15F 03/24 14:55
lokiishere:16F 03/24 14:55
Freeran:推17F 03/24 14:55
waterfully:這個鎮壓太平和 外媒寫起來都毫無著力點18F 03/24 14:55
ivy84010820:推19F 03/24 14:55
MATTANDLOLI:怎麼沒有人權組織出來嚴厲譴責警察暴力?20F 03/24 14:56
yanggh:外媒不覺得好像少了汽油彈嗎?雙手空空仍被打到飆血21F 03/24 14:56
s110269:一樓讀書很堅持?有考到建中、台大的程度嗎?22F 03/24 14:56
Violet5566:一樓自己書都不知道念到哪去了23F 03/24 14:56
yanggh:喔我有想過,台灣人覺得喊廢死比較高尚吧?24F 03/24 14:56
lmc66:一樓那麼會讀書 哪個學校報一下啊?25F 03/24 14:57
yanggh:大家息怒啊!一樓是真的在持續工作很敬業所以大聲啊!26F 03/24 14:57
secret1414:黨工真的很有職業道德 國民黨這錢算是花的值得27F 03/24 14:57
Omara:真正認真念書的根本不差這幾天28F 03/24 14:57
engelba:Morelife 又是你 不用上班喔29F 03/24 14:58
a5178934:124要壓下118了嗎30F 03/24 14:58
BigLarry:竟然不是訪問台科大31F 03/24 14:58
DeLarc:黨工快回家睡覺比在這邊鍵盤實在32F 03/24 14:59
encorej02071:人家已經在上班了 一天50033F 03/24 14:59
KohichiD:34F 03/24 14:59
simon00195:一樓念哪啊 念書很認真嗎 啊不就好棒棒35F 03/24 14:59
uhmeiouramu:通篇沒有寫到執政黨的黑箱作業36F 03/24 15:00
yanggh:KMT:黨部被包沒關係,啟動雲端電腦課,大家在家見習!37F 03/24 15:00
blackcateva:沒有平和 很多人流血耶38F 03/24 15:00
milkteawu:噓一樓 學生的指職責是學習 不是念書 學著捍衛國家錯了39F 03/24 15:01
cameronqoo:以後甚至不知道還能不能有黨工呢?41F 03/24 15:01
yanggh:就跟企業併購一樣,只是多了些共產黨工同事及主管^^42F 03/24 15:02
ltou:一樓哪間的??!43F 03/24 15:03
silentence:1F哈佛設影系的嗎44F 03/24 15:04
wuet:1F讀哪的?45F 03/24 15:07
annebronte:讀書如果讀到不關心國家大事不如不要讀46F 03/24 15:09
abiabi0103:請問這篇是要上紐約時報的嗎?如果是的話真的需要英文專業的人來撰寫。因為雖然你很辛苦的翻譯,但是某些地47F 03/24 15:12
gn01670782:只懂唸書而不懂關心大事 書才叫白唸了49F 03/24 15:12
abiabi0103:方語意不是很通順。如果沒有下面的中文對照有些地方會讓人誤會。希望送出給紐時的新聞可以用最貼切的語言將整件事報導。這樣才不會花了一堆錢但是對方看的不是很懂。但是謝謝你花時間翻譯!50F 03/24 15:12
olctw:希望不介意轉 http://goo.gl/bBN0Sw54F 03/24 15:14

kenny810820:北科學長推55F 03/24 15:16
wang961726:推56F 03/24 15:23
Shakerzero:正在維持民主的是這些學生,不是拿棍子的大人57F 03/24 15:28
ashinism:這篇已經上紐時了,應該也是紐時記者寫的,我只負責翻譯58F 03/24 15:40
brian0124:領十八趴當然不用上班。59F 03/24 15:42
Bluebear:學生都去革命了  一樓還在當黨工60F 03/24 16:40

(ashinism.): [外媒] 3/23紐約時報報導(附翻譯) - Gossiping板