看板 Gossiping
作者 kerkers (白白)
標題 [問卦] 雖敗猶榮的英文怎麼表示呢
時間 Wed Mar  8 21:53:17 2017








※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Om0pGwl (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1488981200.A.EAF.html
sober716: fried dumpling1F 03/08 21:53
lolic: no win but good2F 03/08 21:53
iphone15: Sui3F 03/08 21:53
nestea911399: 一樓正姐4F 03/08 21:53
i689tw: fried dumplings5F 03/08 21:53
nawy798546: su e fun6F 03/08 21:54
yiersan: tough loss7F 03/08 21:54
duece0927: fried dumpling tastes good8F 03/08 21:54
gbcg9725: four sea swim dragon9F 03/08 21:54
iphone15: Chinese Taipei10F 03/08 21:54
s9623452: loser in bejin is also a loser11F 03/08 21:54
Xhocer: fuck dumpling12F 03/08 21:54
Elmore: chinese taipei13F 03/08 21:54
aria0207: eat fried dumpling14F 03/08 21:54
wind1729: three bye you long15F 03/08 21:54
Gaujing: go down swinging16F 03/08 21:54
moai513: 告敗呦隆乳17F 03/08 21:54
yiersan: tough loss swimming dragon18F 03/08 21:55
jschen01711: But lose oil dragon19F 03/08 21:55
iphone15: Glorious Defeat20F 03/08 21:55
wade0928: Loser is good21F 03/08 21:55
Gaujing: glorious defeat or  gallant defeat22F 03/08 21:55
China666: Taiwan baseball23F 03/08 21:55
yiersan: 2016 warriors24F 03/08 21:55
EXZUSIC: Taiwan baseball25F 03/08 21:56
ases60909: Chinese Taipei26F 03/08 21:56
LoveStreet: Gyoza27F 03/08 21:57
koreawargod: say buy you long28F 03/08 21:57
daliares: CHEN H W29F 03/08 21:57
mild7no1: 你不愛歹丸>< 雖敗猶榮>< 輸的精彩><30F 03/08 21:57
chloeslover: it's complicated31F 03/08 21:58
qozxcv: Taiwan no. 132F 03/08 21:58
Icanmakeit: lao ben ten dumplings plz33F 03/08 21:58
paul26277: water lose oil dragon34F 03/08 21:59
meatbear: 不就是GG35F 03/08 22:00
loveyoucheng: fried dumplings36F 03/08 22:00
ElrosHsun: four sea swim dragon37F 03/08 22:00
theword: FeelsGoodMan38F 03/08 22:01
kohanchen: honorous defeat39F 03/08 22:01
pcafu: Lose but Oh Ya40F 03/08 22:03
freeyan0422: UCCU41F 03/08 22:03
muteki: respective loser42F 03/08 22:03
machiusheng: fuck loser43F 03/08 22:04
larenz86: lose the game closely44F 03/08 22:04
BradleyBeal: full of shit45F 03/08 22:04
paul26277: It's Chinese Taipei.46F 03/08 22:05
avans: AMD47F 03/08 22:06
nevuij: Eight squares cloud gather48F 03/08 22:08
lod2234: losser49F 03/08 22:08
tupacshkur: ============= A gallant or glorious defeat =======50F 03/08 22:10
hipmyhop: ROC51F 03/08 22:10
revive25: Loser is very nice52F 03/08 22:11
Baitman: the more we lose the more we win53F 03/08 22:14
jacky8161: An enemy is godlike54F 03/08 22:19
ncshue84: The king of loser55F 03/08 22:22
BlaBlaBon: guotei56F 03/08 22:23
FB5566: Loser like dragon.....57F 03/08 22:23
circusconan: Sweet by yolong58F 03/08 22:26
apple7685: Chinese Taipei59F 03/08 22:26
Edaw: GG WP60F 03/08 22:27
sc77: sweet bite your wrong61F 03/08 22:29
iam18qt: Orgasm62F 03/08 22:32
metcc80211: fuck me63F 03/08 22:33
SiFox: lose but happy64F 03/08 22:33
candysagaboy: eat go te65F 03/08 22:35
PF30: haha Taiwan baseball haha66F 03/08 22:35
jmss50894: 我來 eight avenues assembly clouds67F 03/08 22:36
yuya0519: ikea68F 03/08 22:38
candysagaboy: useless shit69F 03/08 22:39
jason17748: Guotei delicious70F 03/08 22:39
Megatron: what a loser u r71F 03/08 22:43
morgankhs: China Taipei72F 03/08 22:46
GP01: 誰幫翻譯一下"棒協的擋箭牌"73F 03/08 22:46
playtrunk: lose with dignity,認真說74F 03/08 22:49
LouisLSYA: for fun75F 03/08 22:49
candysagaboy: protector of baseball league76F 03/08 22:51
joshua5201: Fried Dumplings77F 03/08 22:52
candysagaboy: whatafukilouzauar78F 03/08 22:52
domiso: Pathetic loser79F 03/08 22:58
paul26277: victim of bond shit80F 03/08 23:00
j900414: say bye yo long81F 03/08 23:04
coldgotosbb: 英文:拚到最後一刻,就是台灣精神。82F 03/08 23:07
lampapompa: Eat shit happily.83F 03/08 23:09
vi000246: make friend84F 03/08 23:12
beypola: loser85F 03/08 23:13
kileess: masterbation of a loser86F 03/08 23:17
pro33342: loser87F 03/08 23:21
itachi0609: loser88F 03/08 23:22
ekjl: glorious failures89F 03/08 23:26
yayaputin: lose with honor?
vegetable bird90F 03/08 23:30
Megatron: baby lose92F 03/08 23:42
a23644910: 認真回 loss with honor
打錯 lose93F 03/08 23:44
tiannong: She high you long95F 03/08 23:48
imaclone: Good games GG96F 03/09 00:04
ezorttc: Proud Loser97F 03/09 00:09
prestigejoM: ikey98F 03/09 00:11
ptckimo: GG99F 03/09 00:17
Kenqr: say buy you long100F 03/09 00:21
Miralles: pathetic loser101F 03/09 00:26
dummydoll: Motherfucker loser102F 03/09 00:45
MaySnowEE: Chinese Taipei103F 03/09 00:56
a2712802: glory flailure104F 03/09 00:59
Taiwanpoker: Be happy we lost105F 03/09 01:19
yunhan: chinese taipei fried dumpling106F 03/09 03:04
forgodsake: GGWP107F 03/09 03:13
akay08: China Ghost Taipei108F 03/09 03:47
gicofe1009: honorable fail109F 03/09 05:43
goofygoober: taiwan WBC110F 03/09 08:39
furryballs: lose but Jew pride111F 03/09 09:28
l26921216: fried dumpling112F 03/09 09:55

(kerkers.): [問卦] 雖敗猶榮的英文怎麼表示呢 - Gossiping板