看板 Gossiping
作者 coffee777 (小賴)
標題 [新聞] 俄羅斯巡弋飛彈炸死多國情報官
時間 Thu Sep 22 12:28:11 2016

※ Al-Alam News*[m

※ 30 Intelligence Officers Including Israelis Killed
    in Russia Missile Attack in Aleppo

※ The Russian warships in Syria's coastal waters targeted and destroyed a
foreign military operations room in Dar Ezza region in the Western part of
Aleppo near Saman mountain, killing over two dozen Israeli and western
intelligence officers.

Several US, Turkish, Saudi, Qatari and British officers were also killed
along with the Israeli officers.

The foreign officers who were killed in the Aleppo operations room were
directing the terrorists' attacks in Aleppo and Idlib.

"The Russian warships fired three Caliber missiles at the foreign officers'
coordination operations room in Dar Ezza region in the Western part of Aleppo
near Saman mountain, killing 30 Israeli and western officers," Sputnik quoted
military source in Aleppo as saying on Wednesday.

The operations room was located in the Western part of Aleppo province in the
middle of sky-high Saman Mountain and old caves. The region is deep into a
chain of mountains, FNA reports.

Earlier in September, the Syrian army units launched a preemptive strike on
the terrorists of the so-called Aleppo Operations Room in their gathering
centers near Castello road in the Northern areas of Aleppo and Mallah farms,
foiling their plots to attack the region's supply route, a source said.
The source said that the army's artillery units attacked the terrorists'
gathering centers near Castello and Mallah farms in Zahra Abdo Rabbah, Kafar
Hamra and Hurayatyn which killed and wounded dozens of militants.

Also, the Syrian air force attacked the terrorists' supply route in Northern
Aleppo towards Hayyan and Adnan as well as the supply roads in Western Aleppo
towards the North and smashed the terrorists' convoys in al-Aratab, Urom
Kobra and Maara al-Artiq which thwarted the terrorists' plots and forced many
of them flee towards the Turkish borders.

Informed media sources disclosed earlier that the Syrian army has continued
its advances in the Southern part of Aleppo, and regained control over
several strategic areas in the town of Khan Touman.
"A number of key warehouses of Khan Touman are now under the Syrian army's
control,", FNA reports.

The source noted that the Syrian air force and army's artillery units also
targeted the gathering centers and fortifications of the terrorists in Khan




4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
30 Intelligence Officers Including Israelis Killed in Russia Missile Attack in Aleppo The Russian warships in Syria's coastal waters targeted and destroyed a foreign military operations room in Dar Ezza region in the Western part of Ale ...


