看板 Gossiping
作者 pqoiwe1994 (pqoiwe1994)
標題 [新聞] 世界衛生組織:約不到炮是身心障礙
時間 Fri Oct 21 01:55:47 2016

Daily Express

Failure to find a sexual partner is now a DISABILITY says WHO

Until now, infertility - the failure to achieve pregnancy after 12 months or
more of regular unprotected sex - was considered a disability.

But now in dramatic move the World Health Organisation will change the
standard to suggest that a person who is unable to find a suitable sexual
partner or is lacking a sexual relationship to have children - will now be
equally classified as disabled.

WHO says the change will give every individual “the right to reproduce”.

4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Failure to find a sexual partner is now a DISABILITY says World Health Organisation | UK | News | Daily Express
PEOPLE who don’t have sex or struggle to find a sexual partner to have children with will now be considered as DISABLED, according to barmy new guidel ...



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GSHARP: 嗆夠了沒1F 10/21 01:56
andy02: 搶購了沒~2F 10/21 01:56
limoncool: 不就公然歧視肥宅Zzzzzzzzz3F 10/21 01:56
XXXXLAY: 亂翻譯4F 10/21 01:56
sakaizawa: 幹 好嗆喔5F 10/21 01:56
CYL009: 找不到合適性伴侶以致無法生小孩的人,也同樣被歸類為殘廢6F 10/21 01:57
nousgu: 幹 那發給我殘障手冊阿7F 10/21 01:57
MIG29lliwA: 我怎麼哭了8F 10/21 01:57
CYL009: HI 殘廢們  你們好啊                                 幹9F 10/21 01:57
twpost: 什麼時候要放發手冊給我?10F 10/21 01:58
MAXcafe: 你在翻譯沙咪碗粿!?11F 10/21 01:58
LNGOGO: 現在是怎樣 單身算疾病要管制就對了QQ12F 10/21 01:58
Tiguru: 幹 嗆我嗆夠了沒QQ13F 10/21 01:59
judypan1024: 喔…所以世衛沒有基督徒……14F 10/21 01:59
dklash: 幹 WHO才殘廢  WHO全家都殘廢 幹15F 10/21 01:59
onkyo: 白癡學者的組織16F 10/21 02:00
Nurvay: 終於要立法強制國高中現場配對學習了嗎? 不然殘廢越來越多17F 10/21 02:00
onkyo: 強姦合法化指日可待18F 10/21 02:02
mengertsai: 快給我殘障手冊19F 10/21 02:03
onkyo: 買高鐵有半價20F 10/21 02:04
coldcolour: WTF....21F 10/21 02:05
t340081231: 幹22F 10/21 02:13
augustues: 這個版滿地的殘障欸23F 10/21 02:13
alen0303: 幹 全殘崩潰噓24F 10/21 02:17
DarkerDuck: 什麼時候要發生子卡??25F 10/21 02:17
alen0303: 往好處想 以後能領殘障手冊享受福利了呢^^26F 10/21 02:18
woowoo66NO1: 三小喇  三小喇   三小喇   幹!27F 10/21 02:18
thigefe: 可領殘障手冊嗎28F 10/21 02:20
cady69: ok   那我可以領殘障手冊了   這樣可以免疫嗎?29F 10/21 02:32
tomisboy1: 我是殘障我要領津貼30F 10/21 02:36
jungle01: 好險我有炮友(低調)31F 10/21 02:48
mis1114: 可以領錢嗎32F 10/21 03:03
hitsukiaoi: 幹 快給我殘障手冊 直接驗退33F 10/21 03:16
biolive30: 原來我是殘障 (淚奔)34F 10/21 03:37
JarvanII: 那手冊去哪申請35F 10/21 05:51
en5151: 嗆啥洨!!36F 10/21 08:45
milkwind: 這裡八成都是身心殘障@@a37F 10/21 09:39
mido: 幹 連聯合國都要嗆我38F 10/21 12:27
guogu: 所以能發殘障手冊給我了嘛?39F 10/21 20:29
Tattos: ++ 快多給我幾份40F 10/21 20:50
Banrin: 嗆夠了沒有41F 10/21 20:57
a200650305: 哭了42F 10/21 21:19
jasonchangki: 臺灣連觀察員都不是不適用此規定
表示你殘障也沒辦法領身心障礙手冊43F 10/21 21:40

(pqoiwe1994.): [新聞] 世界衛生組織:約不到炮是身心障礙 - Gossiping板