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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1NurtTzx (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1474518493.A.F7B.html
jkhz: 狂1F 09/22 12:28
VVizZ: 爽2F 09/22 12:28
Israfil: 好準喔~  怎麼這麼剛好命中指揮呢~3F 09/22 12:28
jomerion: 要爆惹4F 09/22 12:28
sysop5566: 台灣中士表示欣慰5F 09/22 12:28
hopeushappy: 開戰了?6F 09/22 12:29
troysky: 好恐怖 哀傷7F 09/22 12:29
zien0223: 開戰啦!!!8F 09/22 12:29
Bokolo: 美國馬要哭了9F 09/22 12:29
saltation: 誤射10F 09/22 12:29
jma306:   這就是內戰啊11F 09/22 12:29
Bokolo: 帥12F 09/22 12:29
meredith001: 雄三:13F 09/22 12:29
madeinheaven: 第三次世界大戰要來了?14F 09/22 12:29
kingrichman:  普丁:美國可以誤射,現在換我15F 09/22 12:29
HsiaoMei5566: 普大大好威喔16F 09/22 12:29
wellsc: 這沒陰嗎17F 09/22 12:29
Ilat: 其實是洞見計畫?18F 09/22 12:29
tropotato: 開幹辣 各位19F 09/22 12:29
sysop5566:  以色列猶太人 出兵聖戰20F 09/22 12:29
ynd: 開戰啦~~~~~~~~~21F 09/22 12:29
jp6jo42842u4: 美國:我們會還以顏色的22F 09/22 12:29
jma306:  幹你娘的正義伸張了23F 09/22 12:29
sakura000: 和中國同為邪惡軸心榜上第一名24F 09/22 12:29
jds2518: 開戰了25F 09/22 12:29
Bokolo: 鋼鐵人應該是有攔下炸彈才是26F 09/22 12:29
hmt17: 強爆啦27F 09/22 12:29
DON3000: 猛28F 09/22 12:30
a1091100075: 請問 以上有哪幾個家敢向俄羅斯"嚴正"抗議並制裁??29F 09/22 12:30
all0pha765: 美國: 莫斯科那邊是不是訂了一份民主?30F 09/22 12:30
hihi29: 美國馬要吞下去了嗎31F 09/22 12:30
indium111: 根本故意的32F 09/22 12:30
XXXXSOW: 好猛ㄛ33F 09/22 12:30
CloseFeather: 戰鬥民族也懂霧社34F 09/22 12:30
kingrichman: #1Nto2eYn35F 09/22 12:30
CS5566: 要開戰了嗎?36F 09/22 12:30
makakatw: 美國這樣還不開戰只會被人看破手腳37F 09/22 12:30
fallheart: 真地圖砲( ̄▽ ̄)38F 09/22 12:31
jma306:  之前美國慫恿土耳其咬人 俄羅斯可是積怨已久39F 09/22 12:31
DMW9527: 開戰啦~~~40F 09/22 12:31
akway: 哇...布丁要打第三次世界大戰了嗎?41F 09/22 12:31
sucksboy: 故意的42F 09/22 12:31
yanis: 一次吸滿仇恨值43F 09/22 12:31
jkhz: 第三次世界大戰?44F 09/22 12:31
kingrichman:  [新聞] 空襲釀敘利亞政府軍傷亡 美國:遺憾45F 09/22 12:31
hmt17:  [新聞] 空襲釀敘利亞政府軍傷亡 美國:遺憾46F 09/22 12:31
funkD: 誤射囉  大概是回報上次老米故意打政府軍47F 09/22 12:31
truewater: 開打啦48F 09/22 12:31
sakura000: 沒國際觀 俄羅斯早就被持續制裁了49F 09/22 12:31
s0930194: 一次拉滿仇恨值XDDDDD50F 09/22 12:31
issac10383: 棒高調51F 09/22 12:31
KTHID: 狂52F 09/22 12:31
flyover01: 哼哼,還是輸雄三一大截53F 09/22 12:32
dreamerV: 看  GG了 WWW354F 09/22 12:32
greenmaplex: 誤射,這一切都是誤會55F 09/22 12:32
GermanNavy: 依法行政 謝謝指教56F 09/22 12:32
doomhammer: 超爽的 那艘船幾顆星星了...?57F 09/22 12:32
tonyfenny321: gg58F 09/22 12:32
kingrichman:  [新聞] 空襲不小心釀美軍傷亡      普丁:遺憾59F 09/22 12:32
chadzen: 射射射,射射射..60F 09/22 12:32
l23456789O: 俄羅斯中士按的61F 09/22 12:32
koreapig5566: 美國要選舉不敢打啦62F 09/22 12:32
ian90911: 扯63F 09/22 12:32
newstyle: 俄:只能說遺憾64F 09/22 12:32
all0pha765: 俄羅斯中士XD65F 09/22 12:33
shi0520: 把俄羅斯滅掉吧66F 09/22 12:33
ian41360: V3火箭車買等啦!!67F 09/22 12:33
raepopo: 戰鬥民族開戰囉68F 09/22 12:33
egg781: 人家射飛彈打情報官~我們射飛彈打死自家漁民69F 09/22 12:33
swampcypress: 噢!噢!噢!要開始了嗎?70F 09/22 12:33
jma306:   拍寫  瞄錯了71F 09/22 12:33
akway: 飛機投彈就算了 巡弋飛彈最好可以誤射72F 09/22 12:33
magic1104: 幫川普拉票73F 09/22 12:33
XXXXSOW: ww3完了 我還沒破處74F 09/22 12:33
kingrichman:  普丁會說以為那是IS基地75F 09/22 12:33
newstyle: 聯合指揮所耶,擺明就是故意的76F 09/22 12:33
smalltwo: 認真說..除了卡達和土耳其以外.其他每一國都敢討公道77F 09/22 12:34
kawazakiz2: 一次全得罪光了78F 09/22 12:34
ga617472: 開戰啦!!!!79F 09/22 12:34
idunhav1: 世界大戰啦80F 09/22 12:34
chinhan1216: 反正不可能開戰 起碼要千死81F 09/22 12:34
Shakerzero: 沒想到ww3是這樣開始的82F 09/22 12:34
wacat: 戰鬥民族83F 09/22 12:34
rainbow321: 幹 這太屌了……………84F 09/22 12:34
Oxhorn: 北極熊要單挑全世界了85F 09/22 12:34
idunhav1: 美軍當年也是精準的誤炸中國駐南斯拉夫大使館86F 09/22 12:34
kingrichman:  普丁真的有夠霸氣,一次惹超多國家87F 09/22 12:34
COOLTARO: 幹神坦,群嘲開下去仇恨滿惹大家集火啊88F 09/22 12:34
Simonfenix: 雄3解套了89F 09/22 12:35
penolove: wtf90F 09/22 12:35
vikingman: 要戰了嗎91F 09/22 12:35
blackbigbig: 正義從天而降~~~厄92F 09/22 12:35
rainbow321: 所有國家一次滿足93F 09/22 12:35
a78012023: 歐巴馬會吞下去嗎94F 09/22 12:35
raepopo: ISIS:幹!ww3的頭香被搶了QQ95F 09/22 12:35
dWoWb: ww3開戰囉96F 09/22 12:35
OUIUO: 誤射誤射。97F 09/22 12:35
killla: 開戰啦~98F 09/22 12:35
kingrichman:  歐巴馬都要退休了,要問川普好嗎?99F 09/22 12:35
ibanes: 學杜特蒂?  美其名叫反恐,實際上在整肅對手403F 09/22 17:24
andy58320: FallOut:Real404F 09/22 17:29
CORSA: 真不愧是新中国的中央政府.......405F 09/22 17:44
ahole: 我國海軍領先全球406F 09/22 17:45
retrud: 大誤射時代到了 要爆炸前可以發廢文壓壓驚407F 09/22 18:06

作者 coffee777 的最新發文:
(coffee777.): [新聞] 俄羅斯巡弋飛彈炸死多國情報官 - Gossiping板